AG Merrick Garland Weaponizes DOJ With Political Indictment of Steve Bannon for Contempt of Congress

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By sundance

Eric Holder was held in contempt of congress for refusing to produce documents and testimony in the Fast-n-Furious investigation, and the DOJ did nothing.  IRS official Lois Lerner was held in contempt of congress for failure to produce documents and give testimony in the IRS investigation, and the DOJ did nothing.
Steve Bannon is held in contempt of congress for failing to provide documents and give testimony to the J6 committee, and the DOJ issues an indictment….
[In the background of this DOJ story today, it is important to highlight the FBI has given the New York Times evidence extracted from the phone of Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe.  Remember, O’Keefe is suing the New York Times. The FBI raided O’Keefe on behalf of their ideological allies in the New York Times.]


Today, AG Merrick Garland is using a fully weaponized Justice Department to purposefully, intentionally and willfully target the political opposition of the Biden administration.  Worse still, the entire media apparatus knows this purpose and yet denies it.   Our nation is in a very precarious place.

WASHINGTON DC – Stephen K. Bannon was indicted today by a federal grand jury on two counts of contempt of Congress stemming from his failure to comply with a subpoena issued by the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol.
Bannon, 67, is charged with one contempt count involving his refusal to appear for a deposition and another involving his refusal to produce documents, despite a subpoena from the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol. An arraignment date has not yet been set in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
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“Since my first day in office, I have promised Justice Department employees that together we would show the American people by word and deed that the department adheres to the rule of law, follows the facts and the law and pursues equal justice under the law,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “Today’s charges reflect the department’s steadfast commitment to these principles.”
“As detailed in the indictment, on Sept. 23, 2021, the Select Committee issued a subpoena to Mr. Bannon,” said U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves for the District of Columbia. “The subpoena required him to appear and produce documents to the Select Committee, and to appear for a deposition before the Select Committee. According to the indictment, Mr. Bannon refused to appear to give testimony as required by subpoena and refused to produce documents in compliance with a subpoena.”
In its subpoena, the Select Committee said it had reason to believe that Bannon had information relevant to understanding events related to Jan. 6. Bannon, formerly a Chief Strategist and Counselor to the President, has been a private citizen since departing the White House in 2017.
Each count of contempt of Congress carries a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of one year in jail, as well as a fine of $100 to $1,000. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. (read more)

AG Garland has weaponized the FBI to target school parents who protest at School Boards.
AG Garland has used the FBI to protect his family financial interests in school curriculum (CRT)
AG Garland has used the DOJ to target political rallies of his opposition.
AG Garland has labeled political opposition as “domestic extremists.”

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You simply don’t stand up to a totalitarian police state regime. Haven’t we learned anything from Hitler and Stalin?

Were this an authoritarian regime, Trump and accomplices would simply be put up against a wall and shot. Here we have investigations, trials, and the rule of law—the mechanisms that Merrick Garland is protecting.

These are the very things that some people hold in disdain, and would overthrow to impose their own ideas of justice. If you can’t see the insanity of that, you might be part of the problem.


President Obama on his 2nd day in office signed Executive Order 13489 the prohibits a current President denying a former President their Executive Privilege.” Trump has already filed suit and will win and that will ultimately protect Bannon.

The Presidential Records Act: Background and Recent Issues for Congress

Presidential documents are historical resources that capture each incumbent’s conduct in presidential office. Pursuant to the Presidential Records Act ((PRA) 44 U.S.C. §§2201-2207), the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) collects most records of Presidents and Vice Presidents at the end of each Administration.

They are then disclosed to the public—unless the Archivist of the United States, the incumbent President, or the appropriate former President requests the records be kept private.

The PRA is the primary law governing the collection and preservation of, and access to, records of a former President. Although the PRA has remained relatively unchanged since enactment in 1978, successive presidential Administrations have interpreted its meaning differently. Additionally, it is unclear whether the PRA accounts for presidential recordkeeping issues associated with increasing and heavy use of new and potentially ephemeral technologies—like email, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube—by the President and his immediate staff.

Presidential records are captured and maintained by the incumbent President and provided to NARA upon departure from office. The records are then placed in the appropriate presidential repository—usually a presidential library created by a private foundation, which is subsequently deeded or otherwise provided to the federal government. According to data from NARA, the volume of records created by Presidents has been growing exponentially, and the platforms used to create records are also expanding.

