Since Texas Gov. Rick Perry entered the contest for the Republican presidential nomination one month ago, he has rocketed to the lead in the polls. But that doesn’t impress MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough in the least.
On Tuesday’s broadcast of “Morning Joe,” Scarborough offered his analysis of why Rick Perry won’t be viable in six months, starting with his position on Social Security.
“[A]fter listening to him talk last night in detail, I do not know how many levels there are to Rick Perry,” Scarborough said. “But I do know this … The phrase ‘Ponzi scheme’ is not Rick Perry’s biggest problem. The word that he’s going to have to wrestle with during Republican primaries, let alone a general election, is the word ‘unconstitutional,’ because when you call Social Security … unconstitutional … this is about as funny as anything I’ve heard on ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm.’” (RELATED: Rivals knock Perry over HPV vaccine order)
Scarborough added that Perry’s plan to hand Social Security off to the states wouldn’t work because the states are ill-equipped to handle it.
Let’s see… the orginal Colonial Rebels that founded the Secert Congress and later the United States Congress waged a bloody war against a Benefactor Nation that mandated the Colony citizens pay servitude to the Empire in the form of grevious taxation policies, forced impressment (conscription), or forced confiscation of property to house Imperial forces while taking away private weapons to prevent future unrest (Siege of Boston as example.)
Yeah, if people find Rick’s words so touchy and damning then they just might be a fool who are the modern day equal of the Loyalists in the Colonies who hid from realilty of their Benefactors or paid to turn a blind eye to neighbors being evicted from their personal homes or “not to” see shops who didn’t even have anything to do with the Rebels be burned down (the worse “crime” these shops did then was sell Dutch and Spanish goods, which was as offensive of a violation as a Rebel supporter in most cases.)
I don’t think Rick’s vanishing anytime soon.
Sorry, just cannot stand that slimy looking Romney, too slick by half!! And Romneycare is as bad as Obammycare!!!! Just give Perry a chance, he, like declared, what a month ago??? 3/4 of the country has not had a chance to even give him a first look!