A scientific look at the mask fallacy – and why we’re told to wear them

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Daniel Bobinski @ UncoverDV:

Imagine a large grizzly bear is terrorizing your neighborhood. You have a powerful bear gun and potent bear spray that will make the bear go away or allow you to eliminate it if it attacks you. But your government tells you not to use those tools. Instead, they insist you camouflage yourself, hunker down, and hope the bear doesn’t get you.

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If requested by a retailer to wear a mask while in their store no problem, it has not negatively effected the Menards here, that store always seems to be crowded. They fore go the germ impenetrable plexiglass that Walmart has, as the checkout person touches every item I choose to scan and bag it. Its all just theater the germ only traveling less than 6 feet before suddenly disintegrating into harmless vapor, unless you are praying of course, for the mindless. Recalls on the toxic hand sanitizers that kept our chapped dried hands from all dreaded germs.

Masks are not effective to prevent the spread.

@kitt: Recalls on the toxic hand sanitizers that kept our chapped dried hands from all dreaded germs.

I get email alerts from the FDA about all recalls.
It really is safer for your health and easily as effective to simply wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 30 seconds.
I have a gooey soap gel from Ulta that takes at least 30 seconds just to rinse off.
So, that makes it easy to get my hands really clean for food prep.

Updated July 11, 2020 – Still Confused About Masks? Here’s the Science Behind How Face Masks Prevent Coronavirus

You’ll find links to relevant studies about 1/3 of the way down the page, under What evidence do we have that wearing a mask is effective in preventing COVID-19?

There’s an indisputable correlation between conscientiously wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and a reduction in the spread of COVID-19 infection. Nations that have brought the contagion under control are doing both. Our own little experiment in ignoring this advice has turned into a resurgence of deadly infection. Those places that have abandoned such simple and obvious measures earliest and to the greatest degree are the same places that are being hit the hardest. That there’s cause and effect relationship between behavior and spread isn’t really a difficult deduction.

As the article points out, transmission via contaminated surfaces seems to be almost irrelevant compared with inhalation. Hand sanitizers aren’t much use against COVID-19. The virus is airborne, carried by microscopic particles emitted with every exhalation.


carried by microscopic particles emitted with every exhalation.

That even an N95 mask wont filter out, let alone the cheap ill fitting paper masks that are being sold for a buck apiece, or the hankie tied around your face like in old western hold ups, the kerchief.
Then re-breathing the dangerous pollutant CO2. trapping bacteria next to your face.
Per your link 33,000 deaths could be avoided by October 1 if 95 percent of people wore masks in public. Fauchi has blood on his hands lots of it..
Interesting non scientific experiments your link cited those droplets that evaporate carry how much virus? Compared to a wet washcloth who wears one of those? Where are the actual scientific papers? seems much like consensus science. Suck it up.

@kitt, #5:

That even an N95 mask wont filter out, let alone the cheap ill fitting paper masks that are being sold for a buck apiece, or the hankie tied around your face like in old western hold ups, the kerchief.

The individual virus is so small that no mask will filter it out, but transmission generally involves the exhalation and inhalation of much larger virus-contaminated droplets generated by breathing, speaking, coughing, or sneezing. Even a simple cloth or unwoven fiber mask will catch many of these, reducing the likelihood that a contaminated particle will be inhaled into the mouth, nose, and lungs. Simple masks are all about reducing the likelihood, or bending the odds—not about certain, 100 percent protection of every individual who wears one.

There have been numerous graphic demonstrations of the extent to which a simple mask can filter airborne droplets.

Seat belts and airbags aren’t about guaranteeing everyone’s survival in a car crash. They’re about significantly increasing the odds of survival. There are still fatalities, but countless more people walk away from accidents with them than would have without them. An individual protected by them has no guarantee, but greatly improved odds of personal survival.

It’s the same with simple masks covering the mouth and nose. Widespread use could tilt the odds of avoiding infection enough to reduce the overall rate of spread. Everyone becomes safer as a result.

Look, I have to disagree on this one. The use of masks will limit the spread of a respiratory virus, as far as you no spreading it to others. It’s not to for you not to get infected. For that, wear and N95 or better.

Masks help. I can literally see how masks stop the water droplets in your breath from going out into the air.

When you are infected with covid and have no symptoms, you are breathing out the virus and spreading it, so wear a mask on the off chance you have covid and don’t know it.

