First Hitchens, and now Vaclev Havel has died. Here’s what Matt Welch had to say about him a few years ago.
Don’t expect the media to make a big deal of it. He was the wrong kind of dissenter, being too American for Europe. The fact that he never won a Peace Prize, while Yasser Arafat and Barack Obama did, says something very fundamental about the corruption and uselessness of that once-honorable achievement.
14 people are dead in Cairo, too.
Most of them are females.
I saw this photo of a female, her hijab torn off, exposing her turquoise bra, while a large number of soldiers beat her with 5-foot-long rods and stomp her head, neck and chest with their boots.
She is one of those beaten who survived, btw.
Video (WARNING: GRAPHIC!) of her beating begins after 30 seconds of Arabic on screen, here: