Of course, to get to that conclusion in their exhaustive, sober and totally non-partisan studies, the definition of “racist” now includes such things such as holding the same standard for all individuals regardless of melanin content —
“Tea Party activists have denied accusations that their movement is racist, and there is nothing intrinsically racist about opposing ‘big government’ or clean-energy legislation or health care reform. But it is clear that the movement is more appealing to people who are unsympathetic to blacks and who prefer a harder line on illegal immigration than it is to other Americans,” Gary C. Jacobson, a professor at the University of California at San Diego, wrote in his paper, “The President, the Tea Party, and Voting Behavior in 2010.” […]Like Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Abramowitz also said they were more likely to harbor racial resentment, which he judged based on their answers to questions such as whether blacks could succeed as well as whites if they “would only try harder,” and whether they agreed with the statement that Irish, Italians and Jews overcame prejudice and “blacks should do the same without any special favors.”
Mr. Abramowitz said tea party supporters were substantially more likely than other voters to question how much effort black Americans are making to advance themselves, versus being held back by social factors.
“Tea Party supporters displayed high levels of racial resentment and held very negative opinions about President Obama, compared with the rest of the public and even other Republicans,” Mr. Abramowitz wrote. “In a multivariate analysis, racial resentment and dislike of Barack Obama, along with conservatism, emerged as the most important factors contributing to support for the Tea Party movement.”
More than a dozen papers at the conference peered into the tea party, the movement’s philosophical underpinnings and its role in the 2010 elections. Titles included “Civil Rights and LGBTQ Scapegoats in the Tea Party Movement,” “Passionate Patriotism: Gender and the Discourse of Anger in the Tea Party Movement” and Mr. Abramowitz’s “Partisan Polarization and the Rise of the Tea Party Movement.”
There you have it, you Constitution-loving freaks. Individualism is racist.
Who knew?
Asking the Federal Government to balance its budget is racist.
Opposing Pres. Obama for his false, unproductive, and misleading policies, is racist.
Obama must be correct; he is black.
Opposing statism, just because it doesn’t work is racist.
Desiring to keep the income which you earned is racist.
Opposing re-distribution of wealth is racist.
In short, the United States of America, founded on personal liberty, is racist. Too much opportunity has been given to minorities to advance themselves. All must be equal. Misery is the norm, and the Liberals will not be happy until everyone is unhappy.
Misery index, anyone?
Their proof is based on… Personal opinion, how unique and scientific.
Now the public can ask, are they trying to reflect current opinion or to create a sense of public opinion.
There is a multi-dimensional attack based on personal assumptions and innuendo. How Democratic can you be. Let’s hope the American people are not gullible enough to swallow this rancid swill from the Left.