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Everyone who voted for this snake oil salesman should be just how stupid and gullible Obama and his ilk think their supporters are.

But it appears it is a pipe dream to believe that a leftist would be able to comprehend how much they are lied to by these leftist scum.

When the senate (God willing) becomes majority republican again, how many milliseconds will pass before Dingy Harry screams for reinstatement of the filibuster?

I didn’t vote for him in 2008 or 2012.

Yeah, well, look at the alternatives. Though his foreign policy thinking is stuck in the Cold War Era, John McCain was presidential material, but he was part of a package deal and came with an informationally challenged running mate who would have been only a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Palin was totally unacceptable. Then we had Mr. Romney. A nice enough guy, perhaps, but not exactly a champion of the flagging American middle and working classes. And he came with a guy who had mapped out a budget blueprint that would have gone through America’s social programs like Sherman went through Georgia.

I have no regrets about voting for Obama. Given the enormous problems that were already waiting for him the moment he was first sworn in and the unprecedented levels of irrational anger, resentment, and resistance he’s had to deal with from day one, I think he’s actually done a pretty decent job.


I think he’s actually done a pretty decent job.

Of course you do, Greggie. Simply because you have no problems with our government gun running into Mexico, or letting the IRS persecute conservative/Jewish/religious groups, or forcing Christians to go against their First Amendment guaranteed beliefs in order to promote abortion, or allowing four Americans to be slaughtered in a mess of a foreign land of Obama’s making, or dumping thousands of disease riddled illegal immigrants into a state (without that state’s permission) or any of the dozens of other things that had they been committed by a Republican administration you would be shouting to the mountain tops “Impeach, impeach.”

Let’s not even go into the fact that our population continues to grow while our working population continues to decrease, or how the “recession” you love to blame on Bush (and not the CRA put on steroids by Bill Clinton) is still with us, that more people are on food stamps than at any time in our history and that number keeps growing, that the very law that Obama pandered for, and signed, he continues to unconstitutionally change and that he continues to ignore the laws he swore to uphold.

You got by blaming Bush for the first five years. Now that Obama is in his second term, you have no excuse but to defend the indefensible. It’s what you do and what you are here for.

What we have become under Obama.

*_Ineptocracy_****(in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) – a system of government where the least
capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the
members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded
with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number
of producers.

Opinions vary. Consider this January 2014 article that appeared in U.S. News and World Report: 5 Reasons 2014 Is Looking Good for the U.S. Economy

This statement from that article might seem wildly improbable:

By fiscal year 2015, we expect the U.S. government to have achieved a fully balanced operating budget, which excludes interest expense (about 2 percent of GDP).

I consider that to be a little too optimistic myself. However, it’s worth noting that the federal deficit has been steadily declining since 2009. The deficit for last year, 2013, showed the biggest single-year decline yet. The annual federal deficit dropped by 37 percent in that single year.

Economic recovery, plus rapidly dropping deficits. How can that not be thought of in positive terms?

I think the approach republicans have been taking is denial. They’re simply ignoring the numbers and pretending that none of it is happening, while insisting that everything is getting steadily worse.

OK, Greg, you do realize that the USA would have to create 275,000 new jobs a week between now and the end of 2018 for us to be back to where we were before the recession started.
But, if that and all the scandals were not enough, how about something not even making the front pages?
Obama has stopped preventing illegals from pouring into the country.
Children are pouring in by the thousands.
Most unaccompanied by adults.
Obama is supplying them free legal aid.
Obama is spreading them all over Red States in the country.
And what do they bring with them?
Chicken Pox.
Staph infections.
MRSA (the flesh-eating infection)

No quarantine.
No holding cells.
These people are getting off buses in places like El Paso and released from immigration custody being told, “You are free to go.”
Oh, and now they get dumped with no money!

@Nanny G:

Three words: Cloward and Piven.