On his first full day in office, President Barack H. Obama issued an executive order that grants the incumbent President and relevant former Presidents 30 days to review records prior to their release to the public. E.O. 13489 changed the presidential record preservation policies promulgated by the George W. Bush Administration through E.O. 13233.

During the 113th Congress (2013-2014), a law was enacted to require a 60-day period of review for the incumbent or applicable former President to determine whether to protest the release of particular presidential records. The law appears to supersede E.O. 13489. The law also prevents the President and his immediate staff from using a “non-official electronic messaging account” to create federal records, unless that record was forwarded to an “official” email address.

Congress has the authority to revise or enhance recordkeeping requirements for the incumbent President, including requiring a more systematic method of collecting and maintaining email or Internet records. Congress might also act to examine whether the incumbent President is appropriately capturing all records in every available medium and whether NARA can appropriately retain these records and make them available to researchers and the general public in perpetuity.

This report examines the newly amended provisions of the PRA, reviews the two most recent presidential interpretations of the PRA, and analyzes potential legislative amendments and oversight considerations. The report also explores the complexities of capturing all presidential records in a digital environment, providing potential policy options for Congress. The appendixes provide a review of proposed amendments to the PRA that were introduced, but not enacted, during recent Congresses as well as background on vice presidential records.

No doubt Obama was looking at keeping his own corruption hidden, but it’s great that Trump can use it to protect himself from persecution. It’s not a guarantee that idiot Biden and Gestapo Garland will respect the law, though.

“Were this an authoritarian regime, Trump and accomplices would simply be put up against a wall and shot. Here we have investigations, trials, and the rule of law—the mechanisms that Merrick Garland is protecting.” Would if they could; many on your side have openly suggested it. But Democrats are careful not to make Trump a martyr. What they are trying to do is to destroy his reputation with lies. Though they are dictator-wannabe’s, they still have to give the appearance of enforcing laws.

Yet, quite overtly, they enforce laws, often unwarranted, upon political enemies while their own allies and cohorts are allowed to violate laws, even commit violence, without repercussions. Hiding behind the allusion of enforcing the law equally and equitably is a prime characteristic of a totalitarian regime, as is promoting violence against political opponents.

Were this a LEGITIMATE administration, there would be no intimidation of concerned parents. There would be no innocent people being held as political prisoners under harsh conditions for what they THINK. There would be consequences for threatening an entire city with violence if law and order was restored. Illegal immigrants would not be invited into the country by the millions and distributed, unvaccinated, all over the country while citizens lose their jobs if they refuse to take the vaccine for whatever reason. Citizens that defended themselves and their community against left wing terrorist violence would not be fighting for their life in an illegitimate trial. Were this illicit regime legal, lawful and Constitutional, the country would look much, much different. Look at how the Jan6 political prisoners are treated, Rittenhouse, the Loudoun country parents persecution, the mandates, liberal elitists ignoring their own mandates, the puppet in charge ignoring court orders, roving left wing terrorist gangs violently suppressing opposition and implementation of socialism against the will of the vast majority of citizens; there is little difference between that and how a totalitarian police state treats people.

greg is cheering the indictment of Bannon. He does so because he is limited to 1st order thinking. To go beyond 1st order thought into 2nd and 3rd, I believe is where the MAGA has already gone. They intend to fight and when able expose the evil that is unfortunately in elected and unelected office.

As I said in another thread, get some popcorn, the fun is just starting…

Greg is a true disciple of the police state, salivating at the idea of someone being ruined and imprisoned merely for the crime of disagreeing with the regime.

Greg posts on what he’s told to, what he’s paid to, post on.

I’ve always enjoyed his batsh*t crazy hatred of Bannon.

Steve must have something on the enemies of our country, thus the effort to take him out.

This is an authoritarian regime.

“Here we have investigations, trials, and the rule of law”

All things protected when Trump was in office, and now compromised by our new dictatorship.

Democrats hold these things in disdain and have overthrown them to impose their own ideas of justice.

We can see the insanity of that, and you’re the insane.

But keep going with the “accuse Trump of doing what we just did publicly” please. That’s a telltale of despots and authoritarian regimes throughout history.

I’m afraid, as usual, your education is lacking.

Authoritarian regimes move slowly at first, like a venus-flytrap, until their subjugated subjects can’t escape.

The revolver-wall becomes the only Law of the land.

Unfortunately, a lot of people haven’t and some even envy those types of regimes. They call themselves, “Democrats” when they should be called: demokrats, Communists, or totalitarians. A few decades ago, “Democrats” would have opposed what is happening now.