Respectfully, am I missing something?

@Greg: I agree with you 110% that masks mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

@Nathan Blue: I agree with wearing the masks but not that there is settled science on the efficacy with an airborne virus. Hell I sewed them for myself and my loved ones. They are the ones that say follow the science and never link to true scientific proof. I dont feel safer wearing one, nor that I am protecting anyone by my better fitted mask than the loose fitting gappy purchased ones. If they work so well why dont they give them to those in prison and keep those people locked up?


Not meaning to plagiarize something I recently read (because I don’t remember the origin) but when you mix politics with science, you get politics. And so, as we’ve seen, politics isn’t exactly working out very well with COVID.

So let’s cut the nonsense and wear the damn mask and get this crap behind us.

But leave it to Curt and the ilk to promote anything our con man in the WH promotes, even if it kills people in the streets.

@Ronald J. Ward: Can you link to where the President said anything negative about wearing a mask? He gets tested for the virus most likely daily and if negative he doesnt require a mask.
If you think wearing a mask is good then do it. If you test negative then why do it?
Thats the position the President has always taken, that and he wasn’t using up a mask a nurse or doctor would need in a known infected environment.
His wearing of a mask in a hospital made just for him, note the presidential shield it sported ,was wise. I bet it was more effective than any n95.


Can you link to where the President said anything negative about wearing a mask?

What’s the point? If he did link to such an article, you would find reasons to declare it invalid.


Can I link where Trump turned the mask into a political football?


Anyone remember the pictures of the people in those airtight ventilated suits to deal with ebola virus patients because viruses are incredibly small and that type of gear is the only way to safely deal with a virus. Masks are basically trying to stop mosquitos with a chain link fence. It’s about control and the desire of the deep state to incur that “State of Fear” they need to control the sheeple!

@Ronald J. Ward: There is my answer you havent a shred of evidence just all in your head, as usual. Sticks and stones.

@Bookdoc: Oh its not about total control https://www.nbcchicago.com/top-videos-home/lightfoots-coronavirus-warning-i-wont-just-turn-the-car-around-im-gonna-make-you-walk-home/2305438/
Damn Id walk home, as she takes Chicago into a Thelma and Louise ending.


You ask an asinine question, as if you’ve been out of the loop for the last six months.

Trump has turned the mask into a political football. His abject failed leadership and gross incompetence is likely the reason he’s dropping in the polls. This has been pretty much the blaring headlines of every news outlet. Where you’ve been is unknown.


Masks are basically trying to stop mosquitos with a chain link fence.

If the masks were supposed to stop individual viruses, you might have a point. As it is, however, the masks are intended to stop my virus-laden spittle, mucus and breath from reaching you. Masks do that job perfectly well.

@Ronald J. Ward: Lies dance in your head.
Jun 15, 2020 – The rally guess what was handed out?

Trump supporters to get masks, hand sanitizer, and temperature checks.
You have a severe case of idiocy. You cannot provide 1 link to your delusion.
If its a political football it was the moronic boob tube talking heads and democrat politicians that have begun this imaginary thing you speak of.
Smoke and mirrors, invisible strings or you are under some form of weird mind control. 1 link sweetie just 1 link.
You see it was Fauchi that warned they gave a false sense of security, Trump months ago said you could use a scarf. April 1st, to be exact. When China was hoarding all the masks and sending out junk PPE to profiteer.

You’re spinning reality to defend Trump of his negligence, malfeasance, and even intentional savotage of protecting the country from COVID, thus causing untold casualties and economic ruin.

It doesn’t matter what he does, something I’ve said and you’ve proven all along.

Bottom line is, if you are in a crowded, enclosed environment, wear a mask. If you can maintain social distancing, don’t wear a mask. Almost unnoticed in Abbot’s mask mandate in Texas is that one is not required if social distancing can be maintained; common sense. However, opposing cheap and effective methods of treatment puts lives at risk for purely political and/or financial reasons, and Trump has no hand in that.

@Ronald J. Ward:

So let’s cut the nonsense and wear the damn mask and get this crap behind us.

The point is, wearing the mask DOESN’T get this crap behind us. They do very little and far less than the cheap and effective treatments that the left are so adamant about denouncing.

@kitt: Gosh, we can’t have any “political footballs” over COVID19, can we? I mean, WHO would make using HCQ a political football? Or banning travel from infected areas? Or discussing promising treatments?

