They want him gone – no matter the cost.
President Trump is up in the polls, and the Republican base is coalescing around him. DeSantis, his most formidable primary challenger, dropped from the race and endorsed President Trump on Sunday.
The globalist elites are in a panic. Trump is the greatest threat to their power over humanity in the civilized world. Something must be done.
Alex Soros is currently facing scrutiny due to his recent tweet sharing a post from the far-left The Atlantic that features a bullet hole and a sum of $47.
“Last year, the crime and inflation crises largely evaporated. So did the leading theories about what had caused them,” the caption reads.
Alex is the son of George Soros and the Chair of the Open Society, the largest donor to Democrat politics.
More at the Gateway Pundit
Alex Soros is tweeting the picture from an Atlantic article but the symbolism is clear on both parts
Little Sonny Soros should be in jail… along with his Nazi father.
If he was targeting a democrat in good standing(not RFK JR) armored up humm v’s would have been at his doorstep at 5am.
Sadly, the FBI/DOJ would rather arrest blue haired grandmothers who walked between the ropes in the Capital on January 6.
This they hope some democrat would take up the challenge and assassinate Trump like so many democrats have assassinated Presidents before in our history.
Threatening the assassination of a former President is a felony. If only there was an FBI/DOJ that would investigate this threat.
It would appear that the lawfare intended to take out President Trump is failing. It also appears that trying to defeat him for the Republican nomination has also failed. Some democrat shill late last year floated the idea of assassination if there was no other way to stop Trump.
In a ridiculous thread concerning Presidential Immunity, our resident moron greg, said under Presidential immunity, biden could have President Trump shot. democrats are desperate because they know they cannot stop President Trump from returning to office to “finish the job”.
Both he and his NAZI loving scumbag father should be air dropped back into Hungary without parachutes.
The Soros Father and Son like with the Bidens need parachuted into the Amazon with just the clothes on their backs lets see the four of them so a Lord of the Flies for real
Can we add this slime
America does not need the WEF. The WEF needs America as evidenced by them dropping on knee last week at Davos realizing President Trump will return to the WH in January of 2025.
I would like to strand this Pea-Brain in the Jungle without a GPS and with just the clothes on his back
Alex Soros is currently facing scrutiny due to his recent tweet sharing a post from the far-left The Atlantic
Georgie Jr and some asshole at the Atlantic need a little Jacking up.
Typical democrat run big city.
That this is “a direct violent threat to Donald Trump” has got to be one of the stupidest claims Gateway Pundit has ever rolled out.
Maybe a bullet hole and a handful of dirty cash relate to crime and an AK-47. Maybe it relates to Agent 47 of the Hitman video game. If you want to argue it relates to the 47th President, it could also be considered a threat to Biden. There presently is no 47.
Just go out in the garden and Eat Worms you Reptile
I would like to strand this wealthy little Globalists snot bucket in the Yukon with his rotten Dad without a GPS or UN provided Blue Helmets to protect either of them
Post Alex Soros address and photo please. Well wishers next to send him greetings.
Soros has already been swatted.
Really, kitt? You’re now carrying on fake conversations with your sock puppets?
01/09/24 – Trump team argues assassination of rivals is covered by presidential immunity –
Give a man like Trump free rein to do anything he wants, without fear of prosecution, and you’ve got dictator, plain and simple.
Forget the impeachment angle. There would be no way in hell you could impeach him, because he could also intimidate members of Congress in any way he liked, without fear of criminal prosecution.
Anyone who can’t figure this out needs remedial history and citizenship classes.
That conspiracy theory has been debunked its the Democrats that need to stop violence and retribution.
Was it republicans outside SCOTUS homes? Clawing at the doors of the court?
What “conspiracy theory”? Trump’s attorney clarified to the judge that total presidential immunity would apply even to the assassination of a political opponent. It’s part of the court record.
Criminal prosecution could only occur after successful impeachment—but a president could intimidate members of House and Senate to nullify that process. Again, he couldn’t be criminally prosecuted for doing so.
It’s total lunacy. It’s the shortcut to the sort of authoritarian rule that can only be terminated by assassination.
Here’s an audio recording of the the January 9, 2024 oral arguments. You can jump to the 8:01 mark to hear what was said for yourself. I can’t believe ANY man who advocates such presidential powers can actually be in the running for the presidency. Surely we haven’t become that stupid. But people probably thought the same thing as Hitler rose to power.
Your Still a Reptile
Why don’t you pick the side that provides benefits the American people actually want instead of constantly lying?