Listen to them. Listen to Greg and AJ. They get a real kick out of seeing other people oppressed, persecuted, their rights taken arbitrarily away. Obviously, they’ve never studied any of the regimes we frequently reference, for if they had, they would understand how easily that which gives them such sick pleasure has a way of coming right back at them.

When the basic rights are finally crushed, it will be the rights of EVERYONE except, of course, the ruling elite… and they are most definitely not in that category. Useful idiots don’t get invited to the party.

Your brain is inside the Trump cult compound surrounded by concertina wire. You think everyone outside is a prisoner.

“Your brain is inside the Trump cult compound surrounded by concertina wire. You think everyone outside is a prisoner.” Hmmm… I think if I was a member of the left wing cult of lies, I would be hesitant to be throwing that “cult” thing around. A card-carrying member of the Russian collusion cult should probably not be calling others “cult members”. Those who believed Schiff’s lies that he had credible evidence right on hand that PROVES Trump colluded with Russians but never questioned why it NEVER materialized are actual cultists; you can’t question your Idol of Lies. The cult followers that repeated the lie Trump said white supremacists were “fine people” when he actually explicitly condemned them are not really credible judges of who might be following a cult.

Someone who, probably a couple dozen times, when asked to explain the State Farm Arena election fraud, merely replies, “Nuh-uh! You’re part of a cult!” is obviously a thoroughly indoctrinated member of the left wing propaganda cult. One who cannot admit idiot Biden bears full responsibility for his policy, his plan, his execution of the withdrawal from Afghanistan put his loyalty to his left wing cult before his dedication to truth.

In other words you, a verified cult member, are not really in any position to accuse anyone else of being a cult member. Someone living in Jonestown would look like a critical thinker next to you. You have consumed the Kool Aide and begged for more.

Your cult leader always takes credit but never admits responsibility. He has never once acknowledged an error. He surrounds himself with those who agree with him, and turns on anyone who does not.

It was Trump who pulled all but 2500 troops from Afghanistan shortly before Biden took office; who cut a deal with the Taliban; and who set a May 1st deadline for pulling our troops out entirely, with no plan at all for the evacuation of friends and allies. That’s what was waiting for Joe Biden when he walked in the door, and what Trump supporters immediately began blaming Biden for.

Trump would have made a seamless and smooth exit from Afghanistan. His goal was to leave safely and honorably, not tie it to some arbitrary date for a propaganda splash, like idiot Biden. Nevertheless, Trump’s plan was abandoned and the idiot Biden method of having NO plan and constantly reacting (poorly) to the Taliban, who had the initiative… thanks to idiot Biden.

Trump secured our border; idiot Biden wrecked it. Trump revitalized our economy; idiot Biden wrecked it. Trump restored respect for the nation in the world; idiot Biden wrecked it.

“Biden isn’t the rattlesnake that’s still loose in the house. ” No, people respect a rattlesnake. Idiot Biden is just a puppet that makes the country look weak and stupid.

By waving his magical fairy wand? Trump’s plan was to leave a horrible dilemma for his successor.

There weren’t enough forces left on the ground to protect the capital city, the U.S. embassy, and the airport, let alone all of our other bases and equipment. There was no plan of any kind to protect or evacuate those who had supported us.

Biden surprised the hell out of him. He remained committed to pulling us out of a 2-decade-long war, and brought in enough reinforcements to protect the airport and airlift out nearly 130,000 people.

President Trump left a scorched earth when brandon was installed


NOTHING was as good when Trump was done as it had been when he first arrived. Once again, everything was coming apart.

No, it was much better than how obama had left things.


Everything was better after Trump than before. It’s fact.

The Covid-Coup is the end of the Trump’s term.

Better economy. No wars. Broke the ACA mandate. Built the wall and uncaged the kids. Better trade. Better military.

Trump is a vast success, and that’s why you idiot’s have to keep lying. You know you lost the world.

No, greg. Biden failed. He ignored his generals and executed a plan that was no plan at all.

Trump had nothing to do with it.

Who is paying you to spread these lies? Just come clean and tell us?

You are truly reaching “Baghdad Bob” status as you tell us one thing as the complete opposite goes on behind you, in real time.

Trump said to leave 2500 troops, which was the recommendation of the generals.

Biden failed, and Biden alone.

Still fixated on Trump. You must really hate yourself.

People are ‘fixated” on Trump like they’d be “fixated” on a rattlesnake loose in the children’s nursery. Until it’s gone, “fixation” is entirely appropriate.

