TMH @ Noisy Room:
If Obamacare is the Cloward and Piven solution to health care, Amnesty is its twin in regards to immigration. The ‘new and improved’ immigration legislation being pushed by progressives on both sides of the aisle is a sure way to collapse America from within.
This monstrous bill would open the floodgates to illegal immigrants (yes, I know, “immigrant” is the wrong word, but it is what we have, so just roll with it), ushering in up to 33 million people as new American citizens over the next decade who would have preferred status over regular Americans. And this may be a conservative estimate as the bill allows for spouses and children to be brought over as well. There are a myriad of confusing, arbitrary and Marxist regulations in this 844 page bill being used to shove this long-anticipated, Communist move down America’s throat.
From the Washington Examiner:
Unless it doesn’t. A little-noticed exception in the Gang of Eight bill provides a fast track for many — possibly very many — currently illegal immigrants. Under a special provision for immigrants who have labored at least part-time in agriculture, that fast track could mean permanent residency in the U.S., and then citizenship, in half the time Rubio said. And not just for the immigrants themselves — their spouses and children, too.
A second provision in the legislation creates another fast track for illegal immigrants who came to the United States before they were 16 — the so-called Dreamers. The concept suggests youth, but the bill has no age limit for such immigrants — or their spouses and children — and despite claims that they must go to college or serve in the military to be eligible, there is an exception to that requirement as well.
What provisions of the bill that don’t strangle America with Sunstein-type over-regulation, will drown her in debt. Amnesty could cost 70 times what it would cost just to enforce the law. The ticket on this ruse, could be as high as $999 billion, whereas enforcement of laws already handling illegal immigration costs about $14 billion. The Gang of Eight are intentionally sowing the final seeds of destruction for the Republic.
Eric Holder is all for that, calling Amnesty a ‘Civil Right:’
“Creating a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million unauthorized immigrants in this country is essential. The way we treat our friends and neighbors who are undocumented – by creating a mechanism for them to earn citizenship and move out of the shadows – transcends the issue of immigration status. This is a matter of civil and human rights. It is about who we are as a nation. And it goes to the core of our treasured American principle of equal opportunity.”
The Amnesty bill will also open the door for a whole raft of Constitutional rights infringements with the creation of databases that track all of us and which will be used against us. From David Codrea:
Noting the architects of “immigration reform” include many leading proponents of “gun control,” GOA warned the bill would expand federal intrusions to include a national ID and Brady-style checks for employment that would have the same propensity for “false positive” rejections as gun owners face on background checks, and the same bureaucratic indifference to correcting the record in a timely matter, if at all.
The bill will also gut E-Verify for years to come. Not to mention the creation of more government monolithic agencies to oversee these ‘new citizens:’
I think we have derived (over and over again) that Obama’s policies (followed as intended) would destroy the USA as we knew it.
He’s a dim bulb.
So, who is pulling his strings and what is their plan?
Then, how do we thwart it?
@Nan G:
Eric Holder’s explanation of the administration’s support for the “pathway to citizenship” is political double-speak that seeks to forgive mischief under the cover of constitutional principle. It is pandering to an anticipated constituency. It is disingenuous. The real problems are that Democrats can’t afford to lose one of their most loyal constituencies and Republicans can’t afford to lose cheap labor. Neither party has the political stomach to round up and ship home the millions who have come here illegally. Some would try to find a practical fix for the problem, others would not.
Labeling the proposed legislation “Marxist” and “communist” without support is more rhetorical mischief. And blaming Obama is no less, as the problem has been around longer than he, and while he informs his administration’s public position on the issue, Obama hasn’t exactly been effective when it comes to influencing congress. Each party is trying to craft a position on immigration that won’t ruin their chances in the next election, and that alone is what is behind the so-called “bipartisan effort.”
Is Obama a “dim bulb” whose strings are being pulled by shadowy hands unknown? No. He’s smart, but he’s plagued by the chronic Democrat Disease of Conflicting Priorities. He can’t make up his mind on complex issues. Republicans see things in black and white, Democrats see things in shades of grey. If he was someone else’s puppet, be’d probably be more effective. So I think that your conspiracy theory doesn’t float.
@George Wells: Bravo! Conservatives should learn something about Marxism/Communism/Socialism before they use it as simply a rhetorical ploy.
Actually, Cloward/Piven taught that the most effective way to make a free enterprise/capitalistic country socialistic and/or communistic was to act incrementally.