A quick google search of the US federal deficit by years reveals the following:
2005 – deficit $318 billion. Bush and republican Congress did budget
2006 – deficit $248 billion. Bush and republican congress did budget
2007 – deficit $161 billion. Bush and republican congress did budget.
2008 – deficit $458 billion. Bush and democrat congress did budget. (Dems took congress in Nov 2006, but could not push their deficit spending plans until the 2008 budget.)
2009 – deficit $1.413 trillion. Bush and democrat congress did budget.
2010 – deficit $1.294 trillion. Obama and democrat congress did budget
2011 – deficit $1.3 trillion. Obama and democrat congress spent without doing a budget.
2012 – deficit $1.087 trillion. Same as 2011, but republicans take control of House in November elections.
2013 -.deficit $680 billion. Obama limited by republican controlled house.
2014 -.PROJECTED deficit $649 billion. Obama still limited by republican house.

Remember the federal budget is supposed to be completed before 1 October when the federal fiscal year starts, covering spending for the following fiscal year. What these figures certainly seem to indicate is that deficit spending is clearly worse when dems control the oval office and both houses of congress. It also shows that despite ramping up 2 wars under Bush, and ramping down military spending under Obama, only in Bush’s final year – under a dem controlled congress – was any annual budget deficit higher than any of Obama’s deficits. This was also the year of the disasterous federal stimulus, in 2009.

The bogus “Obama inherited the deficit problem” meme is destroyed by the example of Reagan’s response to the economic insanity of the Carter years. Reagan managed to unshackle the US economic engine and turn the Carter recession around in a little over 18 months, by cutting the top income tax rates from 70% to 28%. This recovery continued despite a disingenuous dem controlled congress that had agreed to cut spending by 3 dollars for every dollar in tax increases Reagan agreed to later in his presidency. Obama’s keynesian economic stupidity, coupled with the attempted socialist takeover of medical care, has caused the current economic situation to drag on for his entire presidency. If the economy is doing so gosh darn swell, why do we have more people on foodstamps than the entire population of Spain, over 49 million? Why did the rejiggered GDP figures for the 1st quarter of 2014 just get reported as being negative? If the second quarter also comes in negative, we will officially be in another recession. Another indicator of the economic health of a nation is the reproductive rate….which was just reported as dropping to 1.86 per woman of child bearing years. Population replacement rate – to ensure a nation does not begin to lose population – is 2.1 births per woman of child bearing years. It is a well known fact that people decrease their fecundity if they do not feel they can support children financially.

The reliance on the gains in the stock market as an indicator of economic recovery do not take into account the artificial support created by the quantitative easing (excess printing of currency and purchasing of debt) by the federal reserve. Watch what happens to the market should the fed stop this practice. Claiming there is a fantastic amount of job recovery going on, when 37.2% of the working age population are without jobs – the highest we have seen since the 1970s – demonstrates a stunning lack of awareness of the current economic situation.

OK, Greg, you do realize that the USA would have to create 275,000 new jobs a week between now and the end of 2018 for us to be back to where we were before the recession started.

Economy has now recovered 8.7 million jobs, which was the total lost to the recession. The problem is that this does not satisfy the current increased need for new jobs, which results from U.S. population growth that occurred during the same period.

It’s not Obama’s fault that he found the U.S. economy already rolling into a deep hole at the point he took office. His entire first term was a battle just to get back up to ground level. I refuse to deny him credit for how far upward we’ve climbed, simply because we had to start climbing from the bottom of a hole that he had little part in digging.

Republicans would have killed the recovery as well, by cutting unemployment compensation and curtailing public sector spending, essentially putting the brakes on the only wheel that was still turning. They’ve been a drag on recovery efforts all along. That’s hardly a surprise, when they publicly announced early on that their main goal was the failure of the Obama administration. It’s going to take me a long time to forget what their stated priorities were when the nation was facing it’s worst economic crisis in decades.

@Pete, #9:

Obama took office in January 2009. It would appear from the numbers that the economic train wreck began with a derailment that started in late 2007 or 2008.

