by Royal Alexander
The decision of Attorney General Merrick Garland a few days ago to appoint a special counsel in the investigations of Donald Trump will provide to millions of Americans only, yet another, example of the highly politicized, weaponized nature of the Department of Justice and the FBI. This assignment specifically includes a probe of both the Mar-a-Lago documents case and whether President Trump “unlawfully interfered with the transfer of power” after the 2020 election or with the Electoral College vote count.
Garland’s announcement of the special counsel states: “based on recent developments, including the former president’s announcement that he is a candidate for president in the next election, and the sitting president’s stated intention to be a candidate as well, I have concluded that it is in the public interest to appoint a special counsel.” He closed by contending that “such an appointment underscores the Department’s commitment to both independence and accountability in particularly sensitive matters.”
Unsurprisingly, a spokesman for Pres. Trump immediately responded, “this is a totally expected political stunt by a feckless, politicized, weaponized Biden Department of Justice.” The Trump statement continued by pointing out that “Robert Mueller, the Russia collusion special counsel, staffed his investigation with partisan Democrats and his probe turned into a debacle.”
As though Jan. 6th has not been investigated enough. As though the documents at Mar A Lago contained any “secrets” when it’s the president himself who decides what’s classified or unclassified; regardless, when there is a dispute regarding presidential documents it is resolved between the former president’s attorneys and government attorneys. At the very most a subpoena can be issued.
However, right on the heels of President Trump announcing his candidacy for the presidency, we have the Biden Administration’s politically compromised Attorney General Garland, announcing the appointment of a special counsel. It is both naïve and nonsensical to assume the attorney general is not coordinating with the Biden White House about this.
It’s all politically motivated because the Biden Administration and its highly politicized Department of Justice fear a second Trump presidency. Nothing else.
Are we really supposed to be this stupid or naive? The Jan. 6th investigation has been going on for nearly two years—including lengthy hearings and an impeachment effort—while the Mar-a-Lago investigation has been going on for close to a year. However, as soon as President Trump announces he’s running for president this all fires up? Does the appointment of a special counsel even matter anyway, given the special counsel reports to AG Garland and AG Garland reports to President Biden.
But let’s recall: only now, supposedly, the Department of Justice and the FBI—which covered up and held on to the Hunter Biden laptop for some two years—is taking any steps to investigate or prosecute the laptop or the Biden crime family generally. There clearly exists in the public record substantial incriminating evidence to do so. In fact, much of the damaging information contained in those emails has already been corroborated.
Recall that Big Tech, including Facebook, Twitter and many other Left leaning social media platforms successfully suppressed and censored the Hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 election. Following the election, a full 16% of voters polled stated that they would not have voted for Joe Biden had they known prior to the election of the information contained on the laptop. The very reason it was censored! And so, the voice of the people was silenced and the trajectory of American history was forever changed.
The combination of airing out the Hunter/Joe political payola and the political persecution of PDJTshould be explosive.
Of COURSE it is a political vendetta. This regime does NOTHING that isn’t political and that doesn’t advance their agenda. When the only thing connecting Trump’s phone call with Zelenski to idiot Biden was his son’s illicit, well compensated relationship with Burisma, the Democrats declared it was an impeachable offense to investigate a Presidential candidate and opponent. Apparently, that rule has been waived because, well, ignoring it benefits the corrupt Democrats.
How serious is the suspicions that Trump took highly classified documents he shouldn’t have had? Well, how many laws and rules changes to the declassification process by the President have been proposed? Yeah… THAT serious.
Trump tried to remain in office by inciting mob violence after being clearly and unequivocally voted out. To this day, no one has produced a shred of credible evidence supporting his “stolen election” bullshit. Now he’s scheming to return to power by telling the same insidious, corrosive lies. Social media is his megaphone. It has turned him into an angry voice in the heads of a credulous personality cult.
Taking him down in court isn’t a “political vendetta.” It’s a defense of the US Constitution and our nation’s election process. My only question about appointing a Special Prosecutor is Why did it take so long?
To this day, no one has produced a shred of credible evidence that Trump tried to remain in office by inciting mob violence.
Congress was however doing its Constitutional duty to investigate a potential threat to the Constitution. They weee prevented from doing that by two events. One, the FBI orchestrated a riot to disrupt the proceedings in Congress. Two, pence cowardly rejected several states request to have the electors returned for a 10 day investigation as is their prerogative under the U.S. Constitution
Brunson vs Adams
Right. Don’t believe the sworn testimony of Trump administration insiders, republican state election officials, the decisions of Trump-appointed judges, or what you heard and saw on January 6.
Pretty much sums it up. It is a complete fake narrative not to be believed zipperhead.
That is the problem with you people. You are spoon fed lie after lie and you accept it as whole cloth never questioning or pushing back. You people are good little sheep following everything your masters tel you.
The special counsel is tainted any not the least bit objective. He has a track record that makes it impossible for anyone in his path to get fair treatment.
And his appointment conflicts with the DOJ.
There is no desire nor intent by Democrats for this to be objective. Like the failed Mueller investigation, Schiff’s impeachment railroading or the January 6th comedy show committee, truth, facts and objectivity are the LAST thing they are interested in.
“You people” being anyone outside the Trump cult’s social media compound.
You have no clue how strange and dangerous it looks from the outside.
You have no clue how strange and dangerous it looks from the outside.
The opinion of someone whose only reason to be alive is to consume hatred of President Trump. Your pathetic existence is a minuscule pimple on an elephant’s ass.
I’m not the one who believes an angry braying jackass can lead America to the Promised Land.
