“Let me tell you about the America I know,” Love began. “My parents immigrated to the U.S. with ten dollars in their pocket, believing that the America they had heard about really did exist. When times got tough they didn’t look to Washington, they looked within,” she said.
“So the America I came to know was centered in personal responsibility and filled with the American dream,”
“…President Obama’s version of America is a divided one — pitting us against each other based on our income level, gender, and social status,” she said. “His policies have failed! We are not better off than we were 4 years ago, and no rhetoric, bumper sticker, or campaign ad can change that.”
“Mr. President I am here to tell you we are not buying what you are selling in 2012,”
This woman is dynamic and inspiring. What a comparison to Maxine Waters!
@Randy: Plus she’s young and attractive, right—the main interest of ultra-conservatives. (I know—I check their blogs everyday.) I forget the name of the conservative who commented a few years ago on the ‘physical unattractiveness’ of Democratic women—quite a criterion on which to base your politics.
Folks like lib 1 are already showing their tolerance:
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
No, Lib1. She is of great interest to us “ultra” conservatives because she isn’t afraid to stand up and tell it like it is, despite the hateful attitude you liberal/progressives express towards people like her.
To us, it is very refreshing to have someone of her race and gender stand up, knowing the left will do everything they can to knock her down, and not follow the standard path of failure so many like her have, such as Maxine Waters, whom Randy mentioned above.
She likely will not be invited to the Black Caucus when she gets to congress. She and West will have to start their own organization that will represented liberated minorities.
Hopefully, if she loses in her Congressional bid against incumbant blue dog Dem., the Party won’t discard her in such an ignoble manner as they did Hermain Cain. Where is he?
Tuesday night after rising GOP star Mia Love brought down the house with her inspiring convention speech, the stomach-turning Left labeled the black conservative a “token” and an “Aunt Tom.”
Meanwhile, the libs and progs were busy with Wikipedia. The libs were hard at work updating her entry with disgusting slurs like “House Nigger” and “dirty, worthless whore.” The page called her a “total sell-out to the Right Wing Hate machine and the greedy bigots who control the GOP.”
Glenn Reynolds reported the defacement of Love’s Wikipedia page last night.
S. Baker Your thoughts on the two conventioneers who threw peanuts at Black female CNN camerawoman yelling “this is how we feed the animals?” They haven’t received the meme.
@Liberal1 (objectivity): Obviously you never heard her speak. Your still an idiot.
@Richard Wheeler:
Well, it’s not like they threw Oreos at her, eh?
@Richard Wheeler: Trying to divert attention away from leftist racism so soon?
As for Herman Cain:
Rich, so far the only person who has reported the incident with peanuts is with mad dog Olberman; sorry, that alone invalidates potential propaganda. Do you have a credible source? Other than Lib Propaganda sources, is there a video? The damage has been done and there will probably never be any proof.
Another Vet Those fools made it so easy.lol
Aye Peanuts at a Repub. Convention. Ofcourse.
I have a new American hero, a First generation Black woman who espouses love for her country. A woman could look like Maxine Waters and say the same thing, but it takes heart, love, and humility to pull off the effect. Mia has all those in spades; maybe someday I will be able to vote for her.
@Richard Wheeler:
I notice you don’t have the intellectual honesty to address what has happened to Mia Love in the hours since she addressed the RNC.
I notice you lack the intellectual honesty to address the inherent racism that festers within those who reside on your side of the aisle.
I’m not surprised at all.
Exit question: Are you aware of the genesis of my Oreo reference?
Exit question, part deux: What is your opinion of MSNBC choosing exclude all of the minority speakers from their coverage of the RNC – Day One?
Did you say “spades”?
Uh oh… Rich will be along in a second to point his finger at you.
Aye, Aye aye, I did intentionally, this racist meme is being overplayed to the max. It seems the biggest racists spend most of their public discourse accusing other people of racism while they stand in blatant racism up to their necks. Pasta is a tasty dish, but if you overcook it, it becomes a gelatinous mush; these calls and taunts of racism have become so much mush. It is about to backfire on the Demos and their propaganda bureaus, every pony needs more than one good trick to amuse the kids.
Now for all you purveyors of racist accusations, why is it that the Liberal Propaganda Media totally ignores a Black woman who electrifies the crowd and receives a standing ovation, but get orgasmic over two bums who may not even exist, but may have thrown peanuts at a Black camerawoman and supposedly said, “This is the way we feed the animals,” without one micro-second of video in a place with thousands of video cameras. When they only have one an associate of the muckraker of hatred and all things vile Keith Olberman to substantiate this bizarre story that defies logic.
Actually, Ms. Love has met with some positive, or at least benign, reception in the world outside of Wikipedia (which is vast…). HuffPo ran an article, quite complimentary. And the majority of the comments are begrudgingly impressed… save one homeboy, “kalifornia boy”, who seems to have a problem that he’s easily bested by the mere slip of a girl. LOL
Even the normally obnoxious MSNBC did a five minute respectful story on her, according to Powerline back on Aug 19th.
And, in fact, I can find no negative media about Ms. Love save for the Wiki incident… which is nothing more than cowardly cyber vandals with an agenda. I mean, it’s Wiki, fer heavens sake… who the heck cares. I’m quite sure that Ms. Love doesn’t give it a second thought, or she wouldn’t be tough enough to have gotten where she is. Politics is not a sport for the weak kneed.
Lastly, I sent this on to drj off forum, knowing he’d appreciate a smile about leftist media that behaves well. And it’s appropriate to insert it here since it has to do with the use of the race card against the Republicans. The source? Mediaite again, of all places. Title? Liberalcrusade to define Republican attacks on Obama as racist descends into parody.