“Obama inherited the deficit problem.”

That’s unarguably true. The deficit problem resulted from events that had occurred earlier. It was an effect, that was preceded by a number of causes which existed prior to his election.


Nice bit of selective reading. How is it Reagan was able to turn around the economic disaster of the Carter years – which Reagan inherited – in 18 months, yet Obama has been completely unable to do so in almost 6 years? The dem controlled congress was hardly supportive of Reagan’s policies, yet he managed to overcome his bad economic inheritance. You also choose to ignore that the deficits were going down significantly under Bush, despite escalating the war on terror, until first the dems gained control of congress, then secondly when the democrat induced housing bubble burst, and did not decrease below a trillion dollars per year until the republicans gained control back over the House. In Obama’s first 2 years in office, dems controlled.both houses of congress, yet he still couldn’t fix the economy like Reagan did.

Of course republicans wanted Obama’s socialist policies to fail….because they want the country to be better off, and socialist policies always fail because as Lady Thatcher famously said, “eventually you run out of other people’s money….”

The problem with leftist policies was no more concisely expressed than when an Obama voter said, “When I voted for obamacare, I never thought I would be paying for it.” And now we have the CBO saying last week or so that they can no longer make projections about the cost of obamacare.

If keynesian economic theory actually worked, then individuals would be able to keep spending more than they make in order to get out of debt. You know that is impossible, so why on earth should anyone support an administration that is using such ridiculous policies to get the country out of debt?


2009 – deficit $1.413 trillion. Bush and democrat congress did budget.

Actually, Obama added his 1 trillion dollar stimulus program to the 2009 budget and signed nine of the twelve spending appropriations bills for FY 2009 (page 4). Thus, Obama is responsible for a good chunk of the 2009 deficit both as president and as a senator. This has been shown here numerous times in the past. You are newer here as a poster so Greg is just repeating the dis-proven bullshit thinking you are too stupid to know better. Older posters just laugh now hence the reason I quit reading leftist posts. They think if they keep repeating the same old lies eventually someone will believe them. The left really does believe they are superior and that the rest of us are stupid. They are a very demeaning group.

@another vet, #13:

The left really does believe they are superior and that the rest of us are stupid. They are a very demeaning group.

Actually, if you take a look at the topic, you’ll see that it’s people such as myself who are being called stupid. It’s not me who’s constantly making the demeaning generalizations.

Many if not most people who voted for Obama gave the issues that were involved careful consideration. They reached a different set of conclusions than those who voted for his opponents. I think more criticism is due those who didn’t bother to vote at all.

Arguing with an obama prog sycophant will develop your character, your patience and your potential to someday train a sea slug to pass a common core math test.

you are a looser, stop playing that card,
you are trying to sell the underground matter,
you know that AMERCA is bigger than what you tell,
and will never accept less, that”s what you are trying to sell,

Many of those who voted for 0Muslim did so only because they mistook him for being black.

Others voted for him because of their lazy addiction to public assistance.

Some voted for him after becoming very distrustful of GWB and the GOPRINOs

Others simply refused to vote for McCain, and later Romney, because of the weak “not in it to win it” campaigns they ran (i.e. they know that RINOS are backstabbing losers in or out of office).


Many if not most people who voted for Obama gave the issues that were involved careful consideration.

Let’s cut the bull here and be honest, shall we, Greggie?

Voters for Obama had many reasons they voted for him, but none included your excuse that the gave careful consideration to the issues at hand. They didn’t. They voted for him because:

a) he is as close to a Socialist as they could get

b) they were low information voters who could only see the free stuff he promised

c) they were caught up in the cult of personality or

d) because they view him as being black.

He had no real record on the issues, having never presented any legislation of his own to rest his laurels on, and basically was a disinterested Senator who made clever speeches and voted “Present.” Even his bio was created in a campaign think tank. He is NOT a child of color who struggled to crawl out of the ghetto and pull himself up by his boot straps. He does NOT have one thing in common with anyone that did. He was (some thought) a pretty face that could read a rip-roaring campaign speech from a teleprompter.

