Acosta accosts a White House aide and loses his WH pass

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Watch Jim Acosta chop this woman’s arm

His White House press pass has been suspended

Acosta is also a liar


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Its about time, this rude ignorant fool has pushed it way to far this time. The entire press core for the white house needs to reassess their behavior, its not about their latest made up outrage, try formulating intelligent questions for the event you are sent there to cover, screaming over each other. Intentionally mis-quoting to push agendas.
Stop being fake and the enemies of the people.
They failed to report

Young African-American Beauty Accused of Racism and Fired from Modeling Agency for Attending TPUSA Black Leadership Conference

Remember when Obama had “press conferences?”
He’d take one or two pre-planned questions then filibuster for the entire time, saying next to nothing.
How are Trumps press conferences in contrast?
He stands there for 80 minutes and takes dozens of questions, answering then succinctly and to the point.
Yet the press treated Obama like a god.
And, in contrast, treat Trump like they are verbal paparazzi who MUST be respected and answered, no matter how callously they misrepresent him.

@kitt: #1
Notice something about the women pictured?
Typical Conservative women.
Attractive and smiling.
Mad Maxine Waters. Blech.

@kitt: Remember when this hard-hitting press corps would ask Obama those contentious questions like, “what do you attribute your greatness to?” and “how great are you… real great or really, really great?” or “Boy, that 1.2% economic growth sure is great. It is as great as you are?”

These media twerps live to get some little jab in on Trump, then go to the bar and slap each other on the back about what a great journalistic fete it was.

Now, what is the media going to bellyache about? Firing Sessions of shutting up Acosta?

Spell the word IDIOT’ A.C.O.ST.A IDIOT

@Spurwing Plover: Petulant Accosta portraying himself as a victim geting really thin, why do I have to go to the White-house briefing on CR to find White House news? The press corps are failing.

Had the attacker been an America lover this would have been HEADLINE “NEWS” . Clip run 12 time an hour on every “news” station. Since the attacker was an American hater “nothing here, move one”!
American hating bigotry on the Press has been here for at least 70 years. This shows the bigots still run the “news”!?@!#$%?

So do we have to worry Jim will make himself a FAKE PRESS PASS?

@kitt: Most all agree WH doctored the video.

@Richard Wheeler: It wasnt, most agreeing are morons. No the blocking of the aide caused her no harm, but his turn was over and he refused to allow others a turn, Accosa cant follow basic kindergarden rules .
New Mexican word of the day, accosta, Jim now has to report from Accosta street.
Sure he was “set up” too.
Do they show the difference from live feed? Please send me the link.

#7 “ATTACKER” LOL How bout “The Invasion”

hyperbolic BS.

#3 Women pictured?–one young intern?

Kitt WH version was simply sped up to make Acosta’s movement more violent–Let’s face it—This was simply a hissy fit between 2 grown men—shame on both.

@Richard Wheeler: You really will never get it so sad you are so deeply programmed. The news clip came from cspan feed it actually looks worse if slowed frame by frame. I hope more screamers interrupters and asshats get the boot until they learn to behave as professionals.

@kitt: People might be more inclined to act “professional” when and if Trump acts more “Presidential”
Really Kitt he acts like a petulant child at times and a classic bully at others—the majority of Americans, though certainly not all,, are embarrassed to be represented by such a man.
Sorry Kitt, but if anyone is “programmed” it would be those in lock step with Trump who now has the temerity to call himself “a moral leader.”–NOW THAT’S TRULY SIDE SPLITTING.

btw How “bad” does the clip look? The young intern hurt in ANY way?

@Richard Wheeler:

People might be more inclined to act “professional” when and if Trump acts more “Presidential”

What you perceive as unacceptable behavior justifies what is truly unacceptable behavior.

And a man can manhandle a woman who is obviously half his age but that’s OK because the young woman wasn’t hurt? What happened to your support for the #Metoo movement?

Got it. Just more liberal excuses. Wonder how that would work out for you in the Marine Corp if you shoved a young female officer. Can you say “brig”?

@retire05: The left likes to act like spoiled little children and get away with it. They don’t like being scolded by the adult in the room. They claim Trump should act “dignified” and “adult” (translated to not talk back to them when they throw a fit in his presence) but no one actually expects liberals to act like adults; that requires self control and discipline.

Liberals do not care in the least how women are treated. They proved that with Ellison’s election to AG in Minnesota. Hear any liberal outrage over that? When Acosta wants to talk, no WOMAN has the right to stop him. If she tries, he’ll just knock her arm out of the way. No one gets to stop Acosta from stupidly asking why Trump is calling an invasion and invasion.

Manhandled?—shoved? I don’t think so.