Hagel wrote about it in these terms:
Thesis (their original ideal)
Antithesis (their straw-man version of the opposition’s ideal)
Synthesis (their so-called compromise solution that takes the country slowly toward their ultimate goal)
The communists adopted this, as those of us old enough to recall, when Nikita Khrushchev opined at the UN when he pounded his shoe on a desk and screamed at the US Ambassador: We will bury you!
He knew it was only a matter of time even though our president Kennedy was very conservative compared with Dems of today!
@Nan G:
“the most effective way to make a free enterprise/capitalistic country socialistic and/or communistic was to act incrementally.” The exact same thing can be said in reverse.
We see this happening in China, where their economy floundered until they adopted SOME capitalist features. Now their hybrid economy threatens us like purely communist ones never did.
Either way, giant steps are rarely as effective as little steps. Little steps allow for consolidation of position, while giant steps do not. Little steps are tactically superior to giant steps unless you have a nuclear bomb and your opponent does not.
And what ever came of Nikita Khrushchev’s rant? The Soviet Union collapsed. I’m afraid I missed the point that you were trying to make…
if only they where all SPANISH, but they are only 55% of spanish among them there are the other
taught them to hate, they arrive, humble like lambs, but they are out to hurt
as soon as they find themselve numerous enough to demand their right to bring in the SHARIA in AMERICAN COURT OF LAW, this has already begun.
Actually, the best way to insure that America will one day be a dyed-in-the-wool socialist country is to outlaw both abortion and birth control. While relatively few youngsters have the sense to exercise sexual restraint, the ones that do are more often than not the children of the better-off. Look at the percentages of unwed mothers by class and/or by race – poor Afro-Americans (or whatever is their preferred nom-de-jour) win the race hands down. And which party (if any) do you think those poor dumb bastards are going to vote for? Republican? (OK, you get one more guess.)
If Republicans ever want to see a decline in the number of Democrats, they should start paying 100% of the cost of birth control AND of getting an abortion.
Ahhhhh, but then there’s that “sanctity of life” thing, isn’t there. Means “life is sacred,” which in turn means that the giving and taking of life belongs exclusively to God. Which is why Republicans back the “death penalty.” Wait a minute…
Oh YES! Republicans are against publically subsidized birth control and against abortion, both of which are things that tend to reduce the number of baby Democrats being born relative to the number of baby Republicans. So if the Republicans get what they want, there will be more and more Democrats which is exactly what they wan… wait a minute…
This isn’t quite making sense. Implimentation of the “Republican Platform” will guarantee the ascendency of the Democratic Party and the consequential socialization of the United States. Democrats will have Republicans to thank. Republican strategy is… “interesting”…
Oh, golly gee, let’s just fund the killing of more babies, created by those barely out of childhood themselves, because hey, we’re only killing future Democrats, right? Perhaps we can give Kermit Gosnell an award for his efforts in dimishing the numbers of Democrats.
Forget teaching people the concept of personal responsibility and moral living. Forget teaching people that there is a reaction for every action and they are responsible for their own actions. Big Brother is here to take care of you and the only cost is your personal freedom.
Too bad the Dems haven’t figured out how to surgically remove STDs like Gosnell did viable babies.
If a gay “gene” is ever discovered, and women start aborting their unborn children because they don’t want a “queer” kid, watch how quickly George’s tune changes. Nevermind that abortion is a henious practice that is nothing more than genocide.,
Hey, You know this stuff isn’t MY “agenda.” I’m just pointing out a couple of slippery paradoxes in what Republicans stand for.
Is life “sacred” or isn’t it? You seem to want it both ways.
You want more intellegent voters and fewer STUPID ones, how do YOU think you’re gonna get them? Who’s gonna TEACH them? With a working mother and no father to be found, the kid’s out on the street, learning everything wrong – who’s gonna teach them? Private schools? They won’t go. One lost generation after the next, a cycle of poverty.
There are a multitude of profound problems facing this nation. Sarcasm isn’t the answer, but that’s all you have to offer.
@George Wells:
Don’t parse words with me, George. Human life is sacred. But for those who forfeit their humanity, no. That is why we have the death penalty. You want to see an example of those who forfeit their humanity? Google Channon Christian. Tell me her murderers were still human. Tell me Kermit Gosnell has retained his humanity. He is no better than an animal. Just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao. Animals.
