$737 Mil. To Solar Co. Connected To Pelosi’s Family

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Here’s a bit of news you probably won’t see on CNN or MSNBC.

Follow the bouncing ball of crony capitalism in three easy steps…

STEP 1: Today the Department of Energy announced $1 Billion in new loans to solar companies…

DOE announced a $737 million loan guarantee to help finance construction of the Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project, a 110-megawatt solar-power-generating facility in Nye County, Nev. The project is sponsored by Tonopah Solar, a subsidiary of California-based SolarReserve.

STEP 2: SolarReserve is partnered with a company called PCG – Pacific Corporate Group…

STEP 3: The number two guy at Pacific Corporate Group is Ronald Pelosi. Coincidence???

But perhaps the unusual circumstances of Pacific Corporate Group call for the unusual skills of Ronald Pelosi, a San Francisco political insider and financial industry polymath who happens to be the brother-in-law of Nancy Pelosi, the Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives.

The anti-capitalist liberals currently protesting on Wall Street are wasting their time. While they decry the supposed corruption of Wall Street, their “middle class” allies in Washington DC are raiding the US treasury like an unwatched cookie jar, padding the pockets of their friends and political cronies.

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$16 million for each permanent job.
A Pelosi bargain.
That’s why we cannot allow this to go on another 4 years.

@Nan G: It was probably justified as a “shovel ready project”.

This one stinks so bad there isn’t enough Kool Aid to take the taste away!!

It is shovel ready. For sure.
And San Fran Nan is wielding the shovel.

Actually, the shovel should go to the person willing to clean out the Augean Stables.
A Herculean job, for sure.

This is a Democratic program. You can tell by the stench.

Say. Does anybody remember Teapot Dome?

It is happening again.

What really stinks is that this is $300 Million more than needed.

It runs around $4.5 Million per MW for most California and Arizona based construction projects.