Irish—wearing green up 25-6 on FSU looking for 10-0

@Richard Wheeler:

Wheeler, is there any unacceptable behavior by a leftist that you can’t find an excuse for?

@retire05: #14
“Wonder how that would work out for you in the Marine Corp if you shoved a young female officer. Can you say “brig”?”

A civilian jail on an ordinary assault charge, at best.
An internet search for Richard Wheeler brings up current and former Marines, but none that match Mr. “Semper Fi” here..
Dick, can you prove that you’re not stealing valor? A link to a listing of your membership in any legit organizations, or photos from your boot camp or unit?
You sure don’t talk like any former Marine that I’ve ever met…

For you ill informed it’s Corps—I long ago scanned my DD-214 to author Aye Chi who informed Curt.

Some ridiculed me for being so transparent.

We don’t even know your real name Petercat..Many Marines are Dems including Jim Webb and current Congressman Connor Lamb.

Once a Marine always a Marine. Again happy 243rd birthday 1775-2018 to the World’s greatest fighting force.

@retire05: Wheeler was the one that wanted to join Antifa, so no he will mindlessly defend anything he sees on MSM.

@Richard Wheeler: #19
“We don’t even know your real name Petercat..”
Lots of people here don’t use their real names. Nice try.
So where is your DD-214 posted?
Are you ashamed of something?
And I don’t recall Webb or Lamb passing hate the way you do.
Like I said, you sure don’t talk like any former Marine that I’ve ever met.
I found a scanned DD-214 online for a Richard Wheeler, but he got out just a few years ago.
What did you do, copy it and change the dates?

@kitt“:join Antifa” Now you’re even lying like Trump. .Or is that just you’re idea of a joke?

ND WINS BIG I’m gonna check in on USC.

Petercat—You wanna bet $1000 I can prove I was a Marine Officer who served in Viet Nam? Fellow Marine Curt– who I trust completely and I’m sure you do to -can hold the money.
Neither Webb or Lamb have ever supported “I can’t remember which foot it was” Trump. BTW Mr afraid to give your real name I forgot when you served–wanna remind me?

@Richard Wheeler:

:join Antifa” Now you’re even lying like Trump. .Or is that just you’re idea of a joke?

Yes you did you wanted to go to Charlottesville cause guys were marching with tiki torches.
You have very selective memory, or its filled with the garbage of cable opinion shows with rude unprofessional reporters that dont report what is going on in the White House. You have proven yourself a bigot and poorly informed.

@Richard Wheeler: #22
“BTW Mr afraid to give your real name I forgot when you served–wanna remind me?”
Nope. I’m not like you, I don’t use my military experience as a way to validate my views. It doesn’t matter here.
And I’m not “afraid” to use my real name, but I do wonder if you are. It’s easy to fake, after all.
If anything, I have a distaste for flak in unrelated areas that people like you would bring with my real name.
Or is it your opinion that everyone here that doesn’t use their real name is a coward?

@Dick Wheeler: #24
See how easy it is to use a fake name, “Richard ‘Hoorah’ Wheeler”?
And no, I bet on people I know, not with people I don’t know.
Besides, you may actually be telling the truth.
Now prove it.

@Petercat: I’d say you are afraid to use your real name. What about putting up the $1000 to be held by Curt. If you are going to accuse me of lying about my service—faking my DD-214–That’s pretty damn chicken shit PC and the least you can do is take the bet or back off.–don’t you think?. You telling me you don’t trust Curt? I’ll send him $!000 check tomorrow– he can cash and hold till he determines if my proof is valid–you do the same. Why would you have a problem with that?
BTW I don’t use my military service to ” validate my views.” I’m simply proud of it as all Vets should be–particularly on this weekend Meantime PC you can learn to spell Marine Corps correctly and if you wanna troll you can look me up on Facebook in So Cal as Ret05 and RT have already done.

Kitt When did YOU start making things up? Charlottsville/ANTIFA LOL I truly expected more from YOU.
Walker’s loss got you down?

Seems you Trumpists are becoming unhinged.much like Trump. Can’t handle the losses?

@Richard Wheeler: #26
“BTW I don’t use my military service to ” validate my views.” I’m simply proud of it as all Vets should be–particularly on this weekend.”
I’m proud of mine as well, but it’s not something I care to wave around in public like a flag of virtue. Or as an excuse for being a jerk.
I’ve done things outside of service that I’m proud of, as well. But I don’t wave them around in public, either.
As to the bet, I’ve already addressed that. Come up with something new, you’re boring me.
And no, asking you to prove your service isn’t chickenshit, as you bring it up at every chance you get. If you’re so proud of it that you have to wave it around, why are you afraid to prove it here? After all, you’re not afraid to claim it here.
Just post a link to a photo or two of your unit with you in it. On a legitimate Marine Corps website, not your facebook.
What’s chickenshit is accusing me of being afraid for doing the same thing that most people do for legitimate reasons.
How about that? Someone who claims to be a former marine who’s afraid to post proof that he is what he says he is. Or who is afraid to post proof that his name is what he says it is. After all, you don’t have to use your real name here. See above.
So prove it.