They are called “teachers.” Except the “teachers” are so busy teaching “diversity” that they no longer teach personal responsibility. You also seem to think that if a mother is working, and she is a single parent, she can’t teach her children personal responsibility. You hold great disdain for the poor, don’t you? Perhaps you should ask Walter Williams, Clarance Thomas and Ben Carson if a poor, single parent can teach personal responsibility.
Stick to discussing sodomy, George. That’s your line of expertise.
George Wells
you forgot someone, THE ELEVEN MILLIONS ILLEGALS they want to legalize
to have more DEMOCRATS, and to replace the unborn future AMERICANS
he has the agenda because of promoting the eradication of the ROOTED AMERICANS
is the best proof you can get,
and the UN taking posession of it’s power, and naming OBAMA it’s DICTATOR representing the UN WORLD ORGANIZATION, and distributing the wealth and treasures of AMERICANS
nuts? who me?
after what I have seen of infiltration, and the way the PEOPLE are lie to, and neglected, it look reality,
of a near future,
unless unless unless
does the PEOPLE have enough juice to prevent it in time,
Ah, yes, HE died and left YOU in charge of determining who is “human” and who is not. Convenient. Judge not least ye be judged. Hitler et. al. will stand before HIM on judgement day, not before YOU. Lock him up for a thousand years, but his life belongs to God alone. Such hubris you display!
“They are called “teachers.” Except the “teachers” are so busy teaching “diversity” that they no longer teach personal responsibility. You also seem to think that if a mother is working, and she is a single parent, she can’t teach her children personal responsibility. You hold great disdain for the poor, don’t you? Perhaps you should ask Walter Williams, Clarance Thomas and Ben Carson if a poor, single parent can teach personal responsibility.”
Sure there are plenty of exceptions to the generalization I made. Good for you to notice. But you cannot dispute the truth of the generalization: that the education of the poor is failing in balance, else where are so many of your vile Democrats coming from???? And you did not dispute it. Yes, an answer would be better teaching, but that begins at home, and nobody’s there. And half the time the kid never gets to school. I hold them in no distain – I LOVE them! They vote Democrat (when they vote) bless their hearts. But even if I DID despise them, that would be irrelevant to my argument that the educational system in this country is failing them, and you have no answer to THAT. You must try harder!
The hoards of Democrats you hate so dearly are your own doing. I would have thought that you’d have seen it coming and would have been better prepared. But you have been so distracted by “sodomites” that you missed the collapse of your entire culture. Pity.
You are of course correct that I didn’t bother to mention the illegal Mexicans. The omission wasn’t intentional, they just aren’t a part of the point I was attempting to make to retire05. But I think that you have it a bit garbled when you suggest the White House might become a mosque. It would sooner become a hacienda, perhaps with a nice palapa in the back. But I wouldn’t blame Obama for that. The American presidents who pulled down the walls one after another were Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush. The barn doors are all gone now, gone before Obama ’08. The livestock (the jobs) have fled abroad, and the hoards are upon us like mosquitoes at dusk. A flood. Too late for sand bags. It is what it is. And Obama may be loved abroad, but nobody thinks that he has any real power, so he isn’t ever going to be “King of the World” or anything like that. History will remember him as being the first black president, the best president EVER for gays, the president who killed Bin Laden, and the president who tried to fix health-care but what he did didn’t fix health-care. That’ll be about all.
@George Wells:
You claim to be an atheist. On what ground do you lecture me, a Christian, on the teachings of Jesus Christ? Hypocrite doesn’t begin to describe you, George. So I guess I can safely say that you disagree with Obama’s killing of Osama bin Laden, and all the other terrorists he had slaughtered with drone attacks since you believe that their lives belong to God?
You noticed, eh? And where do most of those “poor” reside? In the metro areas that are basically controlled by DEMOCRATS. Gee, think there might be some correlation there? Take a look at any large city, where the majority of the poor reside and look who controls the education in those cities: DEMOCRATS, from Chicago, to LA, to New York. DEMOCRATS.
But wait, didn’t Hillary Clinton tell us that it takes a village? Why would you place so much emphasis on parents when Democrats feel the goverment is the answer, not parents. Remember, it was a Democrat that made fathers unimportant, and stated the government, not parents, would be responsible for the raising of children.
Nevermind that a whole generation grew up without fathers and didn’t turn into “kid’s out on the street, learning everything wrong.” Their fathers were left on Batan, Iwo Jima, in Normany, the South Pacific, and in France. So what changed? The removal of responsibility of fathers by the Democrat led government.
