242,000 and Counting: Justin Heap Declares War on Voter Roll Corruption

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by Capt. Seth Keshel

President Trump isn’t the only guy who decided to show up at work and choose shock and awe. Under the cover of a relentless carpet bombing from the Oval Office, which began to stir long before Inauguration, newly elected Maricopa County Recorder Justin Heap, a former Arizona legislator, has taken matters into his own hands and begun the process of cleaning up Arizona’s national embarrassment of an elections system. Keep in mind, Maricopa is likely to contribute roughly 60% of all ballots (more than 2 million in a presidential election) in a statewide election, so change there represents impact everywhere.

I teased this news last week but was asked not to give out any specifics before a press release could be put out:

Huge news on Maricopa coming soon. Will post as soon as I can.

This is related to the work of the new Maricopa recorder Justin Heap, who I’ve been working with.

Press release likely next week.

Those of you who have read this journal for some time realize I’m no fan of pushing out nonsense, so last night I was pleased to forward along Heap’s official press release outlining his actions that have taken place in less than one month since taking office:

JANUARY 21, 2025


Recorder Heap Commences Cleanup

242,565 Inactive Voters Removed from Maricopa County Registration List

PHOENIX – In accordance with Arizona Revised Statute 16-165(A)(7), newly elected Maricopa County Recorder Justin Heap has authorized the immediate removal of over 242,000 inactive voters from the county voter registration list.

In each case, these are individuals who had previously been placed on the Inactive Voter list, have subsequently been issued multiple notices regarding updating their voter registration information, and have failed to respond for a period of four years, or through the date of the second general election for federal office following the date of the notice from the county recorder that was sent pursuant to A.R.S. 16-166 (E).

“The voters who elected me have spoken loud and clear,” said Recorder Heap. “I promised to make cleaning the voter rolls a Day One priority in this office, and we’re taking swift action to deliver on that promise.”

In addition to clearing the way to remove inactive and ineligible voters from Maricopa County’s voter rolls, Recorder Heap has been meeting with staff to explore all possible additional steps and utilize any available and trusted resource to further improve the accuracy of the voter registration database.

“This is the first of many steps my office will be taking over the coming months and years to ensure that Maricopa County is able to fully restore the trust of the electorate”, concluded Mr. Heap.

The 242,565 inactive or otherwise ineligible registrations ordered removed by Recorder Heap represent nearly 8% of the total registrations in the county, both active and inactive. This number is nearly equal to the total voter registration of Pinal County, Arizona’s third largest county, so it is no small issue that these have lingered on the rolls under the four-year run of the recently departed Stephen Richer, who did everything in his power to shield Maricopa County from election transparency both in the aftermath of the 2020 fiasco, and through the 2022 midterm race, which featured the infamous Lake-Hobbs race and its aftermath – a showcasing of Maricopa lies for a national audience.

Arizona counties have legitimate clauses for inactivating real potential voters, and then eventually deleting their registrations. With so many registrations in a single county, it is a difficult, if not impossible, task to single them out. However, in Heap’s primary campaign against Richer last year, he became well known for asking for a show of hands as to how many attendees received extra mail-in ballots in previous elections, with stunning results. I had expected Heap to be successful as Maricopa Recorder despite some previously voiced negative opinions about President Trump that alienated him from some of the grassroots, mainly because his voting record and references from strong Arizona legislators suggested that was likely.

Here is why Heap’s maneuvering is important:

· Voter registration corruption is the foundation of election fraud.

· In states without Automatic Voter Registration (like Arizona), which supplies duplicate registrations naturally and clutters rolls with fraudulent registrations, registration fraud is required to plant registrations for hiding a counterfeit ballot. Otherwise, the counterfeit ballots are placed on real registrations, which creates risk if that voter shows up to vote for the first time in years as has been documented in multiple states in which voters are told they’ve already voted.

· Access to inactive names on the voter registration list can negate the need to fraudulently register voters, which is also happening, allowing bad actors to “activate” inactive names and assign them to the permanent early voting mail list, which automatically dispenses mail ballots (hence Heap’s plea to attendees at events to raise hands).

· Fraudulently circulated ballots can then be earmarked for harvesting, which is illegal but not easily preventable in Arizona thanks to Democrat lawfare, and returned over a lengthy voting period either by mail or drop box.

· Cutting out these inactive registrations that should have been removed under Richer, or perhaps even before, is akin to cutting off the flow of propane from the cooktop. It doesn’t mean fraudulent voting can’t stem from the active roll, especially since any registration with a returned mail ballot associated with it from the 2024 election will be shown as active even if a real voter isn’t associated with it.

Heap has been restricted by many actions taking place above his office preventing him from doing more to right the ship, but this is a massive move in the proper direction and allows him to set his sights now on the active voter roll, which is cheapened by so much mail-in voting and all related manipulation that comes with expansion of that practice. The odds of Democrat activist and Pima County recorder Gabriella Cazares-Kelly doing anything like Heap has done on her own volitions are slim to none, despite all her explaining in front of the Arizona legislature.


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Gee now you going to deny voting rights to the dead, zombies, trolls, zombies, and elfs. What is the world coming to?

What incenses me most when it comes to voter roll integrity is that this isn’t a complicated problem, like abortion rights. You either have standing to vote, or you don’t. The only reason for not cleaning up the voter rolls is because you want election fraud to occur. No other defense or argument has any merit. It isn’t about difficulty in registering, or getting an ID, or even showing up to vote versus an absentee ballot. If there are names on the rolls that should not be there, take them off! Unwillingness to do so is direct support of voter fraud and undermines our elections integrity. Stephen Richer and others like him must be investigated by the DoJ.

Corrupt politicians and NGOs falsely claim that ANY action to fight election fraud “Suppresses voters, especially minorities” as if they are too stupid to legally register or cannot get an ID. Notice they never introduce us to some of these “suppressed” voters to explain WHY they can’t vote.

Its the racism, you see it being taught. The poor Toby slave he just cant do nothing without the white helping, lower standards, make sure there is a quota, help protesting. Make up excuses for their behavior cause its really because you didnt do enough, and it will never be enough.

Well, it has been established that Democrats DO support voter fraud. Anything that makes election fraud easier, they support and anything that makes it more difficult, they oppose.