There comes a time when even the left cannot ignore the absurd.
Aye I’m not a fan of MSNBC and think Olberman as over the top on the left as pretty boy Sean on the right.
Racism is ugly and generally comes from the uneducated. No excuses for ANYONE Repub. or Dem.
I commend your defense of Trayvon Martin’s rights from those who are racially motivated. I wonder why you don’t, as a respected editor, “intellectually” question those at F.A. who racially deride the POTUS
Oreo understood. Your context?
Mata,in her inimitable fair and balanced way, points out Ms. Love not being blasted by the left as bad as you may suggest.
As for the camerawoman. Lets see what she has to say.
Mia Love is for LIFE and FREEDOM.
No way she could be a Democrat.
It is the ”party” of DEATH and TAX SLAVERY.
I enjoyed her speech and hope she wins her race for Congress.
As to the ”peanut” incident….
CNN refuses to name the person who allegedly had peanuts tossed at her.
The RNC threw out the person who it was alleged threw the peanuts.
The Secret Service, which has law enforcement jurisdiction inside the convention, refuses to act on the alleged incident.
@Skook: If it did happen, it is more likely that the reference was toward the employer (CNN) than the worker!
@Richard Wheeler:
I notice that you continue to duck and dodge the points that have been raised. I understand that they’re difficult for you and won’t press any further in order to get a response.
Don’t try and pass off some vague, esoteric accusation that things are happening here unless you’re ready to pony up and deliver the proof. Who here, precisely, is “racially derid[ing]” the POTUS? Be specific and provide the links.
I believe you’ll be really hard pressed when it comes to substantiating your position. Good luck though.
Michael Steele found out rather quickly how people of color are treated by those on your side of the aisle when he ran for Lieutenant Governor of Maryland in 2002. That’s where the Oreo reference came from.
Good try Rich.
As much as you may wish to ignore the smelly gorilla sitting in the center of the room, the changes to the Wiki page are documented and undeniable. They’re archived for posterity and, quite frankly, I don’t see how it could be a whole lot worse than this:
Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice could give us a first hand account of their experiences too, eh?
Aye Come on. You were courageous enough to stand against racism as you saw it in the Trayvon Martin case. Because you dislike Obama shouldn’t blind you to the similar racial overtones in the comments of some here at F.A. You’re the historian and a smart guy. When people say black messiah,or question how he was conceived,or derogatorily butcher his name.You know it. Nuf said by me.
Ofcourse I deplore and reject the statement you posted above.Any sane person would.
Thanks for standing up for me against those who’ve accused me of being a “phony soldier”
Semper Fi and good health to you and yours.
@Richard Wheeler:
Steady there Marine… don’t go all wobbly on me. You have claimed that there are those here who have “racially derided” the POTUS.
Surely, you can provide an example of that. Surely.
You wouldn’t make that sort of accusation without being able to back it up right? Right? And no, giving Obie a nickname doesn’t constitute racism unless, of course, he’s being called something that’s, you know, actually racist.
@Aye: Refering to POTIS as BHO or other slights on his name is not racist. It just shows the mutual level of respect we have for him as he has for us! Get over the racist issues. It is the left that keeps minorities condemned to poverty!
It is also the left that aborts black babies at higher rates than any other! Infact, that was one of the main reasons that Planned Parenthood started abortion clinics. If you do not believe this, check the history of the organization and the beliefs of the founder.
Not sure why that comment was addressed to me.
Actually, Shook, it’s been widely reported, including by CNN whose employee was involved. More decisively,perhaps to you, the convention released a statement condemning those involved.
Randy, there are even some claiming the perp was not even an invited delegate or Republican, but an instigator who came in with media!
It is odd that we know neither the name of the CNN person OR the perp, no?
Interesting how you would make light of the incident here in a wink wink manner and then several posts later in 26 and 27 rant about the racism of the Left.
@Aye: Sorry, it wasn’t!
Now Tom, I’d like to imagine CNN is worried about me, but I must grin as I think about the possibility.
However, without names or video, are we to assume these were bona fide attendees: they might well be, I am sure there are some weirdos in the crowd. In a group of a thousand people, there will be at least one that is capable of anything. There is also the possibility that the incident was staged by agents provocateurs.
It is curious how the MSM jumps upon the story as if the despicable behavior of two represents millions. How different this accusatory behavior is from the reaction of Conservatives, when they hear vulgar racist remarks from sick individuals, do we hear Fox News or anyone else saying this is representative of the whole Democrat Party.
Akin made an ass of himself and now the Conservative movement wants to control women (it’s like herding cats in my opinion) and two nobodies throw peanuts and say something vulgar and it is supposed to stop a whole movement.
@Aye, I believe my point is that abuse of Ms. Love is confined to the single Wikipedia “media”. As I said, I consider Wiki to basically be cyber vandalism of historical facts. To put that into context, any idiot with an agenda has edit powers there.
Wiki has some value as a starting point for references, but then you have to go to some solid sources to get to the truth from there. However the left MSM has either been begrudgingly respectful of Ms. Love, or silent.
Oh my, Code Pink nit wits made it into the convention with passes that were probably supplied by the propaganda bureaus, (they aren’t well represented in the Republican Party), I wonder if the unidentified peanut men were plants as well. No, the news people don’t create news, they report news. They would never make an ugly scene to discredit the convention.
The abuse of Ms. Love by the left has just begun, I’m sure.
@Richard Wheeler:
The camerawoman’s name wouldn’t be Madonna Constantine, would it?