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6 Prisoner Highlights Unconstitutional Treatment

by Catherine Salgado

Jake Lang, one of the most outspoken Jan. 6 political prisoners, just came out of another long spell in solitary confinement and wants Americans to know about what he says are gross violations of his basic constitutional rights. 

Lang, in exclusive comments to PJ Media, said he was put in solitary confinement this last time for exercising his free speech rights to expose the double standards in the federal judiciary that leniently deal with criminals and violent leftist protesters but aggressively target J6 protestors and Trump allies.

Lang began by emphasizing how the Biden administration is running a political persecution campaign against its opponents, from Donald Trump on down. “The corrupt Biden regime, the DOJ is trying to retaliate, stifle the voices of the Jan. 6 political prisoners and other political prisoners like [Trump allies] Peter Navarro and soon-to-be [prisoner] Steve Bannon, and Christina Bobb, and Rudy Giuliani…[there’s] a pattern.” He noted how Giuliani just lost his radio show. “The figureheads of this movement against the corruption of the Department of Justice, the weaponization of government, the federal government against We the People.” 

Lang argued that he “fall[s] into a category” for particular persecution, so “they’ll do any means necessary to try to take away my voice. And the reason I was sent to the hole is precisely for First Amendment right violations.”

He said he had been scheduled for interviews with radio host Lou Dobbs and Rudy Giuliani (just before the latter’s show was canned), but instead, he was put in solitary confinement. Indeed, Lang has been held in solitary for a longer time period than the state of New York, where he is imprisoned, allows (15 days continuously).

“Like George Orwell, “1984,” they un-personed me,” Lang insisted. “I spent 36 days in solitary with no access to the outside world, no ability to talk to the courts or my family or my pastor, and this is basically a sensory deprivation chamber. There’s no books there. There’s no radio. There’s no outdoor recreation except for two hours a week you get to leave the cell, that’s it.” If true, this would seem to be explicitly in violation of New York law, which requires at minimum that “segregated prisoners be offered at least 4 hours of out-of-cell programming, including at least one hour of recreation, each day.” 

Lang described it as “unbelievable torture,” which “goes against everything that is American.” The human rights violations “are stacking up” against him as a J6 prisoner, Lang said. He recently filed suit to claim federal violations of his constitutional rights. He said that the Biden administration is trying to make an example out of some of their political opponents to frighten Americans into compliance.

Lang expressed his disappointment that too many Republicans “don’t care about the Jan. 6ers” and said that their silence makes them complicit in the abuses revealed by the prisoners themselves, by a court ruling, by Dinesh D’Souza’s “Police State” movie, and by an investigation from individual lawmakers. Sadly, Lang contended, many congressmen don’t even want to do the “most basic part of their job, which is keep the checks and balances on the judiciary and executive branches. I mean, these two branches are running wild. Prosecutors are over-charging, and the judges are over-sentencing.” Congressmen are “doing nothing,” not providing support or legislation for those targeted by the Democrats nor even showing up at any trials or hearings to investigate, Lang told me. Some lawmakers have given “lip service” to the cause of the Jan. 6 prisoners, but that is all.

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