Greg McDonald @ Newsmax:
Rep. Allen West lashed out Thursday against what he described as race baiting by Democrats determined to defeat his re-election bid this year and keep Mitt Romney out of the White House.
Speaking with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, the Florida Republican described a super PAC ad depicting him punching white women as racist because it portrays him as what he characterized as a “stereotypical” violent, black male.
“It has me with a gold tooth. And I think you can see from my smile, I don’t have a gold tooth,” West told Hannity. “I think that that is quite stereotypical. And then of course having me as an African-American male, punching a white senior woman and then another white woman, that is definitely not in concert with the values that I stand for.”
The ad being run by a political action committee in support of his Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy goes after West for “voting to end Medicare as we know it,” cutting women’s healthcare, and supporting a GOP budget that “has mauled middle-class families.”
“I don’t believe in violence against women. But this is what happens, Sean, when you’re in the age of [President Barack] Obama and the age [of ] the liberal progressives,” West told Hannity. “You cannot talk about the issues, they cannot run on any type of record, you cannot talk about the economy, the debt, and deficit.
I disagree that they are afraid of black Consevatives. They HATE black Conservatives. I have seen the likened to race traitors.
Much of the hate we see from the left is narcissistic rage born of a type of mental illness. That is why it so relentless.
@Hard Right: Conservatives think the know so much about liberals—their mind creates this delusion. In fact liberals don’t dislike black conservatives any more than white conservatives, or Latin conservatives, or Cuban conservatives, or Asian conservatives. Sorry to bust your bubble, but you’re just not as insightful as you think you are.
@Liberal1 (objectivity): I think you need to look up how many times Black Conservatives are called “uncle toms” by other African Americans, especially liberal ones. It’s a source of contention that goes beyond the norm.
Sorry to burst your bubble by offering insight…you’re welcome.
Stereotypical violent black male with a gold tooth. Allen, sounds like the same cats that went after Trayvon.
Wow. Two lame BS responses from lib1 and rich. Rich, how about commenting on the racist stereotype your side put out? Silly me. That would require sanity, courage, and decency. Things you have proven yourself to lack.
Lib1, thanks for making it easy.
Libs throw Oreo cookies at Steele
West called an “uncle tom”
Condi house slave
Condi is a House N****r
For you leftists, I strongly suggest you look at the cartoons and stories rather than try to dismiss them based on the sites. It could actually help your credibility.
Condi, white man’s pet
Now tell us how the left loves Conservative blacks you lying sacks…
@Hard Right:
Oh, neither one said that the left loves conservative blacks. Lib1 tried to equate the liberal/progressives’ hatred of conservative whites to conservative blacks. Of course, he disregards the “special” names conservative blacks are labeled with, as compared to conservative whites. I would say, though, that in general, I agree with him. Liberal/progressives hate ALL conservatives with equal, irrational, passion.
Where this issue becomes contentious is when discussing how blacks, of any political stripe, are treated. Conservatives treat liberal/progressive blacks with much, much more respect than liberal/progressives treat conservative blacks.
And, of course, this doesn’t just go for black Americans either. Put in any minority race, and the itallicized comment holds true. This is the secret shame that Lib1, and all liberal/progressives, will not admit. Liberal/progressives are the most racist political group in the entire country, hands down.
J.G. Perhaps you’d explain to H.R. my use of sarc. in #4. Doggone if she isn’t the stereotypical embittered right wing female.
@Richard Wheeler:
Do it yourself, Rich.