As we have seen, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and the Democrats have proven your accusation accurate, just misdirected towards an innocent person. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has been proven to be corrupt, a traitor, a pedophile, has stolen classified documents, has ignored the Supreme Court, has refused to have laws enforced, has been grossly derelict of duty… if the left hadn’t weaponized the justice system and if Democrats in Congress were not totally corrupt themselves, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden would be out of office and prosecuted for real crimes.
If you ever bothered to read the shit you post, you’d see that, clearly, they argued no such thing. It was the stupid scenario the radical leftist judge invented.
The courtroom exchange revealed the extreme danger of the sort of total presidential immunity Trump seeks. No person can be trusted with such license–least of all a morally defective man like Donald Trump.
Either you don’t understand the simple logic leading to this conclusion, or you’re so infatuated with Trump that you don’t care.
Would you like to live in an authoritarian police state like Russia? Putin signed a bill into law in December 2020 that gave himself and his family total immunity from criminal prosecution for life. He already had total immunity from prosecution while in office, so he now has what Trump seeks—he’s totally above the law for life.
What it shows is a complete lack of understanding by the left of how our government works. Let’s say a President orders a hit on an opponent. Let’s also assume it’s a Republican President and media would, therefore, be interested in investigating the murder. They would investigate and expose the crime, which would (this being a Republican and not a protected Democrat) lead to an impeachment. A Republican committing an actual crime would certainly lead to impeachment and removal (a Democrat would not). Thus, the former President would then be prosecuted for murder, which is not an official function of the Office of the President.
You want to make your stupid, nonsensical argument about murders and assassinations but no one… absolutely NO ONE actually understands this debate being about that. It is about, say, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden being prosecuted for ordering the murder of that innocent Afghan family in order to not look like the weak, incompetent piece of shit he really is.
biden has so much blood on his hands. Not only the innocent afghan family but the thirteen service members and now the two navy seals.
But scumbags like biden do not care. Remember he was troubled to have to be at Dover when the thirteen service members were returned. Could not help but to keep looking at his watch.
August 26, 1995 – October 14, 2011) was a 16-year-old United States citizen who was killed by a drone strike on October 14, 2011, under a policy approved by U.S. President Barack Obama.[2][3][4][5]
Abdulrahman al-Awlaki
Do you remember this oldie but goodie.
If it is good for the goose surely it is good for the gander.
The only thing impeachment can accomplish is removal from office, and it couldn’t even accomplish that if a president were free to do anything he wished to obstruct the process without fear of subsequent criminal prosecution. That’s precisely the situation that Trump’s attorneys are advocating. That’s what the judge’s question and the attorny’s answer revealed.
The killing of political opponents would be covered by total immunity from prosecution—that evil possibility and countless others lurk in the word “total”. All that a president would need to get away with murder would be some small measure of plausible deniabililty. That, together with intimidation, would effectively nullify the constitutional impeachment process.
You call everybody stupid. So tell me, what’s the logical flaw in the above argument? That’s how things work in Russia. Putin has total lifetime immunity from prosecution for all criminal acts. He kills his political opponents with impunity. If we don’t want that here, we shouldn’t let Trump open the door for it.
But when he is out of office, they can be prosecuted and, no, no one is advocating being absolved of crimes. If you are too stupid to understand the issue, maybe you should stop discussing it.
All anyone needs to get away with murder, corruption, theft, drug abuse, influence peddling, extortion, treason, pedophilia, lying to the FBI, FARA, stealing classified documents, the Mann Act, IRS violations, immigration law violations, human trafficking… is to be a Democrat when Democrats control the DoJ. Funny how you have no problem with that.
You’re not following this very closely, are you? Trump wants PERMANENT immunity that continues even after a president leaves office. How many times has that been pointed out?
No, he wants immunity for what he did as President that was in no way illegal. You pathetically desperate leftists want to prosecute Trump for anything you can imagine, which is what you’ve been doing.
Show me the declaration that they want a Hunter-style immunity for all crimes forever and ever.
He wants total and permanent immunity to wiggle out of 40 federal felony counts in Florida and 4 federal felony counts in DC.
The point of the trials is to determine the legality or illegality of what he did. That’s what they do in a courtroom. He wants no courtroom determination, because he’s guilty as sin.
Fuck you. He never said he wanted indefinite immunity.
Haley is staying in the race because she knows Trump is going down in court. Try to think happy thoughts.
Haley has all of the ambitions of Lucifer without the principles.
Collective delusion:
You copied that from kitt/Jane (who, to be honest, likely cribbed it from someone else).
We will elect him even if he goes to jail. Nothing in the constitution that says we cant.
NH called for Trump, 1 minute after the Polls closed that is crap, no time to actually count 1 vote. Sure we know Nimarata has zero chance, its simply unseemly.
