Doug Ross:
When I saw an ABC News report early Friday about “candidate” Trump supposedly ordering Michael Flynn to contact Russia before the election, I said to myself “it’s Brian Ross — wait for the real story to come out.” And sure enough:
ABC News issued a correction Friday on a report published earlier in the day that stated former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was instructed by President Trump to contact Russians while Trump was still a candidate.
Instead, the “clarification” noted that Trump’s request came after the election – a significant detail as Trump would have been transitioning from campaign mode to preparing for the start of his administration.
“Significant detail” indeed. How’s this for a “clarification”?
Clarification: During a live Special Report, ABC News reported that a confidant of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said Flynn was prepared to testify that then-candidate Donald Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the campaign. That source later clarified that during the campaign, Trump assigned Flynn and a small circle of other senior advisers to find ways to repair relations with Russia and other hot spots. It was shortly after the election, that President-elect Trump directed Flynn to contact Russian officials on topics that included working jointly against ISIS.
The original Brian Ross report pushing the “collusion” angle really implodes when it’s discovered that if Trump had Flynn contact Russia, it was after the election. It’s kind of difficult to “collude” with Russia to win an election after the election has taken place, but this is ABC News we’re talking about, and they’ve got a narrative to push.
I’m still laughing at the “clarification” part. They spelled “retraction” wrong:
Now I guess the left has figured out they can make damaging false reports and hurt the economy, so they will use that, like false accusations of sexual abuse and racism, to substitute for ideas the voters like.
ABC did this intentionally. FAKE NEWS.
The gold is watching the idiot Joy Behar have an orgasm (the first in 45 years) when she reads the fake news. I enjoy imagining her reaction when someone with a modicum of intelligence explained the reality to her.
Liberals really should live in their own separate world where they can make up their lies, get all excited about the lies they make up, then move forward to the next lie.
The reporter given a suspension, without pay?
You know ABC cares about accurate reporting and trust of its viewers pffft.
It acknowledges and clarifies the error as well as anything could. It also indicates that the error originated with their source, not with the person who reported what ABC had been told.
Presumably you’re cutting Donald Trump a bit more slack with respect to the Twitter post indicating he was aware that Flynn had lied to the FBI. Maybe Trump should be suspended for 4 weeks for his mistake?
ABC has given Brian Ross a 4-week suspension for the error. Because they do maintain high journalistic standards. Unlike Trump, they do value the truth.
How about ABC reimburse the losses for a 350 point Dow drop? The corrupt liberal media thinks its just fun and games to promote their own stupid political aims by presenting lies as the truth. ABC’s “mistake” was due solely because they WANTED to see withing Flynn’s statement what they reported so badly they actually reported it that way.
So, exactly how do they value the truth? Enough to present the news as it is, without embellishment, editorializing, editing or deleting what is unfavorable to their own political bent? No, apparently not.