2016: The Election That Broke Liberal Minds and Launched Trump Derangement Syndrome

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by Robert Stacy McCain

Have you forgotten? In case you don’t remember how traumatized liberals were by Donald Trump winning the 2016 election, you can click here for an ABC News video of Hillary Clinton’s supporters, gathered for a planned victory celebration at the Javits Center in New York, crying on the evening of November 8, 2016. It was a beautiful sight.

Insofar as Democrats were not already crazy — because anyone who votes Democrat cannot be entirely sane — the trauma of the 2016 election drove them completely bonkers and they’ve never recovered. It was on the night of November 8, 2016, apparently, that Team Hillary settled on their excuse for defeat: “RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!”

Hillary Clinton herself accused Russia of “interfering” in the election:

“This is not just an attack on me and my campaign, although that may have added fuel to it. This is an attack against our country. We are well beyond normal political concerns here. This is about the integrity of our democracy and the security of our nation.”

But who was actually threatening “the integrity of our democracy”? In July 2016, while the campaign was still going, the FBI began spying on the Trump campaign in “Operation Crossfire Hurricane.” The origin, justification and legality of this project, led by the notorious Peter Strzok, have all been extensively scrutinized. The investigation began after (but was not necessarily caused by) the alleged hacking of Democratic National Committee emails. The official justification for the investigation had to do with conversations between Trump policy adviser George Papadopoulos and an obscure academic named Joseph Mifsud, which Mifsud subsequently relayed to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer. This gossip then got mixed in with spurious allegations from the infamous “Steele dossier” to create the myth of “collusion” between Russia and the Trump campaign which, after Trump’s 2016 victory, became the basis of phantasmagoric delusions on the part of Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself).

All the insanity since November 2016, you must understand, can be traced to two simple facts: Trump won and Hillary lost, and these facts were never accepted by Democrats, least of all Hillary herself. To this day, we’re still dealing with the consequences of the resulting delusion — Trump Derangment Syndrome — and one symptomatic manifestation is the media’s obsession with “misinformation.”

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Liberal Democrats still haven’t gotten over the loss

Their minds were broken long before that, they were going to put another Clinton in the WH. No one has 50 people they know commit suicide. Says about a good friends mutilation and murder, “What difference does it make?” Ran an unsecure server that had to be bleachbit to avoid handing it over while it was under subpoena. So much more in that hags history but she had the D.

If you recall, it was the same reaction when Bush beat Gore. The left went apoplectic, which only got worse in 2004. Gore was supposed to be the 8 year extension of Clinton and Hillary was supposed to be the 8 year extension of Obama. When Democrats don’t get their way 100% the way they want it, they get pissed; when they get denied multiple times, they get truly dangerous.

Imagine how pissed they are about to be.