The Week in Radical Leftism – More from The Nation!

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Welcome back, friends and neighbors! Sorry for missing last week’s post – I was really looking forward to commemorating the final days of  America held hostage by the Biden*/Coupmala occupation. Unfortunately a nasty bug waylaid me at the end of last week, The bug is now making it’s way through the Bob household, knocking out the family as I’m coming out of it. Heck, even Doggie Bob seems a bit  off.  So the best I can give you is a quickie this week, and will have a better post for you next week. So let’s take a look check to see how The Radical Left is reacting to having a President how is both coherent and has bowel control. I’m sure they’re handling this in an intelligent, mature manner, right?

Trump’s All-Out Assault on American Democracy Has Begun

Well, that didn’t take long.

Trump’s Attacks On DEI Are a Green Light for the Government to Discriminate

You have to admire the Leftist brain and watch it misinterpret an action to be the *exact* opposite of what it’s actually doing.

The Bishop Who Spoke Truth to Trump Was Doing Her Job

Friendly advice, Lefties: When you’re advocating for foreign r@pists and mutilating children, whoever’s word you’re preaching is not God’s.

Trump’s Inauguration Revealed Whom He Really Serves: the Billionaires and the Crypto Bros

I was going to say something clever, but the main reason this post gets the nod is watching Zuck trying to not stare down Bezos’ 403 fiancée

Protests Are Supposed to Be an Inconvenience

“Protests are supposed to be an inconvenience?” Does this mean The Radical Left is ready for an adult talk about the January 6th Reichstag Fire victims?

John Fetterman, American Jagoff

I actually agree with the headline. Then we get to the reasoning and it’s (checks notes) Fetterman’s failure to support 7th century murderers and r@pists.

Have a great weekend – stay warm!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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The Bishop Who Spoke Truth to Trump Was Doing Her Job

Friendly advice, Lefties: When you’re advocating for foreign r@pists and mutilating children, whoever’s word you’re preaching is not God’s.

There’s Biblical precedent (in Judges) for how to deal with foreign rapists:
A Levite and his concubine in the Benjamite city of Gibeah are assailed by a mob, who wish to gang-rape the Levite. (The MAN!)
He turns his concubine over to the crowd, and they rape her instead. After she dies from her ill treatment, the Levite dismembers her body and presents the remains to the other tribes of Israel. They swear that none shall give his daughter to the Benjamites for marriage, and launch a war which nearly wipes out the tribe, leaving only 600 surviving.

Nobody, then or now, should have to invite rapists to live among themselves.

Last edited 25 days ago by Nan G

Longest 20 days ever! Shouldnt it be spring? Nope temps here with windchill are Brrrr. Its been so cold here our snow even went south for the winter. Flurries, Less than 1/4 inch here and there get out the leaf blower for that.
The left melt down on everything as expected, funny as hell.

Trump’s All-Out Assault on American Democracy Has Begun

I think starting an essay with a line about “waking up crying” because Trump won a fair election kind of negates anything that might be said later of any impact. What is this thing with exuding weakness and mental malfunction? Especially from someone that is actually IN the propaganda business and knows the situation is nowhere near as dire as the left wants to pretend it is. Pushing the question of the 14th Amendment to the Supreme Court is the most Constitutional thing to do. And protecting our border is Third Reich-like? Damn, no wonder these idiots keep voting for weakening the entire nation, if not free world. Right down to propagating that ridiculous farce of Musk’s “Nazi salute”.

Trump’s Attacks On DEI Are a Green Light for the Government to Discriminate

I guess it never occurs to any of these idiots that following DEI IS discrimination. Discrimination against merit.

The Bishop Who Spoke Truth to Trump Was Doing Her Job

What Bishop spoke the truth? The only one in the news was that grandstanding bleeding heart that lied about threats to trannies and LGBTQWZXY*$#% or showing mercy for those who invaded our country and shit on our law and rules? Did I miss something?

Trump’s Inauguration Revealed Whom He Really Serves: the Billionaires and the Crypto Bros

It must be tough for the left to keep losing their assets from the plantation. First, the slaves, then Hispanics, then the youth and now billionaires. Not exactly the “cream of the crop” remaining.

Protests Are Supposed to Be an Inconvenience

Well, I guess… if you want to drive everyone from your support.

John Fetterman, American Jagoff

You know, Gabby Giffords gets shot in the head, but she continues to have the same liberal points of view. Fetterman was the liberal favorite, even a Presidential up-and-comer, when his brain was broken and he was nothing but a babbling idiot that couldn’t put a sentence together. Seems brain damage is an asset to the liberal mindset. Now that Fetterman’s brain is coming back on line, he is going against the leftist grain. What the hell is up with that?

He really needs to be studied like a lab rat, could there be a cure?

To make matters even more worse for the UN/CFR/Globalists Trump is ending their many Mandates including EV’s and Wind Turbines and Solar Panels and Devest in All Electric America plans of the UN/CFR/Globalists