Doug Ross
I refer, of course, to vintage media — the biggest collection of lily-white racists I’ve ever encountered. Consider the following incidents (all “coincidental”, mind you):
• NBC and MSNBC inexcusably censored every… single… African-American and Latino who spoke at yesterday’s Republican convention — including two of the best speeches of the night, those of Mia Love andArtur Davis — in a move reminiscent of a modern-day Invisible Man
• Chris Matthews openly expressed his inexcusable belief that only blacks are on foodstamps
• ABC News broadcast Yahoo’s Washington bureau chief asserting that the Romneys “are happy to have a party [i.e., the convention] when black people drown”, presumably as a severe storm threatens the Gulf Coast
• And blatant coordination between the Democrat National Committee and old media — including The Los Angeles Times, Politico, and other outlets — appears intended to de-legitimize and dehumanize any minority who dares stand up to the Statist agenda
At least that Yahoo either quit or was fired for his thoughtless remark.
I have just two words for them …
The MSNBC group commenting on the convention is rather….white. I guess being a hatemongering leftist means you don’t have to practice what you preach.