Masks are basically trying to stop mosquitos with a chain link fence.

Mask fibers can catch a lot of wet, aerosolized droplets produced whenever people breathe, talk, cough, or sneeze. Droplets exhaled by a person infected with COVID-19 will carry the virus. If you’re near such a person—and that could be a completely asymptomatic carrier—masks significantly reduce the odds that you’re going to inhale an infected droplet.

If enough people reduce the odds of transmission, transmission of the infection becomes less frequent, and that reduces the odds of becoming infected even further. Over a relatively short time, widespread attention to such a simple measure could scale the pandemic back to localized, manageable outbreaks.

I don’t understand why so many people are resistant to a simple measure that’s really nothing more than applied common sense.

Imagine grandma in the home with mild dementia confused why her family no longer visits then Coumo locks an infected person in with her, she dies alone, thats democrat reality pal. We are not letting murderers like Fauchi make the rules.
Herd immunity is the new goal, while protecting our frail as best as we can. We will try the HCQ therapudics 6 real studies find it effective, and any new ones they manage to get through the big pharma road blocks to testing. You and the rest of the bed wetters can hide out we wont miss you a bit.

@kitt, #23:

Going about our business as usual to accelerate the development of herd immunity isn’t actually a workable solution. Have a look at what the Republican governor of Mississippi has to say about it:

July 15, 2020 – This Republican governor just showed the receipts to the coronavirus ‘herd immunity’ crowd

The problem: Exposing enough people to COVID-19 to develop significant herd immunity would result in enough serious cases of COVID-19 illness to overwhelm the healthcare system. Then death rates would rapidly rise because timely care couldn’t be provided for all other critical health and accident-related emergencies.

Sweden has taken this approach. It isn’t working out so well. The COVID-19 mortality rate is higher there than in the United States:

July 16, 2020 – Sweden defends its COVID strategy even as the mortality rate surpasses the U.S. and herd immunity remains elusive

The problem there may be that any immunity acquired by exposure to COVID-19 only lasts for a short time. People reacquire vulnerability, which offsets the benefit of the people newly becoming immune.

@Greg: Masks are not science based, shutting down dog groomers not science based, pulling 1 surfer out of the ocean not science based. Continued shut downs is having a worse effect than the virus. Why are Chinas death numbers so low if there is no immunity? Kung flu hanging out only in Bars, churches and diners isnt based in science, what happens when they trace it back to walmart and other grocery stores?

Why are Chinas death numbers so low if there is no immunity?

China is taking simple, common-sense measures very seriously. They know the recovery their national economy depends on it.

I didn’t have the choice of buying a supply of US-made disposable masks. They’re a simple, necessary, high demand product, but we’re still not manufacturing anywhere near enough to meet our own nation’s needs. Xiantao Deming Healthcare Products provided me with a sealed box of 50 Olanggda disposable masks in four days, via Amazon. They’re cheap, well designed, and comfortable. Why can’t we make them here? To me, this makes no sense whatsoever.

Walmart, Target, and other big chains are now requiring customers to wear masks. They’re doing it because they want to protect their employees and customers in order to preserve their businesses. There’s no other reason or ulterior motive.


If enough people reduce the odds of transmission, transmission of the infection becomes less frequent, and that reduces the odds of becoming infected even further.

While responsible people make sacrifices by closing businesses, staying away from relatives, staying home and wearing masks, irresponsible people ruin any and all advantage gained by that effort by rioting, looting and protesting… over NOTHING. If anyone on the left actually cares about lives, why don’t they put an end to the “protests” they continually instigate and support?

Sweden has taken this approach. It isn’t working out so well. The COVID-19 mortality rate is higher there than in the United States:

Almost EVERYONE’S mortality rate is higher than the United States and we count someone getting struck by lightening as a COVID death, if they happened to have the virus.

@kitt: China’s rates are lower for the same reason ours look bad; they have a cooperative propaganda apparatus that uses “news” as a political weapon.

The “Mask it or casket” advice came from Texas health officials, not from the political left. Texas Governor Greg Abbott hasn’t put a state-wide mask order in place for political reasons.

@Greg: We are to fill the landfills with these disposable bio-hazard items? China is lying about the death and infection toll they have lied the entire time.
Expansion of to produce enough high quality medical products when preferred trading partner China makes a cheapie second rate at a low cost is impossible.
If only we had factory dormitories and locked workers in like China does, or had 20cent an hour labor.