No greggie, the people who are fixated on Trump are really fixated upon the image they have created to support their irrational imagined reality. Most people who fixate on an imagined reality belong in a nut house. You certainly have made a great case of that with your posts here!

The only thing greg has is his incessant hatred for President Trump. He does not defend biden or the rogue government because it can not be defended.

biden has zero support among Americans. His disapproval will continue to get lower and lower. If the polling were told accurately his real numbers right now are in the teens. America hates biden.

“Where is Everybody?” – Joe Biden Gets Confused on Stage During Virtual Tribal Nations Summit – “I Don’t Know What Was Going on Back There”
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This guy has the nuclear codes.

Joe Biden on Monday was lost and confused during a virtual Tribal Nations Summit from his production set at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

Biden isn’t the rattlesnake that’s still loose in the house. He’s is just a man trying to deal with a lot of serious problems while others hunt for the snake.

America hate biden

Don’t listen to the Reds. You’ll have much more faith in people and you won’t be wasting your time as there is ZERO common ground you can achieve with them. They want everyone who disagrees with them enslaved or dead.

Unelected tyrannies gonna tyranny.

Given the FBI and Fed’s record on breaking the law and initiating unwarranted investigations on political enemies of the Democrats, no Law abiding citizen is under any compulsion to acknowledge an illegal, unconstitutional government.

Martin Luther King described this beautifully in “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.”

Unjust laws are not laws at all.

They don’t have the guts to assassinate Trump, so they have to go full Communist.

Biden and the Democrats are clear and present danger to our democratic processes. They’ve destroyed a country that Trump was holding together without any help from the system he uncovered as corrupt and non-Constitutional.

The article is propaganda from extremists like Bannon himself, who would tear down the law so that THEY can BECOME the law.

The bottom line here is that Bannon, Meadows, and others don’t want to be questioned under oath because they don’t want to reveal what they’ve said and what they’ve done. They know damn well what they’re hiding can’t stand the full light of day. If it could, they would have no problem at all telling what they know about it.

Still waiting on the indictments for Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton. I guess you don’t recall they were held in contempt.

I guess you don’t understand that Trump and his accomplices attempted to steal the election—typically, by accusing their enemies of what they tried to do themselves.

Trump and his people did no such thing.

You’re accusing your enemies of doing what you did.

Glad you’re so defeated you can only parrot others now.


Democrats and their accomplices stole the election and committed a coup. Lawful Americans are figuring out how best to lawfully deal with not-the-president Biden and those who have infected our Constitutional Republic with their unelected, dictatorial Marxism.

Bannon must know something for you idiots to come at him so hard.

Oh the, “if you’re not hiding anything, why don’t you give us your records and tax returns so we can manufacture something out of them” response?

No thank you.

Democrats/FBI proved they could have ZERO cause but still open an false investigation on Trump.

Meanwhile you fools won’t let the 2020 election be investigated, because you know you’re hiding something….many things. It’s already out.

Nobody stopped ANYONE from investigating the 2020 election. They spent millions of dollars and many months doing so, and still came up with squat. You just can accept the fact that Trump lost. Nor will you acknowledge that state level republicans are attempting to rig the process for the next round of elections, because they recognize they can’t win without doing so.

Democrats rigged the election. It’s fact, with evidence to back it up.

The Trump DOJ, under the leadership of Trump, investigated the Russia Hoax. Trump invited it, because he had nothing to hide.

SO MANY PEOPLE had stopped any investigations into the 2020 election, further proving it was rigged.

This isn’t a few magenta-hair gender fluid barista’s whining about Trump because Rachel Maddow said so. This is adult, educated, business-owning parents now faced with how to handle a coup-waging Democrat Party who rigged an election and is now conveniently feigning innocence.

I have no problem if Trump lost legally, but when you have six billion in campaign money, the backing of big tech and big pharma, a released pandemic during an election year of a vastly successful Trump who simply could not lose an election..adding the shady and admittedly unConstitutional voting changes that let Democrats use poor people’s ballots and illegal ballots, and you’re left with the only rational conclusion a thinking person can come to:


Have fun telling yourself “we won” in the mirror.

You’ve only started the second civil war and you are Confederacy, still using slaves…though they are just voting stock now, and not picking cotton.

Biden won nothing except. He’s cost us everything, as he was designed to do.

Hope you’re ready.

