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Another Very Sketchy McCabe Interview – McCabe Obfuscates Details, Clouds Timeline and Embraces Gang-of-Eight…

The best thing for an examination of the 2016/2017 seditious effort is for former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe to keep talking.

In this NBC interview McCabe attempts to cleverly obfuscate the original July 31, 2016, FBI counterintelligence investigation (Crossfire Hurricane/”Spygate”) with the second investigation he launched on May 10th, 2017.

Worth noting is McCabe talks about briefing the IC congressional oversight group known as the ‘Gang of Eight’ in May 2017. [Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Devin Nunes, Adam Schiff, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Richard Burr and Mark Warner]

Here is where the actions of Paul Ryan and Adam Schiff to remove Devin Nunes from active engagement with the Russia probe in March 2017 comes into play.

Remember during the 2016 election Harry Reid was Senate Minority Leader and Gang of eight member. Also, Dianne Feinstein was vice-chair of the Senate Intel Committee and was part of the gang-of-eight; however after the 2016 election Feinstein abdicated her position and Harry Reid retired. In 2017 Harry Reid was replaced by Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein was replaced by Mark Warner.

2016 Gang of Eight  (During “Spygate”)

After the Trump inauguration Devin Nunes found out about the unmasking of Trump campaign officials (via Spygate operations) in/around March 2016. The unmasking requests were part of the Obama PDB (presidential daily briefing). After discovering the activity, and viewing the PDB material at the White House SCIF, Nunes made public statements highlighting his alarm over the unmasking issues and what was contained in the material he reviewed.

In response, and with the media/democrats having fits about Nunes statements, Speaker Paul Ryan subsequently removed Nunes from his responsibilities as Chair of the HPSCI as it pertained to specific matters involving the Russia Probe.

Therefore it is probable Nunes was carved out of the May 2017 McCabe briefing by intentional design of the overall political effort.  Someone needs to ask Nunes about this for clarity.

2017 Gang of Eight: (McCabe Briefing)

The synergy of anti-Trump politicians in positions of power (both parties) and the corrupt efforts of the intelligence community to usurp the 2016 election has always been visible. The only question has been: to what extent?

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