Al Franken hates homosexuals

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“One sketch written for Garrett was a parody commercial for a toothpaste called ‘Tarbrush,’ which darkened blacks’ supposedly shiny white teeth,” Hill and Weingrad write, adding that two black technicians on the show reportedly walked out due to how offensive the skit was. “We relied on [Morris] to bring some blackness to the show,” Franken told the authors.

The “Tarbrush” anecdote was repeated in Adweek in 2006, which noted that “Some of [Franken’s crew] at SNL quit over a sketch he’d written for Garrett Morris called Tar Brush.” (The skit never aired.)

Franken is also on record making anti-gay comments.

“I just don’t like homosexuals,” he told Harvard University’s student newspaper while working for SNL. “If you ask me, they’re all homosexuals in the Pudding [a Harvard social club]. Hey, I was glad when that Pudding homosexual got killed in Philadelphia.”

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Franken has a walnut sized brain and he is pretty much a typical liberal writter and in fact someone once wrote a book about him AL FRANKEN IS A BUCK TOOTHED MORON

The “rule” is that Liberals can be “edgy” whereas conservatives, saying the same thing would be “racists.”

Progressive leftist elitists don’t care one whit for the minorities they pander to. To them they are nothing but little replaceable pawns to pushed, nudged, played with and sacrificed or discarded when they are no longer needed.