We are teetering on the edge of being a full blown police state. The DOJ/FBI are in fact the enforcement arm of the DNC

They have been since the days of clinton and obama and for good measure, most likely bush 43. Just sayin

December 18, 2020 – Army leaders push back on Mike Flynn’s call for the military to ‘re-run’ the 2020 election

On Dec. 17, Flynn appeared on Newsmax, a far-right news channel, to declare that Trump, who lost the presidential election in November to former Vice President Joe Biden, could “take military capabilities, and he could place them in those [swing states], and basically re-run an election in each of those states.”

“These people out there talking about martial law like it’s something that we’ve never done. Martial law has been instituted 64 — 64 — times,” Flynn said. “So, I’m not calling for that, we have a Constitutional process … that has to be followed.”


Army leaders push back on Mike Flynn’s call for the military to ‘re-run’ the 2020 election

Do you REALLY think a scheme that included an attempt to stop the Electoral College count, which devolved into a violent siege of the US Capitol and evacuation of elected officials while the president ignored pleas for help, doesn’t warrant a full investigation?

You people are literally attacking EVERY person and EVERY American institution that stands between a egocentric lunatic and authoritarian power, as if any enemy of Trump were an enemy of America.

Democrats waged a coup for over four years, culminating in a man-released virus and the rigged election to reset the game they had rigged since at least Obama.

The only thing you tools can do is blame Trump for doing what you did on camera.

Igloo coolers, zip drives, and xerox machines don’t get to vote. Neither do dead people or ballot harvestors.

Eric Coomer doesn’t get to supplant democracy just because he’s indoctrinated by antifa.

You idiots rigged the election and are no longer Americans.

Expose your mind to right wing conspiracy theory and bombastic Trumpian lunacy for four years, and this is what you get. You want to “save America” by overthrowing the rule of law on behalf of Donald Trump.

Trump followed the Constitution and “slowed the spread” of Democrat totalitarianism. That’s why he’s still popular.

There’s no “Trumpism”, just Constitutionality and…whatever it is that you non-democratic morons think under the spell of simple Marxism.

The rule of Law was overthrown when Hillary didn’t go to jail for her crimes, admitted by Comey. It was overthrown by a false-impeachment after Biden admitted a crime on camera, and it was overthrown when the FBI started doing the bidding of the Democrat Party with false arrests and false-flags.

Wake up, you imbecile.

I want the rule of Law, which is in opposition to the Democrats want of authoritarianism.

Trump broke no laws, and you’ve never come up with anything…ever.

The evidence of fraud has been given, over and over and over again.

I’m just realizing the morons like you who watch CNN actually believe there is none, because they don’t show it and keep telling you it doesn’t exist.

The credible evidence is real, and has been out there for over a year. Even in the face of that you’ll deny it and rationalize some idiotic reason why it’s not there.

Over half the country doesn’t recognize Biden as anything. That’s a problem for you.

I’m afraid our democracy isn’t a game you can rig or loosen. It’s a social contract that you idiots in the Democrat Party have violated, so you don’t get the rewards that come with winning an election…because Biden won nothing.

As for telling the truth…day in and day out….you can count on it, shithead.

Now go reign in Dictator Dementia and help us restore democratic elections before a one-party police state truly takes hold.

Or maybe you’d rather be the one who loads me into a railcar?


You mad bro? Glad to help.

The evidence has been given. It’s even available online for those who want to see.

Poorly trained Leftist trolls want to bait people into an argument about something that is inarguable.

The illegal ballots are real. The priming of the public by Hawkfish and the media reporting on it is real.

A man who rapes his daughter and sponsored a crackhead son by selling his influence CANNOT get 81 million votes…at least not 81 million votes.

Biden won nothing, except the title of illegal dictator for the majority of Americans who are ready to have him legally removed and our free and fair democratic processes restored.

“It’s just impossible for you to cite one specific piece of evidence that shows voter fraud.” It’s been discussed here at length with ample citations. There’s been articles on it. The evidence is overwhelming. But, since you are so interested, maybe you have the answer Greg and others avoid providing: why did Democrats fake a water main break at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena, send all the observers home because counting was suspended, then resume counting as soon as the observers were gone, resulting in an inexplicable spike in votes for idiot Biden? And that’s but one example.

For a comprehensive list, check out the 3 part Navarro Report. In the meantime, shut your ignorant mouth.

No it hasn’t. You rattle on endlessly about b.s. like the State Farm Arena pipe leak, which is only evidence of your gullibility.

“No it hasn’t. You rattle on endlessly about b.s. like the State Farm Arena pipe leak, which is only evidence of your gullibility.” Then why can’t you or any other fraud-excuser provide an explanation other that fraud?

