Liberal Wolf Blitzer: Voting to Condemn Trump’s ‘Racism…Shouldn’t Be a Partisan Issue’

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CNN’s Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer might be viewed as an iconic journalist and bastion of truth, but the Trump era has shown that he’s a liberal pundit who mirrors, say, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. On Tuesday’s show, Blitzer came back from break to insist that voting in support of a House Democrats resolution “condemning the President’s racist comments…shouldn’t necessarily be a partisan issue.”

Senior Washington correspondent Jeff Zeleny huffed that “everything is a partisan issue, particularly in this climate, in this moment, in this town and this whole discussion has devolved into a partisan issue,” which was “not surprisingly at all” and that not many Republicans would vote like CNN wants.

Zeleny added

But the reality here is this is going to simply, you know, just not advance the argument about what this is all about. I mean, Republicans in the House of Representatives, every single one of them, are up for re-election, of course. in 2020….But the reality here is this is going to simply, you know, just not advance the argument about what this is all about. I’m not sure at the end of this if the vote actually happens this evening what this is going to accomplish other than unify the Democrats probably and make the country think that Washington is even more of a mess, but how you view this is how you viewed it coming in.

Brought on as a seemingly non-partisan reporter, Sabrina Siddiqui with the left-wing Guardian newspaper remarked that “it is remarkable of itself that there is a vote being held on a resolution to formally rebuke the President’s comments as racist” even though “it’s become in some ways par for the course in this administration.”

She also bashed the President and her fellow Americans that “a lot of this is trying to appeal to some of the worst resentments that a faction of Americans hold against people of color and that is what this debate is all about.”

As Blitzer does on a near-daily basis, legal and national security analyst Susan Hennessey was onset to opine on purely political topics. And thus the former Obama official teed off on not just Republicans as saying racist things, but how the Democrats have been too slow to make this formal move:

Well, I think it’s remarkable instead of having a conversation or seeing the Republicans have a conversation about whether or not the President’s words were actually racist, we’re having a conversation about whether or not it is acceptable to call something that let’s be clear that is clearly racist by that name on the House floor. So, this is certainly an unprecedented situation but to the extent it’s so surprising and unprecedented it goes back to the President of the United States making these comments in the first place. Keep in mind, you know, it has taken two years for the House Democrats to get to this point. It is not as though he came into office and they were running to the House floor calling him a racist, calling his statements racist. He has incrementally pushed them sort of past the point in which there is any other word to fairly describe the President’s statements. They were racist.

Asked about comments Kellyanne Conway made on the White House grounds to Breakfast Media’s Andrew Feinberg wondering where his ancestors came from, Zeleny blasted her as being “ridiculous” and“sound[ing] like an immigration agent at the airport.”

Siddiqui got another chance as well, defending the so-called “Squad” as being criticized not for their views but because “they were also elected in part to represent the voices of communities who aren’t — who haven’t really been represented welcome back the hallways of Congress and so for them to be attacked on the basis of the color of their skin, that is why you have seen this uproar.”

Before a break, Hennessey blasted Conway and, again, makes one wonder why CNN allows its liberal analysts to opine on topics that are outside the realm of “legal” or “national security” matters (click “expand”):

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Except only a partisan can find racism in Trump’s honest and accurate comment.

Siddiqui got another chance as well, defending the so-called “Squad” as being criticized not for their views but because “they were also elected in part to represent the voices of communities who aren’t — who haven’t really been represented welcome back the hallways of Congress and so for them to be attacked on the basis of the color of their skin, that is why you have seen this uproar.”

Racists used to regularly vote for Democrat racists to represent them in Congress. Many were fellow Klan members. Is this what Siddiqui was referring to? Is that OK?

Trump controls CNN. It’s hilarious. He can control what they say…

…he’s accelerating their hysteria in branding anyone they don’t like as “racist”, which then takes away the only thing they have left.


Lately the Left has been redefining words by the thousands.
Racism is one of those words.
There shouldn’t even be a vote.
People have no idea what “racism” even means to the various parties in this.

To gain linguistic and ultimately ideological supremacy, the left is constantly attempting to alter speech in ways both small and large.
The small ways are sometimes even more effective because they can elude whatever radar the right may possess, and the right often adopts these linguistic changes without even realizing what’s occurring.

Orwell devoted a great portion of his masterpiece Nineteen Eighty-Four to this very issue of politically purposeful language change, something he viewed as central to leftist thought.

Jordan Peterson refused to use “preferred pronouns” IF that use was either under coercion or threat of punishment by gov’t or SJW-types.
In this video he addresses the issue of the left “trying to gain linguistic supremacy in the area of public discourse.”

Do you think you know what “racism” means when used by the Squad?
Think again.
The time in the House could be better spent.

@Nan G: To them, racism is nothing but a political tool, but since they think it is the only one that works, they have worn it completely out.