The nation was war weary and tired of seeing flag draped caskets returning from the Middle East. The Democrats had sold the bill of goods that the recession, and consequent economic down turn, was Bush’s fault, when in fact, it was due to Clinton’s policies regarding the Community Reinvestment Act. Obama promised, insincerely, to turn all that around.

No one really dug into Obama’s Chicago ties to corrupt people like Tony Rezko. No one, in the media at least, dug into his actual time in the Illinois Senate or bothered to report that he was pretty much just a warm body in that Senate. He had been groomed, and primped, for a POTUS run since he gave the key note speech at the DNC convention in 2004. He was a tall, thin, fairly decent looking black guy that could unseat Hillary Clinton and all stops were pulled out to create a myth.

And it worked on people like you. You bought a whole case of snake oil, gladly handing over your vote to an untested, unproven legislator who had no record of achievement in any issue.

The damage done by Obama to this nation is immeasurable. It will take decades for us to realize just how bad he is, just as it took years to see how bad Carter was. Fortunately for the nation, Reagan followed Carter and put us back on the path to recovery.

I am always amazed at how people like you seem to think that Socialism is so great. Of course, you have never lived under Socialism, and although I’m sure you realize it has never worked anywhere it has been tried, I am equally sure that you believe the only reason for that is because the right Socialist was not in charge.

If we had a press that could be trusted, and Democrats who had a smidgen of honesty in their souls, Obama would be stopped from everything he is doing now. His latest attempt at bringing this nation down is the thousands of apprehended illegals that are being turned loose on our nation as we speak.

We are a nation of laws; laws that Obama violates every day. He swore an oath to the Constitution, yet he violates it with impunity. He thinks he is above the law. Scandal after scandal until the nation is no longer shocked at the scandals, which is the plan. Overload the system, lay one scandal on top of another one until everyone is in sensory overload and no longer pays attention.

You come to this board and parrot the DNC/Huffington Post/DailyKos talking points thinking that you can fool everyone else. In that regard, yes, you think you are smarter than the rest of us. But we don’t buy your propaganda any more now than we did five and a half years ago.

As the video shows, he was a lying weasel then and he is still a lying weasel. If we had a real press everyone could see it clearly.

@Greg: Obama took office in January 2009. It would appear from the numbers that the economic train wreck began with a derailment that started in late 2007 or 2008.

“Obama inherited the deficit problem.”

Fair point, Greg.
But what has Obama done to turn the economic problems around?
Let’s use Wash DC as an example.
Homelessness in D.C. increased by 6.2% from 2011 to 2012 and now stands at 6,954 individuals – a 9.3% increase since 2008.
One-fifth of DC residents live in poverty, and more than 57,000 individuals live in extreme poverty.
The poverty rate for women and girls increased by 13.7 percent in the D.C. Metro area in just one year (from 2009 to 2010), nearly twice the increase in the U.S.

Food Stamps does NOTHING to lift folks up out of this, Greg.
Neither do free shelters.
A place has to be business friendly so people can find work.
Obama makes this impossible.

just loss my data again, trying to reconnect

There was what one said the trance they where being capture in THAT NOOSE ,

Considering having to contend with both a right wing extremist controlled lower chamber and the most obstructive Senatorial minority in history, Obama has overcome huge obstacles to keep our country safe as well as insure 51 straight months of steady job growth while lowering the unemployment rate.

And while I’m plenty disappointed with Obama on several issues, there’s no way that I regret not voting for the alternative.


Given the enormous problems that were already waiting for him the moment he was first sworn in and the unprecedented levels of irrational anger, resentment, and resistance he’s had to deal with from day one, I think he’s actually done a pretty decent job.

You’re kidding, right? Tell us something he did that you’re proud of. Which country now has better relations with the US than it did when he came into office? Tell us about his improvements in the VA. He’s a puppet and can’t follow his directions.

