Are the conditions ready for revolution?

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So at last we have come full circle. The revolution that started on the streets four decades ago, then went underground, has returned to the streets once again.

You’ve probably become aware of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement that has spawned spin-offs in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, D.C. and supposedly a thousand other cities including Missoula, Montana.

What you probably didn’t know is that it was exactly 42 years ago this weekend when the Weatherman revolutionary organization took to the streets of Chicago to “bring the war home” — namely the war of communist-inspired “workers” against the oppressor imperialists.

The protests — called “Days of Rage” — were intended to use opposition to the Vietnam War to galvanize a true communist revolution in the streets. It was supposed to be the culmination of a resolution that came out of a National Council meeting of Students for Democratic Society the year before that demanded direct action to bring down the system.

Indeed, the resolution was titled enthusiastically (if sophomorically) “The Elections Don’t Mean Sh-t — Vote Where the Power Is — Our Power Is In The Street.”

But it turned out that the power of the Weathermen was not in the street. The Days of Rage protest was a dismal failure, resulting in a change in strategy for the next 10 years that led Bill Ayers and his fellow Weathermen to throw bombs from the shadows instead of leading protests in the streets. Then in the early 1980s, when Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Mark Rudd and other Weather Underground fugitives came up for air, a new strategy emerged that would put 1960s radicals into suits and skirts and “mainstream” them into positions of power and influence where they could “create the conditions for the development of a successful revolutionary movement and party,” as they wrote in their 1974 manifesto “Prairie Fire.”

Anyone who doesn’t think they were earnest about their vow to make a lifetime of war against the “imperial U.S.” simply hasn’t been paying attention. These people were not playing games when they took to the street or started throwing bombs, and they are not playing games today. They are deadly serious.


The goal of the protesters in the “Occupy Wall Street” movement (or at least their unacknowledged leaders) is no different than what it was in Cairo or Tripoli. Indeed, Wade Rathke called the Occupy Wall Street movement an “anti-banking jihad,” using the rhetoric of Islamic holy war to warn bankers that violence was coming. No surprise, Rathke, the founder of ACORN “community organizers” got his start as a foot soldier in Students for a Democratic Society, the precursor of the Weather Underground.

Rathke, Piven and the rest of the “generals” of this jihad want nothing less than the collapse of the American government and economy, and though they might not put President Obama in a cage the way Egypt did with President Hosni Mubarak, they would certainly do much worse to President George W. Bush should they ever get their hands on him.

… continue reading at Montana’s Daily Inter Lake.

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I wonder if Obama’s buddy Rahm Emanuel is trying to foment revolution with his draconian ”solution” to city employees overly sweet deals with regards free parking, car washing, parking tickets?
His ”solution?”

All Chicago city employees will be required to take public transportation to meetings and assignments during the work day or explain why not, under a strict new mileage and travel reimbursement policy!

For the first time, city employees who need to go somewhere during the work day will be required to use public transportation. If that’s not possible—either because of timing, location or security—they will be required to explain those reasons on reimbursement forms.

The use of personal vehicles will be discouraged. Detailed reimbursement forms will include beginning and ending odometer readings listing all locations visited, along with a map that shows miles traveled. The city will also establish daily minimums and maximums, along with a maximum monthly reimbursement.
Just think if a Republican had done that!

@#1″just think if a Republican does that” – Any Dem/Liberal in a State/City government gets twisted when Republicans “Need to crack down on Abuse and Corruption”…these workers continually push the envelope, after all, it’s not “their” money and they “feel” they are entitled to it…. Look at all the slack Gov. Christie took when he fired all those people from the Passiac Valley (NJ) Sewerage Commission when he found out all the abuses going on…. NJ has been notorious for all kind of Corruption within it’s Government and Gov’t entities, the UMDNJ Scandal a few years ago….I strongly suspect the Teachers Unions as well…Many in NJ Despised any Republican [Grown-ups] being in charge…. btw… Wisconsin ring any bells?

If Rahm is doing this, I still have suspicions of his ‘motives’ for doing so… this is uncharacteristic of a Dem…

The conditions are ready for a revolution, but not the kind they’re expecting…

From Aimless Obama walks alone– page two:

Harvey Golub, former chairman of American Express, called the “jobs” bill an incoherent mess.
Writing in The Wall Street Journal, he said that among other flaws, the bill includes an unheard of retroactive tax hike on the holders of municipal bonds.

“Many of us have suspected that economic illiterates were setting the economic policy of this administration,” Golub wrote, adding that the bill “reveals a depth of cluelessness that boggles the mind.”

Page oneof this same article points out that not even Senate Democrats will pass this bill.
And thank goodness.
Pass this monstrosity and learn how quickly Obama will have a real revolution on his hands.

It begins with a portrait of Obama just as the White House Insider has been portraying him: as a loner with only two people in his circle: Valerie Jarrett & David Axilrod.
Even Timmy G and Hillary C are out in the cold.

Those who wish to foment revolution needs to remember those of us who cling to our God and our guns. Revolution will send many athiest educated idiots into the void. Thanks to young horses and Mssrs. Smith and Wesson. As well as H. Winchester and some dude named Remington. There are millions of armed citizens and 100s of millions or rounds of ammo. I say bring it. We will be done with the left once and for all. The ultimate committee on un american activities.

@Nan G:

As the leftist posters here have demonstrated, economic illiteracy is rampant in their ranks.