A Republic, If You Can Keep It

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By Brian Parsons

I‘ve been at this punditry thing for some time.  I sit in my humble home office, and I read, and then I read some more.  I keep a curated list of about fifty or so conservative news sites, and they aggregate the latest headlines into a single app in my browser.  I choose not to read the corporate or leftist press because it has become aptly titled #fakenews.  It is nothing more than disseminated propaganda, and unfortunately, at least half the conservative press is as well.  The day after the 2022 midterm elections, it is astonishing how Conservative, Inc. all sang the same preferred narrative straight out of Disney’s “The Mandalorian” regarding Ron DeSantis… “This is the way.”
I have covered it elsewhere, but there is a lot to like about Ron DeSantis, save for where he gets his money and his refusal to extend a hand to the man who helped make him. In December 2018, Ron DeSantis and his wife made a video touting their MAGA street cred, which bordered on sycophancy.  It looks a lot like the ridiculous campaign videos of Georgia governor Brian Kemp, who happily rode in on the coattails of Donald Trump and Make America Great Again while playing footsy under the table with corporate America. Both of these men enjoyed comfortable re-election bids, and all that was demanded of them was to shift their allegiance to the corporate donor class.
I fully believe that Donald Trump won the 2020 election and that America was robbed of a second term of putting America first.  It’s easily understood how it happened; they injected upward of one hundred million ballots, forty-four million unsolicited, into the ether under the auspices of COVID and then stuffed the ballot box in select swing markets to put Joe Biden in office.  They took four hundred million dollars from Mark Zuckerberg to fund it.  It wasn’t all that different from the current FTX debacle, where politicians laundered money through an offshore cryptocurrency exchange and back to themselves into domestic political PACs for the 2022 midterms. We really need to get the corporate money out of politics.
Lower taxes, trade policies favorable to the American labor class, and a commitment to withdrawing her sons and daughters from foreign conflict are intolerable to the corporate class.  One Trump mega-donor Ken Griffin has openly stated his interest in moving beyond Donald Trump to reconnect the Republican Party with the corporate donor class that funded Trump’s ouster. This is a power move by the donor class.  They flexed their dollars to show the plebs who really runs this show.
To describe the administration of Donald Trump as tumultuous would be an understatement.  We were all pummeled into pools of bloody submission by unending contrived scandals and an apoplectic press cycle. These were not Donald Trump’s creation, though he has borne the brunt of the blame. These scandals were the creation of a permanent, unelected, and unaccountable Washington regime that cannot tolerate challenges to its bought authority.  As we have discovered over the last six or more years, the Deep State is very real.
Since their inception, clandestine organizations like the Central Intelligence Agency have been perfecting the art of color revolutions and regime changes abroad.  During the administration of Donald Trump, they turned their tradecraft inward, and the people of the United States have been subject to unending crises, so that they might blame the state of the world on mean tweets.  Mean tweets didn’t bake up a global pandemic in Wuhan, China.  Mean tweets didn’t organize violent leftists to burn down America utilizing Marxist race riots with impunity.  Mean tweets didn’t wiretap the campaign and administration of the President of the United States and then fabricate a Russian collusion narrative to depose the duly elected POTUS.
After being pummeled into submission, a good bloc of the American public feels weary and ready to accept the terms of their torturers.

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Most people have wanted people in politics who will not be beholden to special interests, put the nation first and respect the people. Yet, when they got exactly that, they hated it because he said exactly what he thought. Mostly, they were TOLD to hate it by those most threatened by his America First agenda.

Trump was just about the best thing that ever happened to this country. There is no telling what we might have accomplished had the Democrats not disrupted him and hobbled the nation.

There is no telling what we might have accomplished had the Democrats not disrupted him and hobbled the nation.

Nathan posted the other day that we had just about solved world hunger until Biden became president and called a halt to the progress. That didn’t make any sense when I first read it, and it still makes no sense.

Well, idiot Biden destroyed a LOT of great progress. THAT makes no sense, either.

Well, idiot Biden destroyed a LOT of great progress. 

