Admit it, Dems: Hillary Could Strangle a Puppy on Live TV, and You’d Still Back Her

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Matt Welch:

A quick recap: Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, violated guidelines from the National Archives and her ownState Department by using her own private email server for professional correspondence, and then destroying whatever messages she deemed destructible.

At first Clinton claimed that she needed a single non-governmental email account for “convenience,” because she only had one phone. That claim turned out to beprovably false. Next, she claimed that it didn’t matter much, because “The vast majority of my work emails went to government employees at their government addresses, which meant they were captured and preserved immediately on the system at the State Department.” The latter half of that claim turned out to be provably false, too. She further insisted that none of the emails contained classified information, a claim that many people with intimate knowledge of such things—such as a former senior State Department official—described with phrases like “hard to imagine.” And her assertion in a CNN interview this month that she went “above and beyond” the email disclosure requirements was—wait for it—false.

In sum, the Democratic Party’s 2016 presidential frontrunner brazenly violated government transparency policy, made a mockery of the Freedom of Information Act, placed her sensitive communications above the law, and then just lied about it, again and again. Now comes word that, unsurprisingly, two inspectors general are recommending that the Department of Justice open a criminal inquiry into the matter. One of their findings was that the private server, contrary to Clinton’s repeated claims, contained “hundreds of potentially classified emails.”*

So how much do Democrats value basic transparency, accountability, and honesty in their presidential candidates? Not bloody much, if you go by the handy polls over at RealClearPolitics. The six national polls taken this January and February, before the email scandal first broke, averaged out to a whopping 43 percentage-point lead for Hillary Clinton. How about the next six, in March and April? Plus 50. The 11 polls in May and June, when Berniementum first started sweeping the country, came in at +48, and the most recent five in July stand at +41.

Do Democrats have any aversion left to Nixonian non-transparency, which had been so anathema to them during the presidency of George W. Bush? Here’s a possible bellwether: Key Nixon-administration turncoat John W. Dean, who wrote a 2004 book entitled Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush, reacted to the latest Clinton story by tweeting “Leaking This Makes It Pure Politics,” and “GOP Behind False Charges In NYT. It’s gonna be a long 16 months

President Barack Obama never paid any political price for pulling a complete 180 on his vows to have the most transparent administration ever, so none of this reaction should be surprising. Still, it’s worth stressing that with Hillary Clinton, Democrats have dropped even the pretense of giving a shit about transparency. And if you think that language is unduly harsh, don’t take my word for it, take Paul Begala’s:

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It’s quite true. She could sell baby parts on QVC and they’d still support her

@DrJohn: She DOES support the selling of baby parts and she still has support. She was, by definition of the left itself, a “racist” when she opposed Obama, but now she is a racial champion (thus telling you all you need to know about how the left uses racism for nothing but a political weapon and how they really don’t care one whit about actual racism). She is, by any definition by any one, a liar; there is no possible denial.

At the drop of a hat, though, when told who else to slavishly support, they will turn on Hillary. Meanwhile, they will slavishly support her, regardless of scandal, evidence or blatant lies and will debase themselves with the silliest, stupidest, lamest of excuses or “yeah, but” misdirections.

@Bill: Here’s the thing Bill—Her Dem. support is soft—except with women–they believe it’s their time I’ve said I won’t vote for her and I support Jim Webb.
I will not vote for ANY OF THESE REPUBS and 75%+ of Dems feel the same way.
I will vote Libertarian or write in Tom Petty or Bob Seger.

Note on Trump–This guy is no Conservative. My dad was a Wall St. attorney and I remember his firm represented builders like Helmsley and Trump Sr. I remember him being at my house when I was a kid—They were Dems.
The Donald has been a Dem. most of his adult life—you almost gotta be to succeed in business in NYC. He’s running as Repub. now. Why—he’s playing on hot buttons–anti Obama, the border etc. He sees a weak Repub field.
His ego and money will push him on—he’ll run 3rd party if necessary but his bombastic hate driven politics WILL NOT get him to POTUS. .

@rich wheeler, #3:

Her Dem. support is soft

Indeed it is. My own support for Hillary Clinton is lukewarm. Republicans could win the election if they put forward a credible middle-ground candidate. Oddly, they seem to show no inclination to do this. It appears that the republican right wing will see to it that Clinton is elected.

@Greg: You and Rich are correct.
Proof #1
Here’s her flyer for a, “Young Americans for Hillary”event for students in Manchester, New Hampshire two days after the photo.
note that not ONE person has torn off the information/reminder as to where and when.
Proof #2
This is a photo of the College Democrats of America annual conference.
Notice it only filled the front rows of a typical auditorium?

I think I’m right, too.
Dems don’t have to ”vote Republican” for Hillary to lose.
All they have to do is stay home.
It looks like that’s what they’re choosing.

Who really will be the Dem nominee?
It is pretty obvious Hillary generates no enthusiasm.

@Nanny G: Dems will come out to vote against Trump or Cruz.
Walker or Rubio or Kasich got a chance. Don’t think Dems will support a Bush.
Nanny Your biggest problem will be breaking that female HRC block–they will strongly support her and they are large and formidable–As an Obama PC Captain I witnessed their passion for Hillary. Don’t think it has abated.

@Nanny G: Nan that pic shows onlt the CHAPTER DELEGATES who were present for voting for the National Communications Director. Apparently you are/were unaware of this perhaps you were mislead into believing that was the full extent of how many went to DC to participate ?

@Nanny G: Nan that pic shows onlt the CHAPTER DELEGATES who were present for voting for the National Communications Director. Apparently you are/were unaware of this perhaps you were mislead into believing that was the full extent of how many went to DC to participate ? They have over 600 chapters I believe these were the state delegates

@rich wheeler:

As an Obama PC Captain

Since you love to tout your history as a Marine, how does it make you feel to know that you worked to help elect a man that when four Marines and a Sailor are slaughtered by a jihadist, he can’t find time to call their families but can find time to go to a DNC fundraiser and take in a play?

@retire05: Disappointed—-We need a combat tested Marine in The White House.

Webb 2016

Just watched Dr.Ben Carson on CNN. Was a pleasant break to watch an intelligent well spoken gentleman. Nice change from the 5 weeks of Trump’s bluster..

Kasich also impressive on CNN running 3rd in N.H. and moving up. How bout Kasich/Rubio for a great electoral college combo?