In order for you to believe that, you have to totally ignore history. You also have to ignore that there are no more Democrats, just Socialists who call themselves Democrats. You know, those like Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. and Hillary Clinton who supported the teachings of the Marxist Saul Alinsky, and the Socialist Bernie Sanders who created the Democrat Progressive Caucus.
Like I said, stick to sodomy.
George Wells
I was painting a future very troubling, from my observation,
you took him for his word , you think he is the best for the GAIS, check again
he talk a lot and promised a lot but does not activate nothing in a secure manner ,
so don’t be disappointed of the outcome at the end it won’t change anything,
THE STATES ARE MORE THE OWNER OF THAT, they won’t give their rights to the FEDERAL,
Now YOU are the liar. You will find nowhere did I EVER “claim to be an atheist.” I am not an atheist. In fact, I EXPLAINED that anyone who argues that there is no God is an ignorant fool, because there is absolutely no way to prove that God does not exist. In fact, a mathematical, logical proof that ANYTHING does not exist is impossible. Your imagination is getting the better of you.
It is true that I often speak harshly of the World’s religions. That is not because I have no faith. It is precisely because I HAVE studied World religions enough to know that they cannot all be right – in fact, most of them HAVE to be at least somewhat wrong, and there’s a chance that they all got most of it wrong. I attribute the mistakes to human error, and it’s in the “organized” part that organized religion concentrates most of its errors.
I see and commune with God daily. I don’t have to hold hands and sing or prey in unison like sheep, or fight a crusade to prove my faith. I have read the Bible and a bunch of other books about the Bible, and I know what it is and what it isn’t. And as you choose to base much of your moral opprobrium on scripture, I will damned well use the same context to reveal inconsistencies in Republican philosophy. Either life is sacred or it is not. I didn’t say that it IS sacred, and I didn’t say that it is not. You jump to so many incorrect conclusions. But it has to be one or the other, and you have it both ways. Make up your mind!
And what’s with all the crying about Democrats in big cities? The Democrats that YOU made are there, and they elect Democrats. Are you surprised? Bears and rats go to the cities because that’s where the free food is. Is there a conspiracy in it? Not really. More like common sense.
And what’s with your grousing about calling them “Democrats” instead of “socialists”? What’s the difference? They are what they are. You’re still stuck on labels. Calling me or calling Democrats names that you think are insulting – or that you think are correct – doesn’t add merit to your arguments. In fact, it suggests that you have nothing better to offer.
George Wells
I’m glad you’re not an ATHEIST
they are feeling big, thinking they can be bigger, associate with the MUSLIMS in pissing on the CHRISTIANS,
they are showing how tormented they are without GOD, it’s their choice but they should respect the CHRISTIANS, if they want to be counted, they are causing trouble to the GOD LOVING MILITARY,
by complaining on the other CHRISTIANS,
the ATHEIST try to bring more unbelievers, but try to stop the other to profess their love of GOD
one word for them, STIFU, and shut up,
First, watch and see if retire05 can find where I “claimed to be an athiest.” Either he will ignore the fact that he mis-spoke, or he will attempt to excuse it as a genetralization by claiming that any rational person would INFER that I was an athiest by my comments. LOL.
Per your admonishment that Obama has done nothing for gay people, wrong. He pushed for and got congress to reverse the “Don’t-Ask, Don’t Tell” legislation, and while that is only as “secure” as any legislation ever is, a reversal later would bring terrible legal troubles and not likely survive a trip to the SCOTUS. Reversing “Dont-Ask, Don’t-Tell” was something that a Republican president would not have done. Obama sent “amicus briefs” to the SCOTUS supporting gays regarding the two cases presently being decided, and no Republican president would have done that. And Obama has publically supported gay marriage, which no other president or presidential candidate has EVER done. The president does not make the Law, but Obama has done more than any other president has ever done for gay civil rights. No Republican president has ever done ANYTHING for gay people, period. (You can tell me any time if I’m wrong on this…) W. pushed for a constitutional amendment AGAINST gay marriage. At first Clinton tried to reverse “Don’t-Ask, Don’t-Tell” but was pushed back, and then he signed DOMA. Reagan wouldn’t even speak about gays, like it made his tongue burn. And if Romney had won, do you think HE’D be pushing for gay rights? No, for all his flaws (and he has many) Obama has been very good to us. He has my eternal gratitude.