Except that is not what I said zipperhead
No one thinks that. Trump merely ran on real policies, and damn near delivered on all of his promises (He built a wall and made Mexico pay, with troops, he broke the ACA, he built up our military, he saves up money by getting better deal with China, and NATO paid, and ME peace…what a f*cking legend Trump, factually).
He merely followed the Constitution and let we the People live our lives as we see fit.
Now we have a globalist death cult that you speak for to deal with.
That’s why we didn’t vote for idiot Biden. He has taken great success and turned it into donkey shit.
Oh, I think normal Americans who want to work, pray, and enjoy life looks rather calm.
But this, however, is what you people push and look like.
Now that’s dangerous…Sodom and Gomorrah dangerous.
Hope you have a lightning rod on your house, son.
Remember Greg accusing us of being addicted to conspiracy theories? Funny stuff.
Nope. After Russia Collusion and the rest, NOTHING they say has any credibility or authority.
Guess you didn’t understand you were making Trump stronger when you dumbasses tried to take him down, Putin-style.
Like… who? What compelling “testimony” was it that proved Trump incited a riot or tried to illegally remain in power? Idiot Biden is illegally in power.
In gregs pathetic existence he allows his self induced hatred to result in irrational thinking
That, and he’s a paid bot.
The Majority of Americans KNOW he didn’t, and this little rabble of morons being either paid or tricked by the regime into repeating this Big Lie is being taken to task by simple democracy.
The failing Left, celebrities and even politicians, are learning most of the “support” they think they had with their causes were just twitter/deep state bots that are now gone.
But even by taking away his voice, you still haven’t put a dent in his momentum.
Social media has been the club you and you Leftist pigs have used for years to lie, cheat, and steal.
Now that you lost Twitter, don’t you DARE pretend.
Trump continues to be the popular frontrunner amongst American voters.
President Trump is the only possible individual to lead the country in the reformation needed to rid ourselves of democrats and career politicians.
Trump still has 87.7 million followers on Twitter.
And he’s back on.
F*ck you.
87.7 million Twitter followers doesn’t mean 87.7 million supporters. Many social media users follow the posts of prominent public figures they strongly DISLIKE.
How many Twitter accounts did Elon Musk say were bot accounts? Over 11%. Additionally, Twitter allows any individual to have up to FIVE active accounts.
Elon Musk Admits Twitter Has “Interfered with Elections” – Agrees that Public Trust Must Be Restored
The way you wet yourselves over the antics of egocentric celebrity billionaires is ridiculous.
How much do you hate yourself?
Breaking: FEDERAL JUDGE TO DOJ: Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki WILL BE DEPOSED – Details Below
The way you pass off the fact that “the jig is up” is f*cking cowardly, you cuck.
All he is doing is banning censorship and restoring free speech. Why do you fear that so much?
Democrats do not believe in free speech, they want controlled speech.
Joe Biden: “No One’s Ever Done as Much as President as This Administration is Doing. Period.”
Here you are; here is a spoon fed lie you have to believe and repeat over and over again like a good little soldier of the Reich
He was speaking at today’s Tribal Nations Summit about his support for tribal and indigenous people. His statement to them is arguably accurate.
His statement to them is arguably accurate.
The economy is garbage, Americans have record credit card debt, have all taken a paycut at the real inflation rate of 17%.
War in Europe. War in the ME. Laundering printed money through tech polyamorous cults back to Democrat candidates.
Open borders. Covid deaths because of banned treatments.
Yeah, you just can’t argue it: Biden’s occupation is an ABSOLUTE DISASTER.
There is no rational argument to change this.
Our nation is failing because the WEF had to installed Biden.
But 8 Billion people are figuring out it’s only 2000 rich assholes trying to kill us all with their moronic Cult climate religion.
The Will of the 8 Billion will not be denied, and these pigs are already being thwarted.
8 Billion, oppressed by 2000? It sounds like your repressed inner Marxist is trying to get out.
Eat shit zipperhead
Bullshit zipperhead
Disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that resulted in 13 dead US service members.
Record 40-year inflation rates.
Soaring gas prices.
More than 5 million illegal aliens entered the US because of Biden’s open borders.
Record fentanyl overdoses.
Supply chain crisis.
Covid vaccine mandates.
BIDEN ECONOMY: ADP Jobs Numbers Released and They’re Horrible – 100,000 Manufacturing Jobs Gone
I knew that would set you off, old boy.
And pathetic round of rationalizations followed…hahaha.
Very entertaining.
Trump has 87.7 million followers…POST bot purge.
And now followers follow you because they DISLIKE you, not because they support you. (unless they are Leftists/Democrats, of course. Those followers totally like them).
Trump has real support, real followers, and is the frontrunner for the 2024 election, hands down.
Trump tried to draw attention to the rampant election fraud that not only cost him the election but, as we are currently witnessing, is a clear and present danger to the entire nation. The evidence is clear and abundant and all that had to be done was for there to be a serious examination of the evidence (such as, of course, STATE FARM ARENA) to clarify the questions. Instead, Democrats, anti-Trump Republicans and general cowards too afraid to face tough situations, tried to ignore the problem away, telling us not to believe what we saw (as at STATE FARM ARENA). That only made is more suspicious.
This is nothing BUT a political vendetta because, as we all know, there is no legal basis for the constant persecution. Why did it take so long for, indeed; when you don’t need legality to attack someone with the politicized and weaponized DOJ, it can happen any time? But, that is risky and could be costly, so they waited until Trump was definitively a Presidential candidate. Need MORE proof that it isn’t a political vendetta?
More reasons for the Impeachment of Joe Biden and Kamela Harris and their entire band of scoundrels and fiends