They Want Blood: How Leftist Activists Are Targeting the DOGE Developers

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Vittoria Elliott – Author of the Wired hit piece

It’s the same playbook every time. Some journalist from an activist rag publishes a hit piece, conveniently packed with personal details of their target, and within minutes, the digital mob is unleashed. The latest victims? The DOGE developers, who were doxxed and are now facing a coordinated harassment campaign from the usual corners of the internet.

The goal of these “investigations” is never just to inform—it’s to incite. The moment the names went public, leftist keyboard warriors from Reddit, Bluesky, and beyond sprang into action. Calls for violence, doxxing of family members, and outright threats flooded social media.

This is not just predictable—it’s intentional.

Activist journalists know exactly what they’re doing when they expose individuals in this manner. It’s not journalism; it’s a digital bounty. They may feign ignorance, but the results are always the same. Their readers, ideologically aligned and rabid with self-righteous anger, take over where the journalist leaves off.

We’re already seeing:

  • “Hunt them down” posts circulating on Reddit.
  • Leftist activists on Bluesky coordinating harassment against DOGE staff and their families.
  • Personal details, including phone numbers and addresses, being spread alongside screenshots of threats being sent.

And where did this all start? With a @WIRED journalist irresponsibly publishing names. As if on cue, high-profile activist accounts joined in, boosting the effort to publicly expose and endanger private citizens.

The unspoken rule of doxxing is that it carries an implicit threat of violence. The activist left knows this. They count on it. When their allies on social media start throwing out threats, they simply step back and pretend to be uninvolved—while watching the damage unfold.

  • This is about intimidation and control.
  • This is about ruining lives to enforce ideological compliance.
  • This is about sending a message: resist us, and we will destroy you.

Will There Be Consequences? Of course not. The left protects its own. If this were the other way around—if a conservative journalist had doxxed a left-wing activist—the outrage machine would be in full gear. Big Tech would be deplatforming, the media would be crying “harassment,” and politicians would be calling for hearings.

But since it’s the left doing the targeting? Silence.

But…with the new US Attorney things may be changing:

Meanwhile, the DOGE developers must now navigate this storm, hoping to remain safe amid a mob that has been openly encouraged to come after them.

We see this happening time and again. The activist left weaponizes information to make examples out of those who defy their narrative. They don’t want debate. They don’t want disagreement. They want submission—or destruction.

Let’s hope the DOGE team remains safe and successful despite these disgusting tactics. Because if this continues unchecked, no one who dares to challenge the leftist establishment will be safe.

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Perhaps we should start doxxing the leftist that are responsible

Throwing their asses in Gitmo with Juan and Pedro would do them wonders. After a fair trial of course.

Start with the journo who publish the initial data.

Love the new running graphic.

These DOGE engineers will be like the rebuilders of Israel’s wall after their release from Babylonian captivity.
A building tool in one hand and a sword or other defensive tool in the other.
This reform is going to happen even if individuals work it in short spurts then “retire” a while until their next assignment.
But the issue, unspoken by the lefties, is that BILLIONS OF DOLLARS is at stake.
I mean, who wants to work for a living then daddy democrat can gift you millions just for being a fellow traveler?

I wouldn’t mind the side-scrolling if I could pause it. They increase and decrease in height, dragging the text below up and down on the page. It’s difficult to read when it’s jumping like that.

Could Vox be a recipient of some type of grant? Or one of the editors/owners?

Make all doge employees federal and give the authority to be armed, everywhere including DC

The left retaliates when its’ thefts and chicanery are exposed. The “aunty fa” bunch and its’ sycophants are the foot soldiers, much like the useful idiots of jihadist islam.

That is what drives all of this.

Since they lost the election of 2024 the DNC/Bolsheviks are out for Blood their the typical Sore Losers we saw back in 2000 when Gore the Bore was unable to Steal the Election

It’s the left’s way. Their default reaction is always threats or violence. Because, you know, they’re so f**king tolerant. But, unlike Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Garland, who did nothing when Schumer threatened Supreme Court Justices or the illegal protests at Justice’s home, there may be penalties this time.

The dems keep looking for a leader to set the pattern that might work against all of trump’s plans.
The DOGE 25 year old who joked that “he was a racist before it was fashionable,” back when he was a teen drew out congressman Ro Khanna.
He wrote to the wrong member of the Executive Branch. …..J.D. Vance.

Are you going to tell him to apologize for saying “Normalize Indian hate” before this rehire? Just asking for the sake of both of our kids.

— Ro Khanna (@RoKhanna) February 7, 2025

He got it back with both barrels.

For the sake of both of our kids? Grow up.

Racist trolls on the internet, while offensive, don’t threaten my kids. You know what does? A culture that denies grace to people who make mistakes. A culture that encourages congressmen to act like whiny children. 

I cannot overstate how much I loathe this emotional blackmail pretending to be concern.

My kids, god willing, will be risk takers. They won’t think constantly about whether a flippant comment or a wrong viewpoint will follow them around for the rest of their lives.

I don’t worry about my kids making mistakes, or developing views they later regret. I don’t even worry that much about trolls on the internet. You know what I do worry about, Ro?

That they’ll grow up to be a US Congressmen who engages in emotional blackmail over a kid’s social media posts.

You disgust me.

— JD Vance (@JDVance) February 7, 2025

Still looking for that elusive new leader.

This is our opportunity to pull the USA from certain financial disaster, cutting everybit of fat waste and fraud wont stop it. There need to be cuts, someone is going to bleed. Reminder in the Constitution no where is foreign aid, NGOs ect.
We are funding the WEF and our pal Soros destroy our country.
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Despite the plastic surgery, she looks more like a Hillary/Webb Hubbel blend every time I see her.