The same toilet people who regurgitated the lie that “Trump said all Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers” are oddly quiet today.
Just as the woketards were starting to realize Latino people aren’t crazy about pasty, purple-haired, sex-striking freakshows giving them the humiliating, gender-free moniker “Latinx” (only 2% of Latino people are cool with being called “Latinx” and 40% find it offensive), Jill Biden went tap-dancing in a field of mierda.HECHO-RAMA! Spanish is a masculine-feminine language, and all the gender-free woke culo de payasos in the world can’t change that. But they are trying.
[ boh-dey-guh]; a small grocery store, frequently found in New York City, that sells limited foods but is really convenient when you’re drunk at 5 a.m. and want to eat an entire box of Chocodiles.
As you may recall, a gringo recently made the mistake of griping on TikTok about the lack of foods available at the bodegas in his new home in da Bronx. The woke mob was quick to crucify the vile colonizer, known as “Bodega bro,” and had him fired in about a day. The same angry, pitchfork-wielding wokejobs who couldn’t wait to send a white boy to the unemployment line seem to be okay with “Dr.” Jill Biden butchering the word “bodega” and referring to Latinos as a grotesque breakfast that most Latinos would never eat.
Holy boot-licking, Batman, I haven’t seen this level of pandering since Hillary claimed to carry hot sauce in her purse.OPINION-O-RAMA! I believe the words “breakfast” and “taco” should never be used together in any fashion.
As I’ve written before, I am engaged to a Puerto Rican, bisexual, Trump-loving, gun-toting, Empanada-American. Liberals hate her because she checks off a few of their boxes but has the audacity to think for herself and vote for the big, red elephant in the room.
My Adobo-American princess is not pleased with Dr. Jill Biden’s oratory vomit — let’s not forget Jill made her shamelessfaux paspaso en falso at an event with the dehumanizing title “Latinx IncluXion” — nor is she alone.
If you think the line of Hispanic people crossing the southern border is huge, you should see the mob of Latino voters leaving the Democrat party. Speaking of which, Latino voters do not like open borders.
We haven’t seen an exodus like this since Moses. It’s so bad that even the Washington Post had to mention it. Latino voters in parts of Texas shifted 30% for Trump in 2020. Mayra Flores (R-Texas), the first Mexican-born congresswoman in history, won a district that had voted blue for over 100 years.
As I mentioned, Latinos are not cool with the notion that woke, white saviors sit around coming up with new names for brown people. They aren’t happy with liberals castrating their language, literally. Nor are they down with the Democrats’ suck-uppery, which rolls around like clockwork a few months before every election day.
Liberals shun everyone BUT liberals. Non-liberals are not worthy of their presence. They have no tolerance for or desire to be around anyone that might have a different view of life than their elitist, snobby failed vision. So they think the entire world has the same demented viewpoints as they do. In fact, it is a tiny percentage.
Ironic that the same elites who expect the support of all the POC in America are so busy defining those POC in newthink ways.
Remember when all those native people in Alaska could tell you their tribal affiliation?
Obama changed that.
You had to call yourself a “native Alaskan,” on no Obamacare for you!
Latinos, Hispanics, etc., used to proudly tout their origin, like Michocans, Chileans, Argentinians.
But now joe and jill expect them to all call themselves “Latinx.”
The “or else” is coming.
Count on it.
“If you don’t illegally vote for me, your back ain’t wet!”
Liberals always try to claim they want to help the Poor then turn around and jack up the price of Food and Light and try to prevent them from being able to protect themselves from the Crinimals the Liberals get released from Prison
Think about it. Everything these authorities tell you is true is, in fact, precisely the opposite of the truth.
Global warming is a hoax.
Universities are about indoctrination, not education.
Government is a form of manipulation with a two-tiered justice system.
The media is fake and journalism died long ago.
The financial system is a Ponzi scheme.
Trump did not collude with Russia.
The border is wide open.
Inflation is not transitory.
Defunding the police increases crime.
The pandemic did not originate in a wet market from pangolins.
Joe Biden is illegitimate.
Crackhead Hunter is not innocent.
Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Black Lives Matter and critical race theory are not about racial justice.
Women are not men and vice versa.
Virtue signaling isn’t about virtue.
Religion is not malevolent.