“There was no water main break. It was a leaky urinal that halted vote counting for 2 hours. Observers were not ordered to go home.” I know there was no water main break; it was a lie to get rid of the observers, which is what they did. They told the observers to go home, counting was done for the night. As soon as the observers were disposed of, counting resumed of boxes hidden under tables.

All confirmed. Now, don’t you feel stupid?

“Deplorable Me, you need to stop making shit up.” I’ve made nothing up, dumbass. In fact, you have confirmed twice that the water main story was a lie… we KNOW there wasn’t one. But we have testimony under oath that the observers were told there was a water main break, counting was suspended until the morning and run off. Then video shows counting resumed around 10 pm.

So, that’s what you need to explain how it doesn’t LOOK like election fraud and how, in fact, it ISN’T election fraud.

Speaking of bullshit, how does a leaking urinal necessitate shutting down the arena? Perhaps you squat to pee, but they all have a valve that shuts off supply to them.

I think I see why none of you ever offer explanations… your LIES are too weak to stand up to scrutiny.

“ The evidence of fraud has been given, over and over and over again.”

Well, no, it really hasn’t or at least, not any evidence that could possibly stand to the slightest of scrutiny in any court of law. This “evidence of fraud” you speak of has been repeated over and over and over by the right wing propaganda machine to the basket of willing gullibles who then repeated it over and over and over again but has never been introduced or “given” to any of the court rooms that these scores of challenges or lawsuits went to.


Because Trump, his lawyers, paid goons, and rancid thugs can legally stand in front of a camera and live audience and spew these lies and sell this horse shit over and over and over again to the basket of gullibles and walk away unscathed. But they can’t do it in front of a judge and under oath because they’d be disbarred and/or criminally charged.

You’ve totally lost it Nathan.

For the basket of gullibles, that rabbit hole has proven to be not only very wide, but indeed very deep.

“Well, no, it really hasn’t or at least, not any evidence that could possibly stand to the slightest of scrutiny in any court of law.” Actually, it most certainly has. In fact, why don’t YOU answer the question of the Great State Farm Arena Election Fraud Mystery? Everyone else just runs from the question which, of course, is your specialty, but since you have all the answers, give us this one.

How does such a popular candidate go from a supposed 80 million votes to less than 38% approval in 10 months?

“It has been answered for you, two posts above this one.”

Nope. Try another lie.

“”Scott” is the weasel Gary Miller. Waste of time responding to him.” They’re all the same herd.

Scott, new here?

Deplorable’s rationale of offsetting reasonable and deductive arguments is to ask you some off topic question. Once you answer it, he’ll claim you didn’t and again demand you do.

I once thought it was a game for him, some kind of low intellect satire that he/she/it/they amused himself/herself/them with. Maybe just to see how many times Charlie Brown would punt at Lucy’s football.

But I now think it’s a mixture. You see, their arguments are so nonsensical and soundly debunked on every front and they’re so far up Trump’s butt that truth or reality have no meaning to them. They have to defend anything that demeans the Dems or puts a glow on Trumps halo. It’s all about backing up Trump’s lies regardless of how outrageous the lie. Take Nathan for example, he spends his entire life on here sucking Trump butt and never backing it up with anything logical. When confronted with logic, he simply insist he/she/it/they is correct. Facts just can’t sway what this bunch wants to be real. And what they want to be real always sucks Trump butt or somehow owns the Dems. At least Retire05 will often run and hide after his ass has been used to mop the floor but Deplorable and Nathan always have to come back for more. Nathan just insist he’s correct without evidence and Deplorable just asks you that same off topic question only to repeatedly pretend you didn’t answer it.

I once enjoyed exploiting their bias ignorance but once Biden beat Trump, they descended into the abyss of coo-coo for cocopuffs that it wasn’t fun anymore.

They just took stupid beyond the point of amusement.

“Deplorable’s rationale of offsetting reasonable and deductive arguments is to ask you some off topic question. Once you answer it, he’ll claim you didn’t and again demand you do.” Well, “Nuh-uh. Racism. White supremacist. Cult member.” is not exactly an answer. What I would be looking for is some actual evidence, not just that you don’t want to acknowledge that it’s true.

“I once enjoyed exploiting their bias ignorance but once Biden beat Trump, they descended into the abyss of coo-coo for cocopuffs that it wasn’t fun anymore.” All you’ve ever done is show what a racist liar you are.

Should I wear a bright orange hat in public so you don’t arrest me?