Ronald J. Ward
you would have been more desapointed if the right wing was not on his tail,
all the time, so to keep him in check,


Cloward and Piven

I’ll agree that Cloward, Piven are problems, however ‘and’ is neutral in all this.

@Greg:#3 “Though his foreign policy thinking is stuck in the Cold War Era, John McCain was presidential material, but he was part of a package deal and came with an informationally challenged running mate who would have been only a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Palin was totally unacceptable.” Biden? Hello? Palin was “unacceptable”? Every time you liberals took aim at her, she showed you up as the vicious fools you are. No, she’s no Reagan, but she’s a damned sight more qualified than Obama or Biden. The, Romney/Ryan would have no doubt had the economy truly on the path to recovery rather than simply fabricating numbers which show recovery with no foundation in actual performance.

The bulk of the economic problems the nation faced were the product of the very ideology that the left wished to put in power. There is no doubt whatsoever that Obama was voted into office largely on the novelty putting the first black man in office presented. The media covered his mistakes and cheered on his agenda while simultaneously tearing down any opposing views that might disparage the policies of an ideologue. Complete and utter failure has been the result.

No, there is no wisdom in voting for a gimmick.

@Greg:#6 If Obama’s energy-prices-necessarily-skyrocketing program goes fully into effect, how much economic growth do you foresee?

“2009 – deficit $1.413 trillion. Bush and democrat congress did budget.” $785 billion of that was TARP, supported by Senator Obama, and designed to be paid back
@Greg: #10 “I refuse to deny him credit for how far upward we’ve climbed, simply because we had to start climbing from the bottom of a hole that he had little part in digging. ” He promised to have the economy turned around in 3 years, or he himself said he would not deserve a second term.

.@Ronald J. Ward: #23 Of course you don’t regret voting for someone who has not uttered a true statement since he entered politics; because that is the only way the liberal agenda can be propelled. One certainly cannot cite the successes liberalism has produced, for there is only collapse and failure in its wake. You celebrate the growth of minimum wage jobs and part time jobs, and even at that a growth that does not keep up with the new number entering the job market. The only way the unemployment numbers decrease is by huge numbers looking for work dropping out of the search. If his is the type of economy you like, you should move to Greece; look at the infrastructure improvements you could use as an excuse to rape the public out of their money there (fix up the Acropolis).

@Ronald J. Ward:

Considering having to contend with both a right wing extremist controlled lower chamber and the most obstructive Senatorial minority in history


Bwaaaah. But what about the first two years when Obama’s party held both chambers? And what about Harry Reid changing many rules that have been in place since the beginning of our Republic to prevent Republicans from getting anything done? So Republican hold one half of one third of the federal government and you blame them? You really are a true believer, aren’t you?

Obama has overcome huge obstacles to keep our country safe as well as insure 51 straight months of steady job growth while lowering the unemployment rate.

Our nation is safe? Hello????? Fort Hood? The Boston Marathon? Name another president where soldiers have been slaughtered on their own home base in the United States.

The unemployment rate? Bogus. Why don’t you add back in all the Americans that are now out of work and were dropped from the work force rolls by the Obama administration? Oh, wait, then the REAL unemployment rate would make Obama look really bad.

And in what area has your life, and spending power, improved? Want to discuss the price of gas the day Obama took office and what it has been since? How about the cost of food? Care to discuss the rapid increase in prices under Obama? How about utilities? As he said when campaigning, prices have necessarily skyrocketed under Obama. That’s one promise he kept.

Since you seem to swallow everything told to you by your handlers, could I interest you in some ocean front property in Abilene?

they have stupid now and they like it, because they identify with it,
we just have to read their comments to see it,
she is the type to not rest until what she”s after is done, and she like things to be clean,
things would have been so much better, even McCAIN could not have follow her,


could I interest you in some ocean front property in Abilene?

Has he sent his down payment yet?