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And then there’s this: The99 Percent Declaration

The part headed IV. Suggested Content of the Petition for a Redress of Grievances is interesting.

23 suggested proposals for a Petition for Redress, and no one has a comment about any of them?

Probably no one cares because it’s the largest single collection of manure within a single document. But hey… you want to join their “party”, feel free.

Me? Phone and internet voting is corrupt and easily manipulated right from the start, so the “delegates” chosen already start off on a corrupt footing. If you don’t believe me, just ask any Ron Paul supporter. They are the masters at spamming online polls, etc.

The public does not have the right to dictate where any former public official should be allowed to be employed. And you think this is keeping with our Constitution?

They don’t like private, by choice, funding for campaigns, so they want to now add taxpayer mandates to fund them instead. Yeah… let’s add something else to our debt. Not to mention it certainly infringes on my own rights. Why should I fund campaigns for those I don’t support? In fact, today I have the right to send a donation, or not. The infestant party wants to remove that right. Obviously they have learned from unions, who can blackball you from jobs unless you join, then seize cash from your dues to pay for their lobbying which may.. or may not… be in line with your own beliefs. Not good.

Have no problem with term limits or IRS reform. I doubt the infestant party and I would agree to their suggested reforms. However we have no national referendum process, and changing term limits would likely require a Constitutional Convention. Whether that would pass… even if you could get Congress to agree to instigating it, is anyone’s guess.

Single payer government run healthcare? Never. And it is not a “right”.

Protection of the planet? Give me an ‘effin’ break.

We all want debt reduction. But like IRS reform, quite unlikely this entitlement bunch and I would agree as to how anymore than the lib/progs and GOP do now.

The only jobs that “government” creates are public sector. The only way there can be “jobs for all Americans” is if government gets out of the way. The only government contracts, using taxpayer funds, should be for those within their Constitutional authority… i.e. defense.

Student loan refinancing? What happened to their demand for forgiveness? LOL But no. The first lesson in life young adults should learn is not loading themselves down with debt they cannot pay back. If you want a college education, apply for the private scholarships, ask Mom and Dad, or get a dang job. If you obligate to a loan, be responsible and pay back your loan.

And oh yeah… get a degree in a useful subject… if you get a PhD in critical theory, the liberal arts, or political science, don’t be surprised that you have no skills when you are graduated, other than teaching others the same useless philosophy at some public university, and being a drag on taxpayers.

We all want immigration reform and better border security. Might be nice if they actually enforce the laws already on the books. But I don’t see that as their request.

The “people” do not dictate to the CiC about national security. We do not run national security or wage war by “polls”… or at least shouldn’t. The average joe blow is clueless to intel because of a need to know basis. Stupid idea. Typical anti-war drivel.

Can’t say as I disagree with the education reform. I doubt that the public education teachers will want a pay cut to match what private teachers are getting tho… LOL I also agree the curriculum sucks. But then I wasn’t the one who advocated for sex ed and tolerance classes over American History and basic economics.. hence stupid money management abounds.

Currency “manipulation” is already in play, and has always been. However this nation cannot dictate to another their monetary policy. What are these idiots smoking, and don’t they read economic news?

The “banking” reform was supposedly accomplished, tho it’s only making things worse. Can’t disagree with Glass-Steagall, or investigations and prosecutions. However what infestants don’t get is that there already are laws, and sometimes they are broken. One need only look at MF Global and Corzine to see this. What was done was already illegal. Did that stop them?

Already did a foreclosure moratorium. Again, what are they smoking and don’t they read economic news? Obama did this right after he woke up from his inaugural parties. Just kicked the can down the road. Only the free market can straighten out the housing mess created by government interference. The more they try to help, the worse it gets.

But you gotta love how these idiots want “the government” to buy up all the foreclosures, thereby saddling the taxpayers twice…. since we already own those via the GSEs. Dumb dumb and more dumb. They really must learn how the primary, secondary, MBSs etc business works. They are merely running in circles with taxpayer money shell games.

Absolute no to abolishing of electoral college. Might as well just have elections in the major cities, and no on else needs to vote. More typical socialist drivel.

Afghanistan… I believe Obama’s already got the bug out date selected… where they been, and what have they been smoking? And only the most naive believes you can bug out immediately and safely, without endangering the troops left behind. Even “surrender” has to be carefully planned for soldiers’ safety.

Defense of Marriage Act has nothing to do with whether same sex can marry, as these idiots portray. It is there solely as a definition of federal *benefits*… not a moral statement. It was also signed into law by a Dem POTUS. Again, what are they smoking, and don’t they read bills so they understand exactly what they are?

I doubt anyone wants “censorship” of the internet. But the devil is in the details. They demand withdrawal of the Stop Online Piracy Act, but then demand the government intercede in other nation’s manipulation of the internet. I frankly doubt that they can reconcile a hands off demand with their proposed government dabbling. But I’m sure they think it all sounds good. As I said, always devil in the details.

I do not support repeal of Patriot act or FISA. I do support any abuses of either be prosecuted.

If they want their own party, have at it. But I’m sure it hasn’t occurred to them that it will be the death of the Democratic Party. Suits me.

Now, Greg… would you be curious as to just who this “the99percentdeclaration” group is? Would you be interested to know that the registrant for the domain is Michael Deutsch, Chicago attorney who described Columbia terrorists, FARC, as:

public non-violent activists with long, distinguished careers in public service, including teachers, union organizers and antiwar and community leaders,” said Michael Deutsch, a Chicago lawyer and part of a legal team defending those who believe they are being targeted by the investigation.

Deutsch, an attorney with the Chicago People’s Law office, is a bit PO’ed by the Obama/Holder DOJ, going after all those innocent types in raids who are affiliated with FARC, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. It seems even Obama and Holder find these designated terrorist groups a threat to US national security, foreign policy or economic interests.

Apparently, Mr. Deutsch does not.

Would I associate with any party or movement that had Deutsch at the top? Right about the same time I’d don a white pointy hat and attend a KKK meeting…. meaning never.

If you would, you might want to seriously question your US citizenship and belief system… like perhaps you might be a happier guy in a country more conducive to those beliefs. Perhaps FARC is hiring.

Actually, I only suggested that the 23 proposed points are interesting–not that anyone should whip out their credit card and send Michael Deutsch a donation.

@ Greg:
Well, it was interesting. There is a lot of common ground that could be worked on between the occupiers and the TEA Party. Before I go any further though, could I ask the left to quit using this phrase:

The evidence of climate change due to human activity can no longer be denied by rational people.

Science does not work this way. In science you want the truth, in politics you want to impose your will. So climate science as it stands now is political. Plus, if you want to see who really cares about the planet, look at a place after the TEA Party has gone and look at a place after the occupiers are gone.
I also don’t agree with the “healthcare is a right” issue. How can they come so close to seeing government is the problem with everything else, but miss it so much in healthcare?