[alleged] Pederast Harry Reid caught funneling campaign funds to granddaughter

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Darleen Click:

Our government is run by top men. Top.Men.

Nothing to see. Move along.

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) plans to reimburse his campaign more than $16,000 for purchasing holiday gifts from his granddaughter’s jewelry business. 

The Federal Election Commission sent Reid’s campaign a letter last week asking it to provide more information about payments listed as “holiday gifts” on its 2013 year-end campaign finance report. The filing lists two payments in October 2013 to “Ryan Elisabeth” totaling $16,786.93.

A Reid aide confirmed that “Ryan Elisabeth” is the name of a company owned by his granddaughter Ryan Elisabeth Reid. The aide described the gifts as trinkets — coasters, picture frames, jewelry — valued at about $50 each. The aide said they were distributed to a large number of supporters and staff members.


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“Jahan Wilcox, a RNC spokesman said, who noted that Reid made similar campaign reimbursements in 2006. “One of these days Reid will learn that Nevadans don’t appreciate him using campaign money as his personal slush fund.””

I guess he figured the liberals had total control of the media by now and he wouldn’t get caught… again.

How long before he calls himself a liar?

Can you imagine if the rash of democrat politicians being charged with running slush funds for relatives (Reid), and running guns for terrorist associated groups – while pushing to take guns away from law abiding citizens, and while US troops are figbting jihadists around the world (Yee) – or 20-ish year history of sexually harassing female co-workers (Filner), or were video-taped assaulting his wife (Grayson)…..were REPUBLICANS? These stories would be the banner news headline for WEEKS running up to the election, railing against the evil culture of corruption in the GOP.

And those 4 examples are only a small portion of the dems arrested or being charged with criminal wrongdoing this past week.

Or this mayor in NC….6 months into his first term, he is caught taking bribes….OVER 4 YEARS.


and running guns for terrorist associated groups – while pushing to take guns away from law abiding citizens, and while US troops are figbting jihadists around the world (Yee)

Isn’t that just great? Push for gun control UNLESS you can make a buck off it. Oh those liberals…….

George Wells better sharpen his guillotine. He’s got a lot of corrupt Democrats to execute.