The only one that goes down in court is Kamala.
The correct term is “go fuck yourself”.
His twisting of the case is just Media bullshit.
91 counts of the same thing its a count of per piece of paper, they determine that a President cant keep his own papers, or declassify them, the sock drawer case resolved that issue.
Yes I know, it is perhaps more appropriate. His lies are legend.
That is completely absurd and more importantly, President Trump nor his attorneys never said anything remotely along those lines. Taking court audio, out of context, from a question that was in essence, hypothetical, does not establish a political personal policy regarding the subject.
At the end of the day, the cases in question are meritless and will only result in conviction in a politically biased court where justice does not exist.
And look how worked up and angry Greg and those like him get over bullshit they just make up. They decide among themselves that Trump will suddenly make himself dictator, so they work themselves up into a mouth-frothing frenzy over THAT stupidity. Now they have convinced themselves he wants to murder people with impunity (who does he think he is… HILLARY?) just because he argues that things done as President in the line of duty is not prosecutable. It must be the only exercise these spoiled crybabies get.
Poor Greg never has an argument unless it is based on leftist lies.
The one about wanting permanent immunity IMO crossed my red line. As Kitt said, he can go fuck himself. greg is a worthless piece of human debris and IMHO, I question his being here promoting such a heinous lie.
Indefinite immunity is PRECISELY what he’s pushing for. He wants complete & total immunity that continues beyond term end. Read his own words. There’s no other way to interpret them.
A president with complete and total immunity for anything done while in office—even events that cross the line—could literally do anything required to remain in office, with no concern about ever being prosecuted for it.
Presidents have “properly functioned” throughout our nation’s history without full immunity. Trump seems to be the first American president ever to need it to avoid criminal prosecution.
Presidents aren’t prosecuted for making mistakes. They’ve all made mistakes. Making mistakes isn’t a felony. The problem isn’t the legal system. The problem is Donald Trump.
Yeah, funny it was never an issue until desperate, anti-American, anti-Constitutional Democrats began their lawfare campaign against Trump. So, with the precedent you are setting, Obama should be prosecuted for droning civilians, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden should be prosecuted for droning civilians, for deaths due to his open border, for the deaths in Ukraine, for the deaths in Israel, do the deaths of the US military personnel during his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, for the deaths of the two Navy SEALS, he could be sued by everyone that lost their businesses and livelihoods due to the unnecessary extension of the COVID shutdown… I could go on and on.
What if the Democrat DoJ wasn’t protecting Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden? Would you approve of anyone with a grievance suing or prosecuting him for some harm? Don’t be an idiot, if at all possible.
Trump is the problem. He promotes chaos so he can exploit it.
There would be no chaos if Democrats didn’t create it.
Prove that claim, Comrade Liar..
What’s to prove? Presidents haven’t had total immunity for 234 years and it’s never been a problem. That’s a historical fact. We’ve never needed a ruler that’s above the law. We’re a nation that’s ruled by law.
One must remind those who are too ignorant to know, biden has enriched himself by taking millions for foreign sources. Is Biden above the law?
Biden is not above the law. He doesn’t claim to be. He isn’t asking anyone for total immunity from prosecution. He’s not threatening the Supreme Court with terrible outcomes for the nation if he doesn’t get his way. He isn’t intimidating court clerks or election officials. He isn’t infatuated with authoritarian rulers.
More drivel from shithead greg
If Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is not above the law, where are the charges for him, as a Senator, stealing classified documents and improperly storing them where the CCP had ready access to them? Where is the prosecution for openly violating US foreign policy and extorting Ukraine to fire Shokin so Hunter’s no-show job with Burisma would be safe?
biden was installed and is illegitimate. We know it and the world knows it.
Where’s your “historical” documentation to your claim?
President have, and have always had, immunity while in office regarding anything thing they do, or say, while in office.
Why do you feel the need to exhibit what a total idiot you are when you refuse to back up your claims?
Where is Biden’s immunity for taking classified documents while a Senator?
Thus, the putpose of my throw down on greg last evening. He is spewing complete lies and he knows it. greg is the worst of the disingenuous shit turds.
Are you ten years old? Because you sound like it.
obama maintained a disposition matrix in the top left drawer of the resolute desk while president. It was from that list that he used drone strikes to kill two Americans overseas having not given them due process. obama, as president had immunity from those two murders as well as many others he had killed.
“obama maintained a disposition matrix in the top left drawer of the resolute desk while president.”
Really? We’re you there to see it?
Trump has already had his “immunity while in office”. That ended when his term ended.
What he wants is license for a sitting president to do anything while in office without being held accountable for it later. That’s an entirely different animal.