These boobs have very short and foggy memories so
The called it labor intensive but the ballots pulled from under the table were not in envelopes.

There were NO mysteriously appearing ballots.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger—a republican—received death threats against himself and his family for signing a sworn statement to that effect after completing a full review of all ballot movements on multiple security tapes.

THAT might be a clue about who was actually trying to do what.

Correct they were just hidden from the observers until they went away being told the counting wouldnt be done until Wednesday, due to a leaky urinal that was hours before they ever started processing votes, not a pipe burst. It did not appear that there were any seals on the cases they rolled out from under the table. Chain of custody is an important part of the vote processing procedure. Poorly trained or criminal.
Certainly you are not telling us that Republicans are more honest than Democrats, it seems you push that the same as the Lincoln Project pervs.

Chain of custody? Want to talk about Arizona’s senate republicans, who illegally handed ballots over to Cyber Ninjas?

Probably not.

Hey, Comrade Greggie, about those “death threats” Raffensperger claims to have gotten; where are they? Where is the recording of the threats that came by phone, or the text messages, or the written threats received by other means?

You are a f*cking idiot. Anyone can claim to have received “death threats.” Jesse Jackson perfected that crap.

And how big of you to be supportive of a Republican. But then, you are always supportive of any Republican who is, in reality, a socialist Democrat.

I don’t record my telephone calls. Do you?

It was a life-long-republican, the Secretary of State of Georgia, swearing under oath to a federal judge that there was NO irregularity.

Against that, we have Donald Trump’s crackpot conspiracy theories about massive voter fraud—except, of course, in states which he won—for which no remotely credible evidence has yet been produced anywhere, a full year later.

We also have a GOP that seems to think they can do Trump’s bidding right up until the very last moment, when they will somehow keep the populace monster they’ve created from slipping the leash again and doing all of the things they’ve seen him do before—except THIS TIME, he will already have established how much he can get away with, and that will only be his starting point.

“I don’t record my telephone calls. Do you?” I bet if you received a threat in a phone call, you would note the phone number and have that investigated, wouldn’t you? Cmon… engage in discussions like you are engaging with intelligent people, not other liberals.

Well greggie, did you see the security video that showed, unknown to the cheating democrats, that recorded the democrats pulled 2 suit cases from under a table and ran them through the scanner? Did you ever know a politician to lie? “I did not have sex with that woman!” You are so ignorant greggie!

It is pretty easy for useful idiots to simply deny the truth and believe that it disappears over a period of a year or so.

There was no effort to stop the count. They were challenging the states where fraud occurred.
More propaganda from you as usual.

They had to EVACUATE the chamber as a mob attempted to smash through a barricaded door, Dilbert. People in the halls had been chanting “HANG MIKE PENCE.” A woman was shot and killed as she tried to be first one through. THAT’S your “There was no effort to stop the count”.


That’s REALITY—something you parted company with a long time ago as Trump led you down the garden path into delusion.

Meh. Reality to you is what Don Lemon tells you it is.

For the rest of us, we use our eyes.

Bannon must know something, for you idiots to want him in jail.

This is the very definition of using an authoritarian state to imprison your political enemies, you know.

You’re the bad guys.

Kamala Harris Tells Staffers to Call on List of Pre-Approved Reporters

No effort at all.

A few hundred FBI-sponsored idiots were baited into the open doors of the capitol, with antifa filming.

After a year of killing cops and attacking the government, the Left needed to manufacture some kind of right-wing “violence” so they could suddenly take umbrage. And take power.

Given Leftist entertainers called for Trump’s head for four years, including Democrat politicians saying “the coup has begun”, no one gives a flying f*ck what these idiots said about Pence.

You can’t take the moral high ground when your party is the very definition of the gutter, little guy. Sorry.

A few hundred idiots organized by the FBI for a false-flag doesn’t counter the ongoing Leftist attacks against our state, local, and federal governments.

There was no lasers, no hunting down of Trump supporters and killing them in the street, no guns handed out from the back of Tesla, no sh*t ballons, and nothing even resembling an “insurrection.”

This was a false-flag, and not a very good one.

The FBI organized the groups and then sculpted it for the antifa-held cameras that day.

It’s fact.

For Trump? No. For Constitutional process and our basic freedoms given by God?


Trump was hired by me to do a temporary job. He was the best one for it, compared to crooked Hillary, and was far better than the pedophile Biden who’s bought by our enemies and admitted withholding aid to Ukraine on camera.