George Wells
are you living in a dream land with your gratitude to OBAMA?
and what did don’t tell gave you?
not much hey? he gave you crumbs, is that enough to rejoice,
and you now are talking for the REPUBLICANS? you are sure of what they can do?
you’re not in their skin, you can give them your voice that they would never do it,
you only presume, but you know for sure you never where put to shame by the REPUBLICAN,
and they are smart enough not to pretend to give you something like that “DON”T TELL”
the republican don’t play the crap game with PEOPLE, they have the respect which you did not get on the other side, you only got humiliation with crumbs,
don’t come here and bash the REPUBLICANS, they have more class
@George Wells:
OK, so you are not an athesist. We have that cleared up. Happy?
Really? And what do you say to God? “Hey, God, screw you and your laws against sodomy?”
So those who gather in His Name, and sing his praises, are sheep to you? Hey, your tolerance level is overwhelming. Bigot.
So you can provide my quotes using scripture against your unnatural/immoral life style where? Your lies are never ending, aren’t they?
I’m glad you acknowledge that there is absolutely no difference between the modern day Democrat and Socialists. It is a beginning. Yet, you vote for the Democrat Socialists.
And the only thing you seem to have to offer is just more queer blatherings. (I know that calling you queer, which is what gays call each other, will really set you off. ) So please, provide us some more humor for the day in another one of your absurd rants.
George Wells
yes I as very angry, to see two brothers each lost a leg and one lost the toes on the other,
they are in the 30 years, and where in the run, and after the first bomb they tried to help people
jump over the gate when the second blew up right on them,
it does reach you to the core to see that and they are so good people, and there are many other,
how else can one feel but ANGER,
Happy? I’m positively GAY! LOL!
“Queer” set ME off? Not at all. When I talked about “Gay Marriage” and “Marriage Equality,” somebody complained and wanted me to call it “Homosexual Marriage,” so I started to use that term. I agree that, clinically, it is the most correct term. When you wanted to talk about “Sodomy” and “Sodomites,” I started to use that term. (I usually don’t.) Labels don’t mean squat to me. Call me a “Fag” if you want – no matter. I get that you are addressing me and that you don’t like me, and I appreciate your honesty. I DO wonder if you call women “Sodomites,” as most of them have performed fellatio from time to time, and fellatio is sodomy, regardless of gender.
“And what do you say to God? “Hey, God, screw you and your laws against sodomy?”
God’s “Laws” were given to Moses, so the Good Book says. No mention of sodomy. Sodomy laws are man’s laws, dating back to almost forever, when stoning was in vogue. I wonder why you choose to keep some but reject other of the “dawn-of-man” ideas. Do you stone (or beat) your woman (the one you OWN) if she cuts off her hair? My God created all life and loves all life equally. And isn’t hung up on sexual behavior. I tell God the truth, and God communicates love in return. Since you asked.
“I’m glad you acknowledge that there is absolutely no difference between the modern day Democrat and Socialists. It is a beginning. Yet, you vote for the Democrat Socialists.”
Not exactly an accurate statement. There are degrees of socialists and socialisms, and there are degrees of democracies and Democrats. Equivalency of the sort you suggest by saying “absolutely no difference” does not exist. By virtue of our Social Security Administration and our Medicare and Medicaid programs, (to name but a few) we (the USA) can legitimately be classified as a “Constitutional Socialist Republic.” In-so-far as I support those programs, I suppose that it wouldn’t be inaccurate to call me a “Socialist Democrat.” It is the way I vote. But again the label thing.
Democracy can work, monarchies can work, republics can work, socialism can work, and communism can work. Bad leaders can ruin it for any of them. But it is the bad leader (like Hitler) who becomes the curse word, not the respective form of government. Your use of the word “socialism” as if it is a curse word is…curious.
George Wells
THE WORD sodomite come from the story in the BIBLE,
and SODOM WAS TOLD TO NOT LOOK BACK at the city destroyed,
and he did look and was turn into a salt statue,
it must be a JEWISH name, I’m not sure but it make sense.
and are you trying to sell us SOCIALIST COMMUNIST?
Communism in pure form has no private property – everything is “owned” collectively. Neither Russia nor China are purely communist. They ARE socialist, which means that they have some features of “capitalism” (which in pure form features equal pay for equal work) and some features of communism. The same can be said for the United States. We consider ourselves “capitalists,” but we have social security, medicare and medicaid, which are governmental agencies designed to redistribute wealth (in the name of the so-called “safety nets”) and these make us a socialism, intermediate between capitalism and communism.
I’m not trying to sell you anything. It is what it is.