In solving world hunger? What progress are you referring to?

You aren’t going to solve world hunger by forbidding the use of fertilizers or making farming so expensive and over-regulated than many stop doing it. Idiot Biden is definitely a part of that.

The progress I refer to is energy independence, low energy costs, low inflation, higher wages, better jobs, manufacturing returning to the US, a secure southern border, supporting (instead of demonizing) law enforcement, to name but a few. You probably should have been paying attention during the 4 years of the Trump administration instead of parroting leftist propaganda.

Michael, world hunger was just about solved before Covid. Those who starved did so mainly due to political strife, not the ability for us to make and get food to them. Funny how you then equated it to Biden. You’re paranoid.

I knew you’re too stupid and uneducated to know or even want this (it’s against your moronic “kill off people to feed them” narrative), so it was expected you’d mouth off.

That didn’t make any sense when I first read it, and it still makes no sense.

Because you’re uneducated and ignorant.

Yet republicans have consistently supported the removal of laws that limited the use of money to buy political power and influence. They have promoted the rights of corporations as if corporations were people. Money has now BECOME political power.

Most people have wanted people in politics who will not be beholden to special interests, put the nation first and respect the people. 

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Yet Democrats get all the contributions from unions and government-funded organizations like Planned Parenthood. Yet Democrats take money from ponzi schemes that launder US tax dollars. Yet Democrats are the beneficiaries of big money from leftist tech companies. Yet Democrats take the bulk of the money from Wall Street and scumbags like Soros. Not to mention the millions the CCP gifted idiot Biden with.

If you want big money influence out of our politics, stop making such a pig of yourself with influential big money.

Unions represent the people whose skills and labor create the goods and perform the services.

Unions represent the union leadership, not the workers. Unions receive subsidies from the government as they did under Obama, which the quickly turned around and used for generous donations to Democrats.

Why was bidens seventh grandchild’s name let off of the WH Christmas display for the second year in a row?
Does idiot biden not recognize the grandchild from the stripper mom?

Sounds like a private family issue.

Specifically what the GOP intends to do regarding Social Security and Medicare might be a more important question.

They intend to try and save it from Democrat-induced bankruptcy.

I would be embarrassed also if I had a drug addicted whore chasing piece of shit son that produced a child out of wedlock, denied responsibility initially and when he had is dick caught finally admitted it

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Biden to Union Workers in Michigan: “Ten Years Ago, How Many of You Knew What the Hell a Supply Chain Was?”

Joe Biden is a legend in his own mind.

He bragged about his college football days during remarks to the union workers.

Biden only played one semester on Delaware’s freshman football team before he was forced to quit because he failed all of his classes.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

DEmocrats are cronies, and have the most money given to them by Billionaires, companies, and foreign governments.

The GOP doesn’t even come close.

They have promoted the rights of corporations as if corporations were people. Money has now BECOME political power.

This is literally Democrats.

Twitter being destroyed by the cabal of Democrat-owned companies is fact.

The corporations OVERWHELMINGLY vote and donate Democrat, and then get their pockets lined by those they install.

You’re an absolute idiot for trying to invert reality and say it’s “the GOP.”


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Biden is a Globalists there is no doubt about that anymore aa Traitor as well and the M.S. Media covers up his tracks like t hey did with Clinton and Obama their just as guilty of treason as he is

As long as there are problems with elections, our representative republic hangs on the balance

Our Republic officially ended the day Biden was installed as “president” after a released pandemic, rigged election, and FBI/Deep State sculpted J6th false-flag.

He’s a dictator. Nothing.

Fascism in the way of companies colluding with most-Democrat (and plenty of GOP) politicians isn’t a conspiracy theory.

It’s a fact.

Whatever historians write, they will agree this new nation of ours is anything but a democracy.

We’ll break apart in the coming years, into a few countries, with at least one of those being a real democracy.

Democrats and their voters won’t be in it.

Money, corporations, foreign donors, the media, and the deep state…all collude and have installed our one-party police state.

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