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Andrew Cuomo tells woman reporter to “eat the whole sausage”


A video showing Gov. Andrew Cuomo challenging a female journalist to “eat the whole sausage” in front of him at the 2016 New York State Fair has resurfaced on social media — amid allegations the governor sexually harassed former staffers.

“I want to see you eat the whole sausage,” the Democratic governor is heard telling then-NewsChannel 9 reporter Beth Cefalu, as his daughter Michaela sits quietly next to him, according to the video shared by journalist Matt Binder.

“I don’t know if I should eat the whole sausage in front of you, but I’m definitely going to eat it,” responds Cefalu, now a reporter and anchor at News 12 Westchester.

Cuomo then invites Cefalu — who snaps a selfie with him while holding up her plate — to sit at his table.

“There’s too much sausage in that picture,” Cuomo says in the cringeworthy exchange, prompting laughter from other diners.

A third said: “When creepy met cringe.”

However, not everyone thought the governor was out of line — arguing that the clip didn’t cut the mustard as evidence of harassment.

“How could you possibly read into that when Andrew Cuomo is introducing his daughter Michaela Cuomo there?” one user asked.

Video and more at The New York Post

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