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Only 65??? This man lies everytime he opens his mouth… and the rest of the time he’s thinking about lying! He’s got to go and November isn’t soon enough!

But aren’t lies the stock and trade of politicians—regardless of whether they’re right or left?

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Liberal 1, really?? This is your defense of your failed president?? You accept this?? I would have at least expected another lie about your messiah being picked on or some defense of his failure. Nope, can’t do it eh??

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Being the same? So that’s your idea of hope and change?

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

That is a cynical view, Lib1. And while it may be partially true, to use that excuse for continued support of the left at the same time you paint every politician as a liar does an injustice to those people who are truly attempting to make a difference.

Still can’t figure out what to do with Obamacare so I told my Engineering buddies to consult on their own.

I remember Sheila Jackson Lee(iDiot-TX) praising the attributes of a family doctor who extolled the benefits of Obamacare. With further investigation, from a radio news station in Houston, the alleged doctor was one of Sheila’s secretaries for her congressional district. This “doctor” was barely litterate, grossly overweight and subsequently quite ugly. Remember that Jackson Lee is very upset at the Republicans who are trying to limit the Won to a single term in office. Lying, protection, projection, and deflection are the means to achieve this. Right Sheila?

There was a reason that Archie refered to Mike as “meathead” —

the lies accumulate as the days go by, the people have enough of those lies,
that is the way he learned to get money, he has not change, he is spending AMERICA,
what are the other lies he is concealing? those will stunt the VOTERS WHEN THEY ARE FOUND,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Right you are, Bees.

Oil guy from Alberta
do you know that the KEYSTONE PROJECT is now agree by OBAMA?
yes I heard it on FOX NEWS today

@ilovebeeswarzone: I guess Obozo disagreed before he agreed.