by Kurt Schlichter
If you want an indicator of how lost Western civilization has become, go to your kids’ school and check their rules on fighting. Most likely, you’ll find out if two kids get into a fight, both get suspended, regardless of whether one was a punk bully who started it and the other was simply defending himself or some little kid. This is a moral disaster, of course – violence in the defense of what is right is a moral obligation and a symbol of a greater rot within society. This is the kind of rule created by middle-aged, divorced cat women who can neither find nor satisfy a man and live in a tranquil bubble of affluent, frivolous safety and security created by their harder, worthier forbearers who understood the world’s true nature.
The true nature of the world is savagery.
The world’s true nature is that good is forever pitted against evil.
That has never changed. What happened over the last 70 years or so was an interregnum of peace in the West, created by violence against barbarians and facilitated by people willfully looking away from the butchery still continuing at the fringes of the map. The West managed to build a civilization that was – for the first time in history since perhaps the Pax Romana – generally internally peaceful. And the West convinced itself that this was normal.
But it was not normal. It was an anomaly, a glorious one, but an anomaly nonetheless. The world is not a peaceful place, and it never was, and it never will be. Despite the best efforts of the arrogant left, human nature has not changed. Human nature is vicious and cruel. Rousseau’s noble savage nonsense, which we are still dealing with today in the form of eager sophomores in Che t-shirts slobbering over Hamas psychopaths – is a giant fraud. Savages are not distinguished by their nobility. Their savagery distinguishes them. And we need to find the moral strength to do what is necessary to defeat them.
We must learn again to kill. We must learn again to destroy. We must learn again to be ruthless in defeating our enemies. The big lie that Western civilization tells itself is that there are no real enemies, that there are no bad people – except the people of the West themselves, who bear some sort of original sin for not being corrupt and inept Third World barbarians.
We do have enemies, as we have seen. We do have enemies, as they tell us. When they talk about decolonization, they are talking about de-you-ization. When they talk about killing settlers, you need to understand that you are a settler, and they mean killing you. They mean raping your daughter in front of you. They mean chopping your baby’s head off. They mean slaughtering your wife or husband, sons and daughters, and even your dog. And they mean enjoying it, reveling in the ecstatic glee of mass murder, and being so proud of it that they call home to their daddies and brag about it, or put up their body cam videos on TikTok.
The world was always a savage place. What happened on October 7 was not an anomaly. It was normality. What do you think happened to sacked cities in the past, which is what these Gaza-adjacent towns in Southern Israel essentially were? The attackers captured their objective, burned and razed the buildings, stole everything they could carry, raped anyone without a penis and some with, and piled corpses in the streets. We’re stunned simply because we forgot what a sack is, but for most of human history, people lived in terror of it happening to them, hoping for the chance to inflict one upon their neighbors.
We in the West, of which Israel is a part and thereby is hated, forgot about this. Worse, we have forgotten our strength and our courage. We have forgotten that we survive not through gentle hugging but through sword-swinging. For example, we have forgotten how to conduct a siege. The idea that Israel should somehow give these Hamas barbarians food, water, and electrical power even if it surrounds Gaza and prepares to attack is mind-boggling insanity. The moral illiteracy of expecting Israel to care more about the Palestinian people than other Palestinians do is simply bizarre.
Remember the Pax Romana? Do you think that peace just sort of occurred because everybody shared their feelings openly and without restraint? Do you know how the Romans did sieges? Let’s talk about Caesar at Alesia. The Gauls had gotten uppity and killed a lot of Romans, so Caesar decided to pacify them. The barbarian leader Vercingetorix took refuge in the hilltop town, and Caesar immediately surrounded it. He had his legionnaires build a giant wall around it to lock the Gauls inside. The Gauls called their friends for help, so Caesar built another wall around his besieging forces to keep the relief column at bay. He starved out Alesia, eventually forcing the Gauls to attack and defeating them handily. Then he took Vercingetorix back to Rome, made him march in chains in triumph, and then had his defeated enemy strangled. This was an important learning point for the barbarians. Don’t screw with civilized people, or everybody dies.
This is how you get a Pax Romana. There’s no other way.
The hard truth is that the world contains bad people who must be crushed through ruthless violence, which shocks and horrifies modern sensibilities. But it is reality nonetheless. When people want to kill you, you are at a decision point. You can either let them kill you or stop them. But stopping them often involves aesthetically displeasing actions, such as blowing them into little bits with bombs or shoving a bayonet into their guts and watching them die in agony. And it necessarily means inflicting death and damage on the noncombatant camp followers around them. That’s why they say war is hell. And that’s why starting one is probably not a good idea. But when someone else starts one, you have to choose them or you. Someone’s going to die badly, and you know, I propose it is those other guys.
The West didn’t start this fight, but it damn well better finish it, or they will finish us. Time to stop being soft. It’s time to stop lying to ourselves. It’s time to stop pretending that human nature took a 180° change a few decades ago and that we are not the same animals we used to be because now we have cars, airplanes, and Instagram.
We’ve seen humanity evolve over time. Even in the past couple of hundred years, we’ve seen slavery denounced and, in civilized societies, eradicated. But, the human being has a barbaric nature; it’s not gone, but suppressed.
We have also seen in just the past century regimes that assumed absolute power over the populace and employed violent brutality to control them. What we saw was that people with absolute power and no moral restraints can be just as vile and barbaric as any Hun or Viking. We’ve seen governments that promoted the idea that brutally abusing and suppressing people is, in fact, the moral duty, not the treating with kindness and equity. They could not be shamed into changing their ideology, and neither will those who sense weakness in those who adhere to the concept of love thy neighbor and turn the other cheek.
The Hamas brutality, combined with the anti-American and anti-West indoctrination in many schools, has unleashed the barbaric inner consciousness many students. In addition, there are those gleefully funding the chaos to weaken the west (while ignoring the gigantic monster they are creating).
I would like nothing better than kumbaya-ing all over the place. It makes life far more simple and less stressful. However, whenever inhuman violence and cruelty rears its ugly head, there is but one acceptable response: it must be, itself, brutally and totally destroyed. While innocent civilians, particularly those who ignored the potential these animals threatened and cheered their concept of exterminating a hated group of people, will get caught in the crossfire, the onus for that tragedy (such as it is) lies with the barbarians for making the violent reaction necessary, not with those defending their very lives.
RE “We’ve seen humanity evolve over time”
You evidently live in a fantasy world. Humanity has steadily DEvolved for millennia, what has “evolved” is their technology:
The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room: Humans’ Invisibilized Soullessness Spectrum Disorder
“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker, a raving lunatic.” — Dresden James
While there are many in the human race that simply have not kept up with advancements in civility and humanity, I still maintain the obvious fact that humanity has advanced from the barbarity that was prevalent.
‘All the bodies were brutalized’: The truth about the Hamas attacks | The Caroline Glick Show
Interview with one of the volunteers who prepared deceased Israelis for burial in the Jewish Tradition. The brutality of hamas IMHO does not in any way warrant criticism of the current collateral damage. hamas brought this on the people of Gaza and they are to blame for the collateral damage, not Israel.
The collateral damage is not a result of Iraeli cruelty or retribution for the heinous acts committed by Hamas and Palestinians that followed them up. It is merely a result of Hamas designing their defense to created civilian casualties to use as propaganda props.
The Muslim brotherhood/aka hamas is to blame for the collateral damage inflicted upon the people of Gaza.
Unfortunately the world at large is blind to the reality.
Totally to blame, as are any and all that ignore the truth and support Hamas and the Palestinians.