An undercover video released by Project Veritas on Tuesday shows a second organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) campaign whitewashing the Soviet Union’s gulags and fantasizing about Republicans being sent to “re-education camps.”
“I’m ready to start tearing bricks up,” says a man identified as Martin Weissgerber, a Sanders field organizer in South Carolina, according to hidden camera footage. “I’m no cap bro, I’ll straight up get armed. I want to learn how to shoot and go train. I’m ready for the revolution, bro.”
Next, Weissgerber is seen musing about whether Sanders should take over the legislative and judicial branches’ decision-making abilities on the issue of climate change.
“Do we just cease — do we just dissolve the Senate, House of Representatives, the judicial branch, and have someone like Bernie Sanders and a cabinet of people make all the decision on climate? I mean, I’m serious,” he says.
In another part of the video, Weissgerber suggests imprisoning Republicans in re-education camps will help the country.
“What will help is when we send all the Republicans to the re-education camps,” says the Sanders organizer. “Can you imagine Mitch McConnell? Lindsey Graham?”
After a cut, he continues with a whitewashed description of Soviet forced labor camps: “The gulags were founded as re-education camps,” he explains. “People came from America to work on the Belomorkanal, the Soviet project, for the communist project,” he continues. “It’s a beautiful thing.”
Project Veritas then displays a graphic recounting that up to 25,000 laborers died at the Belomorkanal, according to Soviet documents. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago places the number in the six-figure range, up to 250,000.
Weissgerber is the second Sanders organizer to call for sending Republicans in re-education camps. Last week, Project Veritas released undercover footage showing Kyle Jurek, a Sanders staffer in Iowa, arguing that gulags were beneficial for the Soviet Union and suggesting they could be used to re-educate both Trump voters and billionaires.
“In Nazi Germany, after the fall of the Nazi Party, there was a shit-ton of the populace that was fucking Nazified,” says Jurek. “Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their fucking people to not be Nazis,” Jurek explained. “We’re probably going to have to do the same fucking thing here. That’s kind of what all Bernie’s whole fucking like, ‘hey, free education for everybody’ because we’re going to have to teach you to not be a fucking Nazi.”
“[The] greatest way to break a fucking billionaire of their privilege and their idea that they’re superior, go and break rocks for 12 hours a day. You’re now a working class person, and you’re going to fucking learn what the means, right?” he added.
Bernie will not fire such campaign workers because they represent his views.
So, are all these red-flag frightened crybabies scrambling to put these people on no-fly/no-buy terrorist watch lists? No, they aren’t. They’re one of them, radical left wingers willing to use violence to promote their fascist agenda.
What are the odds this punk has never even mowed a yard? There’s only ONE form of “reeducation” for these fascists.
@Nan G: Hell, that’s why he hired them. You think he only loved the Soviet Union for their splendid tractors?
@Nan G:
And those of the majority of the Party. This commie just said what the rest of them think.
@Deplorable Me:
Or even worked. “Tear up bricks” and “ready for the revolution”? This mangina would soil his pants at the first sound of gunfire.
Nazi the poor brain washed idgit Nazis were socialists, it happens to be what Bernie is claiming to be. Race purification and perfection the same thing their precious Sanger was all in on.
@another vet: No that one has’nt done an hour of hard labor behind a self propelled mower.
Too bad he would make a good replacement for AOC, maybe too far right.
More Reasons Sanders should lse his American Citizenship and be deported to some other place we don’t need this socialists in America he is a traitor