I don’t find anything “second rate” about the 3-ply Olangda product. I’m only mentioning the brand by name because I bought a several masks earlier that were poorly designed and pretty much useless. One reusable mask was such a dense weave that no air at all could pass through it. If it hadn’t leaked around the edges, a wearer would suffocate. It might have made a good pot holder, but it sure didn’t resemble the “comfortable and breathable 100% cotton” product description.

I’m not sure if these things are biodegradable, but you could fit a lot of them into the space it would take to hold a single casket. I consider not being sick or dead a good marketing point.

July 15, 2020 – Georgia governor overrides all local mask orders in the state

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) is prohibiting local municipalities across the state from mandating that masks be worn in public to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.

Kemp’s executive order issued Wednesday prevents local governments from enforcing mandatory face-covering orders that are more restrictive than the current statewide order. The move effectively voided orders issued by at least 15 local governments across the state, according to The Associated Press…

The reasoning being that conditions in local communities vary, so such decisions should be left to local authorities? These fools can’t even get on the same page with their rationalizations and excuses. Trumpian politics has made them effectively stupid. (Or maybe stupidly ineffective. Take your pick.)

@Greg: Ok what requirements where did he negate, masks in public like while mowing your lawn or riding a bike?
Here we must wear a mask if entering a government building. Not exactly a place most hang out. Wheres the rest of the story?
From GA CDC website https://georgia.gov/covid-19-coronavirus-georgia/covid-19-state-services-georgia/covid-19-wear-cloth-face-mask-public.
Its voluntary a free choice, I know you need constant government monitoring to wear your made in china mask.
BTW from amazon about you wonder product

Health-care Use: These masks can be used for daily protection, but should not be used in surgical or high risk situations, or where there is a high risk of contact with liquids or infectious materials.
HMM no good for infectious contact.

They’re not N95 masks. People outside of high-risk environments really shouldn’t be routinely wearing N95 masks. Most people wouldn’t routinely use N95 masks if they had them, because they’re so tight and effective that they make breathing uncomfortable.

@Greg: They are dust masks useless for covid. the reviews were interesting but have at it support Xi

The fibers will catch a fair percentage droplets, both exhaled by the wearer and floating around in the wearer’s vicinity. Droplets are what usually transmit the infection. They’re not uncomfortable to wear and don’t make it difficult to breath. That seems useful. If nothing else, they’ll get the wearer in the door to do their necessary shopping.

People should look closely at the Amazon reviews, by the way. Some highly rated masks have few reviews, making it easy for a few fake reviews to misrepresent the product. The worse-than-useless cloth mask I got on eBay was highly rated. Either the reviews were phony, or the seller switched products without changing the product description. If a product has hundreds of reviews, it’s less likely they’re part of a scam.

The Science is Conclusive: Masks and Respirators do NOT Prevent Transmission of Viruses

Masks and respirators do not work. There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.

Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective-dose is smaller than one aerosol particle.

The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests. Such recklessness is also certainly the case with the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical and political history.

Masks and respirators do not work. There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.

Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective-dose is smaller than one aerosol particle.

The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests. Such recklessness is also certainly the case with the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical and political history.

@July 4th American, #36:

Denis Rancourt is a crackpot. The studies he cites don’t actually conclude what his brief descriptions of them claim they do. This you can discover by simply reading at what the studies actually say. Below are the bogus conclusions that he claims are made by each study, along with the reason that what he’s saying is total nonsense:

N95-masked health-care workers (HCW) were significantly more likely to experience headaches. Face mask use in HCW was not demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.

COVID-19 infection is not a common cold. Unlike COVID-19, colds are usually transmitted by touching virus-contaminated surfaces and then touching the eyes, nose, or mouth. Colds are spread by direct hand contact

None of the studies reviewed showed a benefit from wearing a mask, in either HCW or community members in households (H). See summary Tables 1 and 2 therein.

As it is with the common cold, so it is with influenza. Hand contact with contaminated surfaces and then with the mucus membranes is the usual mode of transmission.

“There were 17 eligible studies. … None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.”

The same thing again. Influenza isn’t COVID-19. The modes of transmission differ.

