Alabama nightclub sponsors “Food Stamp Friday” party

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Flaunting food stamps almost seems to be a trend. First, Mr. EBT released his now-infamous rap. Shortly thereafter, girls followed suit with their own version. Now, a night club in Montgomery, Ala., is hosting its very own “Food Stamp Friday” party. On April 6, the Rose Supper Club in North Montgomery will offer a discounted cover charge — and free shots — to any patron who flashes a food stamp card at the door. Not surprisingly, some Montgomery residents aren’t happy about the way the party seems to glamorize a life on government assistance. The Daily Caller’s Alex Pappasreports:

“I just don’t understand how they are promoting this without anyone saying anything about it,” Stephanie Pope, a Montgomery resident who has seen the fliers in gas stations, told TheDC. …

[Rose employee Richard] Thomas said he knows of at least three phone calls placed to the venue complaining about the party’s theme. He said a young party promoter chose the name.

“I don’t know what these young people are doing,” he said.

Taxpayers are right to be concerned about whether their dollars go to a food stamp program that actually helps those in need or to a program that enables a dependent lifestyle. Food stamp abuse is not uncommon and, in some places, a food stamp card will purchase luxury items like a Starbucks frappuccino.

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Most people on welfare have cable TV, high speed Internet, and cell phones. I guess it is only logical that we should pay for a night out once-in-a-while for them.
I remember one time when my truck was being unloaded by a lumber, I heard one of the lumpers talking about his welfare check. Most lumpers are paid cash and can make $200-500 a day, and they don’t have to pay taxes on it, but I still have to give him a welfare check!

This is just one example of many cases of welfare abuse. Maybe one day decent working people will have had enough of this garbage and demand some serious reforms.