A Top German Environmentalist Cools On Global Warming

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Hell has finally frozen over! Fritz Vahrenholt, one of the fathers of Germany’s environmental movement who has headed the renewable energy division of RWE, that country’s second largest utility company, has co-authored a new blockbuster book with geologist/paleontologist Sebastian Luning announcing that the climate catastrophe heralded by the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been called off. Titled “The Cold Sun: Why the Climate Disaster Won’t Happen”, it raises a man-made blizzard of icily numbing challenges to IPCC competence in general, and to their exaggerated attributions of CO2 greenhouse warming influence in particular.

Such charges from a prominent socialist and former global warming doctrine apostle have really taken the alarmist community by storm…and their symbolic timing as Germany has been experiencing its worst cold snap in 26 years made the message even more dramatic. Three of Germany’s most widely read news publications, Bild, Der Spiegel, and Die Welt immediately took notice, releasing skeptical climate science articles in their print and on-line editions.

The initial Bild article titled “The CO2 Lie” addressed “What the IPCC of the U.N. doesn’t tell you”, and then asks, “…what if the IPCC is wrong? Can we really blindly trust these experts? Are they really independent?” They then conclude, “The phenomenal prognoses of heat from the IPCC are pure fear-mongering.” Part 2 titled “There Hasn’t Been Any Global Warming In 12 Years!” emphasizes that CO2 is not that potent of a gas, and that a doubling would lead to only a 1.1°C temperature increase. Yet the IPCC fudges the models so that they produce a much higher increase because of the assumed water-vapor amplifier. This assumption is really on shaky ground.

Bild notes that while soot also is a major contributor and that a recent study shows that it was seriously underestimated just a few years ago, “…the IPCC decision-makers are fighting tooth and nail against accepting the roles of the oceans, sun, and soot.”Accordingly, IPCC models are completely out of whack. “The facts need to be discussed sensibly and scientifically, without first deciding on the results.”

Germany’s flagship weekly news magazine Der Spiegel featured a 4-page interview with Vahrenholt, where he repeated book statements that IPCC scientists exaggerated the impact of CO2 on climate. He predicted that taking CO2’s true influence into account and extending past natural cycles into the future would most likely produce a few tenths of a degree of cooling. And although the book authors don’t deny that CO2 has some warming influence, they believe the Sun plays a far greater role in the whole scheme of things.

In a full page Die Welt interview, Vahrenholt explains why he grew skeptical of the IPCC. One problem was that the IPCC had the habit of filtering out important scientific findings so that they never appear in the summary reports. He also gives three reasons why he expects it to get cooler in the future: 1) we are or soon will be beginning on the downward flank of the Sun’s Gleissberg and Suess cycles, 2) the ocean cycles will be in their negative phases over the next decades, and 3) we currently find ourselves in the weakest phase of solar activity in 80 years, and the next solar cycle could be a very weak one.

Dr. Vahrenholt’s lack of trust in the IPCC’s objectivity and veracity took root two years ago when he became an expert reviewer for their report on renewable energy. He recently commented: “I discovered numerous errors and asked myself if the other IPCC reports on climate change were similarly sloppy.” When he pointed out the inaccuracies to IPCC, their officials simply brushed them aside. Stunned by this, he asked himself “Is this the way they approached climate assessment reports?”

After carefully studying the matter Vahrenholt decided, “ I couldn’t take it any more. I had to write this book.” He explains that then after digging into the IPCC’s climate report he was horrified by what he found. On top of discovering numerous factual errors there were issues involving 10 years of stagnant temperatures, failed predictions, Climategate e-mails, and informative discussions with dozens of other elite skeptical scientists. The book cites more than 800 sources to back up conclusions, including many peer-reviewed papers that appeared after the IPPC’s 2007 report was released

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Vahrenholt predicted that taking CO2’s true influence into account and extending past natural cycles into the future would most likely produce a few tenths of a degree of cooling???
Maybe…..but he was not the first.
Others realized this years ago.
Skeptics had warned the IPCC, their scientists, the warmist community and as many of us as their media could get to that, even if all CO2 from all human activity ceased*, it wouldn’t make a whole degree difference on earth’s warming/cooling cycle.

But, nonetheless, it is great to have him on board.

*You know what that means? All humans disappeared tomorrow.

So, when did the evil oil companies get to him? I mean, the only reason for renowned scientists to change their opinions on this issue, according to the left, is that the oil and energy companies obviously paid him off somehow to change his mind.

Stupid liberals. What would the result be if the world had accepted Gore’s vision, and commenced to trade carbon credits, with all that that entails, only to find out later that it was either a hoax, or that the “scientists” like Mann, were completely wrong on their conclusions. Damn liberals don’t realize how stupid they really are. They’d rather “win at all costs” than observe the truth about issues.