14 more states file anti-Obamacare amicus brief

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This one will be for Seven-Sky v. Holder, which is scheduled for oral argument in September. The amicus brief will be on the individual mandate; more specifically, that the individual mandate is unconstitutional.

I mostly draw this to people’s attention because of the following list:

AlabamaFlorida, Indiana, KansasMaine*, MichiganNebraskaNorth DakotaOhio, Pennsylvania, South DakotaTexas, Washington, andWisconsin.

Bolded states had elections for Attorney General in 2010: underlined states are where the job flipped from from Democratic to Republican.

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Are these all part of the 26 states already taking a case to the SCOTUS?
Or are they more states?
Because, Obama gave 3 states immunity from ObamaCare….
Then there are the 26 states.
Now are there 14 MORE?
Because, if so, there are only 7 states that are FOR ObamaCare!