The very clear reality based on fact that the incident at the Capitol was a sculpted and sponsored FBI false-flag is fact.

It’s a Civil War now, and the Leftists are smart by framing themselves as “normal” when they are just the usual Marxist thugs and beta-cucks trying to overthrow a democracy with Marxist hate.

Gary miller alert

Maybe. I thought it was just the bored guy in the cubicle next to greg’s…in an office building either in Beijing, or D.C.

Sad that it could be either one, these days.

“They had to EVACUATE the chamber as a mob attempted to smash through a barricaded door, Dilbert” Remember leftists bombing the Senate? Remember leftists storming the Supreme Court? Remember leftists storming the Department of Interior? I guess you weren’t told about those, Dilbert. The left as even involved in Jan6. Violence always has the left in the middle of it, instigating.

Kamala talks tough on the border crisis… For Poland…

America Last: Biden Says Border Crisis Is of ‘Great Concern’ as Migrant Situation Worsens, but He Wasn’t Talking About OUR Border

Retirement Talk Growing Around Stomach-Stapled Stalinist Jerrold Nadler

New ‘Damning’ Footage of Ashli Babbitt Shooting Released Showing Capitol Police Officers Doing Absolutely Nothing to Stop It

Defiant Steve Bannon Says Republicans Are Taking Over Elections

He can be defiant from his jail cell.

“He can be defiant from his jail cell.” I hope they cleaned it since Holder and Lerner were in it for the same thing. No… wait. Being Democrats and having carried out Democrat corrupt schemes, they never were prosecuted. They might have spilled their guts about who instigated the schemes.

Spoken like a true Marxist.

“Show me the man, and I’ll pay a Russian Spy to make up things that didn’t happen so I can make up crimes that didn’t happen and then put my political enemies in jail.”

This isn’t how our democracy works, and you and your party are a threat to it.

Fortunately the “Army” isn’t in charge of anything.

This silly attempt to frame Trump of doing what Biden and the Democrats is rather pathetic, even for you.

But I do see the plan and the time frame your handers/masters have to take before 2024.

You can’t kill Trump, so you have to keep going with the made up coup stuff. Hell, making up things that never happened worked for Russia.

Can you believe there’s still people out there who think Trump colluded with Russian, even after it was openly, legally, and complete debunks and investigated?

Turns out it was Hillary colluding with the FBI and others after she lost an election that was supposed to be rigged just for her.

I can see why a party on the road to founding a one-party police state under the false pretense of being the “majority” didn’t like democracy peeking through their plans and Trump kicking their ass.

They could only rig and election and now target their political enemy, like all illegitimate banana republics do.

We the People should probably withdraw our permission from the Federal Government and have them disband, forming a normal, Constitutional Federal Government cleansed of the demonic filth.

It’s out legal right to do so.

As for using the Military to back a party, Biden and the Democrats did that back on Jan. 6th: they staged a false-flag then surrounded the WH and Capitol with 21,000 troops.

Only usurpers do that, by the way. Historically.

You can’t “overturn” an illegal election, of course. You can only win a fair and free one.

Without changing laws and illegal votes, the Democrats would crawl back into obscurity where they probably belong, given their backwards Marxist ideologies.

We should all thank Bush Republican Mitch! He worked very har to get leftist GOP to confirm Garland 10 months ago.

Mitch said Garland would be the best AG! Here are some verbatim praise Mitch gave Garland: “fair minded”, “even handed” ,”moderate”, “impartial”! GD Bush Republicans for confirming Garland; and Mitch in particular for his hard work confirming the SOB!

I did not predict this. But when Mitch rounded up the leftist votes for Garland iIsaid it was a very bad day for conservatives; and by extension for America!

Garland needs to be releived of his job along with Dr Fuaci

Garland needs to be impeached.

Faux xi needs a fair trial before he swings.

Dr. Fauci Admits Vaccines Did Not Work as Advertised and that Vaccinated Are in Great Danger Today

Ya think?

VIDEO: MSNBC Hack Calls Steve Bannon a “Gladiator for Fascism” Who Wants “To Write His Mein Kampf in Prison” Because he Supports Election Integrity

VIDEO: MSNBC Hack Calls Steve Bannon a “Gladiator for Fascism” Who Wants “To Write His Mein Kampf in Prison” Because he Supports Election Integrity

Breaking: Steve Bannon Files Not Guilty Plea to Biden Regime’s Contempt of Congress Charges

Here you go benny and little jamie raskin

Embrace the suck

Let’s go brandon