America Altered

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Jason Bradley:

There has been a sweeping transformation in America ongoing since 1960. That transformation is happening demographically, the trajectory of which is set to replace the proto-historical European-American civilization with something else, a polyglot amalgam heavily drawing on sources beyond the developed world. In place of the historical pattern of assimilation into the distinctive American legacy culture and political system, triumphant multicultural doctrine is producing a political and social order found in many third world countries. When this comes to pass, America will account for the quickest and hardest fall of any Great Power in all of the world’s history.

Its tombstone shall read: Gone. A once great people no more. Dead because they murdered their country.

Within any multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual gathering masses of humanity, there are bound to be various subcultures. This is a result of non-assimilation, a meta-revolution against the historical establishment by the various antagonistic minority groups. America is such a gathering of humanity and it’s only going to get worse. Consider fiercely unassimilated third world immigrant, Hua Hsu’s, glowing essay in the Atlantic Monthly to understand a common and growing sentiment among non-white minorities.

“As a purely demographic matter, then, the ‘White America’ that Lothrop Stoddard believed in so fervently may cease to exist in 2040, 2050, or 2060, or later still. But where the culture is concerned, it’s already all but finished. Instead of the long-standing model of assimilation toward a common center, the culture is being remade in the image of White America’s multiethnic, multicolored heirs.”

Our Republic is dying a slow and agonizing death, beaten down politically, waiting for the coup de grace to be delivered by a social calamity. In the meantime, as if copying from the script of a cyborg, sci-fi flick, the Republic is being reanimated into a Robocop, police state. Its citizens are under surveillance, its agencies are in competition to know more than the other, and even its politicians are kept under tight wrap. Like any country that has lost its way, it makes up for the lack of real legitimacy by compensating with coercive force and brutality.

This is the way of all empires. That is because the people no longer freely associate themselves with its government. The divide between village, hamlet, town or state and the national seat of power is so vast they may as well reside on different planets. And so, the Republic collapses under its own weight and to the victors go the spoils.

The spoils system to speak of consists of affirmative action, institutionalized (anti-white, “anti-racism” sloganeering) discrimination, runaway illegal immigration, massive wealth transfers, racial quotas that affects education and employment performance, hate crime and hate speech laws, gerrymandered districts, refugee relocation assistance, restrictions on property, and general hostility toward any white-on-black (insert ethnic minority here) crime, while showing little regard to ethnic minority-on-ethnic minority or ethnic minority-on-white crime and violence.

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So when do we get to the tipping point?
One of the duPonts, running for President many years ago, said the American people do not act until things get really bad, then they act all at once.
What is it going to take to wake up the 2%? (This is a reference to a remark by Einstein that it took 2% of the people to make a fundamental change). No scandal will succeed. No foreign disaster will matter. No internal economic disaster will matter.
All that matter is that elections are now closely held by Dems, who print as many ballots as they need to “win” elections. Everybody has voter ID to vote but US. We don’t have it because voter ID would, if enforced, cut down on voter fraud. And voter fraud is the only way for lifetime congrescritters to stay at the food trough.
I simply cannot imagine a catastrophe severe enough to wake the country up.