John Hawkins:
If you want to know what’s wrong with the Republican Party wrapped up in one pretty package, like the head in the box at the end of Seven, all you have to do is look at the latest amnesty disaster that was created by a gang of Republican idiots in the Senate. Marco Rubio, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Bob Corker, John Hoeven, Kelly Ayotte, Dean Heller and the rest of the braindead Senate Republican buffoons that have supported this bill are the living personification of the words, “Stuck on Stupid.” They picked the wrong issue, at the wrong time, did it the wrong way, and set it up so that no matter what happens, the Republican Party is doomed to get kicked in the teeth.
Why does the Republican Party lose elections? Because we do things like this…
1) Most of the Republicans backing the bill in the Senate lied to their base: What is George W. Bush’s daddy most remembered for? Being Ronald Reagan’s VP? No. Winning the Gulf War? No. Oh, yes, it was breaking his, “Read my lips, no new taxes” pledge. But, is that fair? After all, politicians lie, don’t they? So, what makes that one stand out? Well, there’s a reason people remember that lie: because Bush gratuitously lied to his base on an issue that deeply mattered to them. It wasn’t just a lie; it was a betrayal. Well, guess what? Many of the Republicans in the Senate that have supported the McCain/Rubio amnesty bill are engaging in exactly the same type of betrayal.
“I am not, and I will never support any effort to grant blanket legalization/amnesty to folks who have entered, stayed in this country illegally.” — Marco Rubio
“In the Senate, Kelly’s top immigration priority will be to secure our borders – no excuses. Simultaneously, she will work to ensure that existing immigration laws are enforced and is against amnesty.” — Kelly Ayotte’s website
“Start by enforcing existing immigration laws, fine businesses that knowingly hire illegal immigrants, and construct a border wall and provide the border patrol with the resources necessary to end the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States.” — Dean Heller‘s website explains his approach to immigration reform
These types of lies to the base are the equivalent of adultery in a marriage. If they’re going to blatantly lie on something this important, how do the American people trust these Republicans ON ANYTHING? The honest answer is that you can’t trust them. Today they’re lying on illegal immigration and tomorrow they may lie to you on deficit reduction, gun control, or abortion. When a politician’s own supporters can’t take anything he says at face value, how can the American people be expected to trust him?
2) The bill gives liberals everything they want while conservatives get nothing: Why is it that most “bipartisan” bills seem to start with the presumption that Democrats should get almost everything that they want while Republicans get nothing and that’s a “compromise?”
The Rubio/McCain amnesty bill is essentially a Democrat immigration wish list with some phony security proposals tossed in that everyone paying attention to the bill knows are doomed to fail. The Democrats will get 30 million new immigrants,probably 5-12 million of which they will turn into new voters, an end to tough interior enforcement, a continuing permanent stream of illegal aliens, a new jobs program that will put more Americans out of work and onto welfare while conservatives get absolutely nothing in return other than an empty promise of security from the exact same Republicans who have lied to them about being against amnesty.
When the Republicans won’t even make a halfhearted attempt to fight for the issues that their supporters want, that they campaigned on, and that the American people are demanding, why should anyone vote them into office?
It seems to me that the Rove/Bush group have a death wish. I just wish it were a quick death wish; not the 8 year succumbing that has been in process.
that will be to bad if they miss this one because they want to rush it,
I do not agree with Ann Coulter all the time. But what she has been saying about the Bush Cabal the last month I think is right. If McCain and Boehner pass Amnesty it will be the “Coup de Grace” for the GOP. They will join their predecessor the Whigs. And if they are the new “progressive/left wing” party; good riddance!