@Dickie WheelerAKA PC: As said I’ve already proved my service with a valid DD-214 scanned to an author of this website—Aye Chi–he confirmed it’s receipt—You personally wanna see more it will cost you $1000. You shouldn’t mind after insulting me and questioning my service
If you claim to be a Vet you ought to know how to spell Marine Corps.


You have very selective memory, or its filled with the garbage of cable opinion shows with rude unprofessional reporters that dont report what is going on in the White House. You have proven yourself a bigot and poorly informed.

Indeed. He remembers answering questions he dodged.

Curt Would you mind E-mailing your mailing address to me RJWHEELER22@YAHOO.COM—-When Petercat agrees I’ll send you a certified check for $1000 to hold uncashed untill you receive his,
He’s calling me a liar–let’s see if he has the guts to stand behind that assertion.

Have a great Veterans Day Thank you for your service as a Marine and a Police Officer—-Semper Fi


I knew Wheeler would throw out that old “I sent Aye my DD-214” crap.

Here’s a question for you; what kind of insecure (or insanely egotistical) person would send their private information to a commentator of a blog who also used an anonymous name on line?

Of course, I don’t remember Aye ever acknowledging receipt of Wheeler’s DD-214 or Curt claiming to have seen it, as well. Seems Wheeler’s goal was to pull them into a pi$$ing contest he was having with another poster. What I do remember was Aye getting angry at me (I challenged him and his personality seemed to be quite like Wheeler’s; arrogant) and Aye, having access to my information, publically outed me on this blog. I believe Aye had to remove that post. So how trustworthy is someone who had access to a blog’s private information and then misuses it? And this was the guy that Wheeler professed such trust in. All this happened 5 years and 8 months ago. Aye’s last contribution to this blog seems to have been in 2012.

Now Wheeler is asking Curt to email him. Why? Curt can be emailed directly from this site. Wheeler’s insecurity and arrogance requires him to try to pull others into his b/s. This has been going on for over six years, minimum.

Perhaps Wheeler needs to use his VA benefits and seek some mental health consulting.

: There are certain people you trust in life–others you don’t—Call it a gut feeling or maybe simply what you learn from life’s experiences Fortunately I’ve been right a lot more often than I’ve been wrong

Aye Chi was a guy i trusted–still do. Some guy like Petercat questioned my servjce—Aye as an author suggested scanning my dd-214 to him–I did—-
Aye and I, then set my accuser up as a phony—couple of simple questions is all it took–he disappeared from FA
Curt is another I trust to do the right thing—also RT a Navy Vet

Others can say what they want We’ve got a leader that’s set the bar for honesty and civility at a new low–and a substantial minority of the populace buy into it.


@rich wheeler:

: There are certain people you trust in life–others you don’t—

If you trust someone on the internet with such sensitive information as your DD-214, you’re an idiot.

Aye as an author suggested scanning my dd-214 to him–I did—-

And he suggested that how?
And you would have done what if he had misused it like he misused my information?

Yep, you’re an idiot.

@retire05: He never misused my info.
He couldn’t stand you, though I doubt he “misused” your info—just told the truth about you perhaps. He was known to do that A stand up, honest guy I’m sure Curt would agree.
Much of the correspondence I had with Aye Chi-was off line–true also with Mata Harley another of your antagonists and one of FA’S great authors. .
Things not the same since they left FA. Wordsmith, who is rarely heard from, is the best of what’s left on this Conservative blog.

I know Curt is too much the gentleman to say so—but he’s nodding his head in agreement.

You. of all people, calling Aye and myself “arrogant” is the ultimate kettle/black.

@Richard Wheeler:

He couldn’t stand you, though I doubt he “misused” your info

Outing my identity was absolutely misuse of my info. But no surprise that you would condone such actions. It was shortly after that incident that Aye was gone.

Of course you agreed with him. He was less than conservative.

Much of the correspondence I had with Aye Chi-was off line

Off line how?

And why do you care if some anonymous poster, that you don’t know and has nothing to do with your life, calls you a fraud? Is your ego so fragile that you would send someone your DD-214 to prove your claims? Seems it is and that really is kinda unhinged, Wheeler.

Deeper into the world of a totalitarian police state replete with censorship and propaganda.