“We identified six clinical studies … . In the meta-analysis of the clinical studies, we found no significant difference between N95 respirators and surgical masks in associated risk of (a) laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection, (b) influenza-like illness, or (c) reported work-place absenteeism.”

Again, all six studies involve colds and influenza, but this time they’re comparing the effectiveness of N95 vs surgical masks. What they conclude has nothing to do with the effectiveness of masks against airborne transmission, which is how COVID-19 spreads.

“Self-reported assessment of clinical outcomes was prone to bias. Evidence of a protective effect of masks or respirators against verified respiratory infection (VRI) was not statistically significant”; as per Fig. 2c therein:

And yet again. Masks appear ineffective in the transmission of colds an influenza. SO WHAT? He might as well be arguing that masks are ineffective at preventing the transmission of athletes foot, consequently they’re useless in reducing COVID-19 infection.

“Among 2862 randomized participants, 2371 completed the study and accounted for 5180 HCW-seasons. … Among outpatient health care personnel, N95 respirators vs medical masks as worn by participants in this trial resulted in no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”


“A total of six RCTs involving 9,171 participants were included. There were no statistically significant differences in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza, laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infections, laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection, and influenza-like illness using N95 respirators and surgical masks. Meta-analysis indicated a protective effect of N95 respirators against laboratory-confirmed bacterial colonization (RR = 0.58, 95% CI 0.43-0.78). The use of N95 respirators compared with surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

Does it need to be said again? COVID-19 transmission is via contaminated droplets floating in the air, while influenza and cold transmission is primarily by way of direct hand contact with virus-contaminated surfaces. Absolutely nothing about the effectiveness of masks to reduce COVID-19 transmission can be concluded from any of these studies.

If you look into Professor Rancourt’s background, you’ll quickly discover that he’s a contrarian political activist with a chip on his shoulder against the scientific and academic establishments. Everybody has a right to express their opinions, but opinions like his are going to kill people and discourage measures that would aid in more rapid economic recovery.

Turning a simple and useful common-sense measure against a pandemic into a political issue goes far beyond irresponsible. It’s dangerously anti-social behavior.

July 14, 2020 – Yes, Masks Work: Debunking the Pseudoscience

@Greg: You have no scientific studies that prove covid19 is with out a doubt airborne. Fear mongering goes well beyond the recommended 6 feet where the virus magically loses all infectous properties.
I am wondering if Legionnaires’ disease is part of this panic now that every sleep study ends up with the sale of a C-pap machine. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation and CPAP, with its associated masks and tubing, are also potential sources of legionella infection, a deadly lung infection, or poorly maintained central air and swamp coolers. Not all cases but perhaps a share since all they look for now is Covid, no other possible cause.
Stay home relax in the hot tub another breeding ground for legionella.


You have no scientific studies that prove covid19 is with out a doubt airborne.

That’s what all evidence presently points to. Initially it was assumed that it was spread like colds and flu, from hand contact with contaminated surfaces followed by hand contact with the mucus membranes. Much now indicates the transmission is by way of inhalation of contaminated droplets exhaled by COVID-19 infected individuals. Infection tracing has revealed transmission by proximity when there’s been no indication of physical contact with one another or with the same surfaces.

@July 4th American, #39:

Denis Rancourt is pitching the bullshit. Every mask study he cites involved colds and influenza. Nothing at all can be concluded from them about COVID-19, since the mode of transmission is different.

From FOX News, July 17, 2020 – Texas, Arizona bring in refrigerated trucks to store hundreds of bodies after coronavirus deaths surge – Health officials are describing the overwhelmed morgue capacity as a ‘domino effect’

You can listen to Rancourt, or you can follow the news and listen to public health officials.

@Greg: Another incomplete story, how many will bodies will never be claimed? Many coming across the border for treatment because Mexicos hospitals are overflowing.
Another fear porn cheery article.

@Greg: Thanks, protesters.

Yeah, and Thanks to Donald Trump for making not wearing masks a political statement. It will cost us all.

@Greg: It was the media that turned it political and not just a personal choice of someone who gets tested all the time. He has never ever been against masks, he said in April you could use a scarf, you know back when Bidens pals in China were hoarding them or sending out useless garbage PPE.
Trump admin removed regulations that assisted 3M in the United States to quickly get those badly needed N95s to our hospitals.
You can repeat all the communist media lies, we all lived through this and remember what was done.