We Need More of These Hearings – Because Watching Democrats Meltdown Is Must-See TV!

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These hearings are a gas. They have been a showcase for Trump’s nominees and has allowed democrats to make asses of themselves. They’ve been overbearing, condescending and obnoxious.

Mazie Hirono (D-HI) is a sex-obsessed moron.

Tulsi Gabbard opened strong

Then Michael Bennet (D-CO) asked Tulsi Gabbard a question and then shouted her down every time she tried to answer.

Mark Warner did the same thing

RFK Jr harpooned Bernie Sanders (D-VT)

But the Kash Patel show was the best part of the day. Here’s his opening statement

democrats asked Kash if he’d ever been subject to racism.

Crazy Mazie, the  Haumaka from Hawaii, continued on her idiotic question theme

Then one after another, the dim witted democrat Senator tried to bait Kash, but he refused to bite.

Alex Padilla

Dick Blumenthal

He toasted Amy Klobuchar

The leading beta male in the Senate took a swing at Kash trying set a perjury trap, but not before being handed a note telling him what to ask:

But watching Kash fluster Adam Schiff was the best thing I’ve seen in some time. Schiff is scared to death that Kash might do to him what Schiff did to Kash.

Schiff is really very, very afraid of Kash

Devin Nunes let Schiff have it too

This might be one of the rogues democrats are trying to protect. If Thibodeau is forced to testify he might give them all up.

It was truly a great day. Trump’s picks all landed punches.  Kash managed all of the invective thrown at him with aplomb. We really could use more of these hearings.

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The Democrats and the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders are having bad time over their foiled plot

AHH the Brilliant Democrats you intelligent people have elected on display!

This is what you people voted in to represent the Democratic Party? You should be embarrassed at the questions they ask and then won’t let the person answer! Tells you you have nothing to back up your no vote except party! Now that your party is pathetic what ae you to do? Vote in people that want to bring this country back as the USA regardless of party affiliation.

Mazie Hirono is an embarrassment above all the other embarrassments from this state! She is a LOLO!

JFK jt passes committee
How can we know this is true???

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