That would mean a president could do anything to retain office. It’s what Putin has had in Russia since 2020. Look at what it got them.
Total lie and you know it.
What’s a lie?
Lying is the act or state of making untrue statements or lying is the condition of having untrue statements
This is what happens when you argue with idiots.
Yet, we keep responding to you. I guess we’re just gluttons for punishment.
Like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is doing.
biden/obama want to start a civil war so he can cancel elections just like the dictator in Ukraine. Only dictators prevent election from happening.
If you actually believe that, you are objectively one hundred percent insane.
What do you think the purpose of vilifying a political opponent and his supporters by say he will be a dictator and his supporters are white-supremacist fascists? Is that bringing people together and calming tensions? You leftists actually believe this hateful bullshit and commence riots based upon it.
A lot of his followers *are* white supremacists. Several of you MAGAs who comment here are open, unrepentant white supremacists.
Own it or speak out against it, but don’t pretend it isn’t the case.
Really? How many? Where are they? Provide some of your stats.
Gosh, that’s AWFUL! Like who? How about some examples of unrepentant white supremacist rhetoric?
Personally, I hate white supremacy, as well as black supremacy. All racism is pretty stupid. That’s why I oppose the left, who push racism on people, use it as a weapon and do all they can to incite it.
It would appear that you didn’t read all the comments in the “death of Western Civilization” thread.
It would appear you have no response to the question asked of you so you just obfuscate, as usual.
Let me rephrase it so you will understand:
If you want to see examples of white supremacist rhetoric on this site, you can see them by reading the comments in the “decline of western civilization ” thread.
How it appears is that you, like almost every other lying, racist leftist, throw “white supremacist” out like candy thrown from a Mardi Gras float. You don’t even know what it is, you just sling it out there like the Enterprise raising its shields. Then, someone asks you for an example and it’s “Oh, just look over there somewhere and find one.”
Gutless chickenshittery. Typically leftist.
Falsifying facts doesn’t make you right, Comrade Liar.
There’s no such thing as a false fact. That makes about as much sense as “a truthful lie”.
No, it makes you left.
If presidents have always had the immunity you’re describing—in the uncertain terms you’re using—why on Earth is there a case on the topic before the Supreme Court in the year of our lord 2024?
Because the cowardly left is trying to prosecute Trump for acting as President of the United States.
They have forced President Trump to teach them something they did not learn in school because they were too busy learning about men who think they are women.
Not a single one of those lawfare farces have the slightest possibility of surviving an appeal in a non-fascist court. If you notice, they are all already falling apart. Your last desperate hope to knock Trump out of the campaign through lawfare is quickly collapsing in embarrassing failure. It is an embarrassment before the entire world that once looked upon our justice system as the best in the world. Now it’s a joke.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is the utterly corrupt traitor to this nation.
False flag.
The whole internet at your fingertips and you revel in being ignorant.
A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party. The term “false flag” originated in the 16th century as an expression meaning an intentional misrepresentation of someone’s allegiance.
J6 was a false flag.
Oh, being deemed “Most Ignorant” is an actual goal for leftists.
How is it a false flag?
Deep state.
So… you are blathering. I see.
No, this is blathering:
So you are saying everything you post is blathering. I see.
He is just lazy and looking for definitions.
The above thinly veiled threat has always been, they cant stop him he isnt scared, WEF yelling from the rooftops he is a threat to the NWO. Thats exactly what we want, an end to unelected parasites making decisions what we can and cannot have. Especially since they do not hide their depopulation agenda.
They are building doomsday bunkers someone must be left behind to fill the air vents with concrete.
It is the random lunatic that is the threat. Most leftists are gutless cowards that make these threats then wait around for some useful idiot to carry it out.
JFK was not killed by some “random lunatic”
The Vegas shooter wasnt one either.
No, JFK was killed by a communist and who knows what was going through the Vegas nut’s mind.
Is Alex falling down on the job?
Or was the transition from daddy to sonny an opportunity to clean house?
Democratic Socialists of America is in trouble.
Who knew that socialists would have such a hard time managing funds?
It looks like they finally ran out of other people’s money. interviewed Democratic Socialists of America leaders:
Socialism only works when they can take from the taxpayers and print more money. It’s not such a good business model.
Government isn’t a business, anyway.
It’s a money making enterprise for the Biden Crime Family.
Trump hit with BAD NEWS amid New Hampshire primary results…
That guy has such twisted logic he shits corkscrews.
Damned victories.
How about the incumbent Democrat barely getting 50%?
…When he wasn’t even on the ballot. That makes 50% pretty impressive.