6 years running, and the “inevitable” Romney can’t get more than 25% of the vote

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– Which, that’s kind of strange for such a slam dunk candidate — a guy backed by Chris Christie and Ann Coulter and the near entirety of the GOP establishment (well, those who haven’t joined the great Huntsman juggernaut, I mean) don’t you think?

Why, it’s almost as if most GOP voters simply don’t want to vote for the guy. This despite the following rather remarkable factoid, courtesy Matt Moon on Twitter:

49% reporting, here’s the paid media $/vote: Santorum $1.65, Bachmann $8, Romney $113.07, Gingrich $139 Paul $227, Perry $817

Is it possible money spent can’t alone buy the message the GOP base is looking for?

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I love the stat of money per vote. One thing missing is that for Romney its even worse because some of the money spent last campaign could be figured into today’s total.

Some people never get the word. I sincerely hope that the American people – not the media nor the pundits who want to stuff this loser down our collective throats – wake up and select the candidate who will be the best for our country. We can’t afford another 4 years of the man who is dedicated to destroying everything that has made this country the greatest on the planet!
Mitt wants to think that he’s the most electable (the media said so), but I believe that anyone can beat the Golfer-in-Chief! We just need to stand up and be counted!

This Mitt stuff is all MSM garbage. Let’s see how he polls against 0-bama. Ooooops, about even. What’s this say about 0-bama vs. Mitt??

You Romney haters need to “get a life”. Mitt Romney is a good guy who is extremely qualified to lead this country and restore it’s respect, dignity and power. I said that in 2008 and I’ll say it again. I hope that he wins the nomination and that he get’s elected. We all know that he is head and shoulders above the “Jack-ass” that’s living in our White House now.

The Iowa caucus is not an indicator of Romney’s strength (I’m not a Romney supporter). The first three primaries will tell the tale much better. Romney is still in the driver’s seat.

Many of the other candidates split the conservative vote.
Had there been a two-way race between
Newt/Romney or
Santorum/Romney or
I imagine Romney would have lost big time.

Today Michele B. dropped out.
Perry is staying in.
Want to bet Romney is NOT the benefactor of Michele’s support?

And since Romney will be the nominee, my prediction an Obama victory is all but assured.

The way I see it, that regardless of the candidate, at least 75% of the voters preferred someone else. Not a good sign for a “Leader”.

I have to agree with Ivan….In an Obama vs Romney presidential race, you get Obama regardless of which person wins the election….
That will add another 4 years of cleanup to some future presidents list of things to undo.

The GOP and establishment is determined to give Mitt the nod, regardless if he can’t get above 25%. What remains to be seen is how many people will give the GOP their backsides by not getting up to go and vote for their main man Mitt.