Its the father of a whore monger, drug addict, failure, loser, all round scum bag who learned it all from his pappy and was encouraged to be all he could be by his glorious family. Having graduated from college on the strength of his father’s position, he earned high positions based on his family’s rank rather than any talent. Again he aped his father, a known failure and manipulator to all who knew him.
The father was a draft dodger, a man who had no principles other than those of a grifter. His talents are those of a man who wishes to spend 40 years in the company of corrupt, liarers,m thieves, and corrupt individuals. This man is Brandon, the worst president since Obama, spouse of Big Mike, and king of Kenya.
Make All Graft Available.
Its the father of a whore monger, drug addict, failure, loser, all round scum bag who learned it all from his pappy and was encouraged to be all he could be by his glorious family. Having graduated from college on the strength of his father’s position, he earned high positions based on his family’s rank rather than any talent. Again he aped his father, a known failure and manipulator to all who knew him.
The father was a draft dodger, a man who had no principles other than those of a grifter. His talents are those of a man who wishes to spend 40 years in the company of corrupt, liarers,m thieves, and corrupt individuals. This man is Brandon, the worst president since Obama, spouse of Big Mike, and king of Kenya.