Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was followed around a movie theatre by protestors filming her and pressuring her to say that the Israeli government was committing a genocide in Gaza.
AOC says to them “I already said that it was and you all are just going to pretend that…
— Yashar Ali (@yashar) March 5, 2024
AOC throws a total tantrum on the sidewalk in Brooklyn:
“You’re gonna cut this and you’re gonna clip this so it’s completely out of context.
I always said that it was!
And y’all gonna just pretend like it wasn’t over and over again.
It’s f-cked up man!”
Potty mouth.
— Paul A. Szypula (@Bubblebathgirl) March 5, 2024
The brightest bulb the democrats have.
She’s the “future of the Democrat party”.
As bright as a 10 Watt Bulb
Well, Sandy, that’s the risk you take when you pander to terrorist-loving racist anti-Semites.
She sure leads that “boyfriend” around like he’s an employee.
AOC listed her fiancé as a “spouse” on multiple disclosure forms filed with the House Ethics Committee despite the couple having not officially been married.
The “Squad” member indicated her fiancé, Riley Roberts, as her “spouse” on several disclosure forms concerning overseas travel between 2022 and 2023.
So, she’s doing a “fani willis” thing.
Taxpayers were paying for her sex toy’s travel internationally.
Have they legally married?
Another one of those damned white supremacists!