Off-Duty U.S. Troops Stop a Terrorist in France

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Daily Beast updated:

Whatever his politics, there’s no question the man with the AK-47 wrestled to the ground onboard a high-speed train was out to commit a terrorist act.

Two heroic American men, unarmed and in civilian clothing, helped overpower a 26-year-old gunman armed with an automatic rifle, knife and razor blades who brazenly opened fire in a high-speed train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris on Friday evening.

According to reports, one of the Americans, Alek Skarlatos, is a member of the National Guard, the other, is Spencer Stone, a member of the Air Force. Stone ended up injured in the terrifying and chaotic scene aboard the train as it sped through the Belgian countryside on Friday evening at the height of the tourist season in Europe. Twitter erupted with news of the two soldiers shutting down the gunman as more than one person tweeted that it was right out of a real-life “Mission Impossible” movie.

A third man, French actor Jean-Hugues Anglade, suffered minor injuries but it could have been far worse had it not been for the quick-thinking passengers, French officials said.

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MAYBE he was a terrorist.
Ayoub el-Qahzzani is claiming he found all that armament in a bag in a public park in Brussels.
He is also claiming he only wanted to rob people on the train…..and maybe hold a few of the well-to-do looking ones hostage for ransoms.
But then again……….
Ayoub el-Qahzzani opened fire on the train, he didn’t try to rob anyone.
Ayoub el-Qahzzani is a suspected radical Islamist who was known to security services.

Who to believe?
Ayoub or your own lying eyes?

And what about those European transit employees?
Train staff on board the high speed train which was the scene of a suspected Islamic extremist attack yesterday barricaded themselves in their staff room and locked the door, leaving passengers to fend for themselves.