Is it Time for Donald to Play the Trump Card?

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Anyone reading this knows about the disgusting actions forwarded for signature by the various Obama staffers given to a senile old man on his way out the door. There might be a simple way to reverse all of them, or at least slap a legal injunction against these attempts to thwart what used to be a peaceful transition of power when a new President is elected in America. First off, American Greatness’ Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann bring up an interesting point. At the time they wrote this post this morning’s round of pardons had not yet been signed:

And what if a movement to void these pardons (as well as just about anything Biden signed in the past few years) emerges, citing Biden’s obvious infirmity and inability to cognitively understand what he was signing? Could these pardons, commutations, and clemencies be rendered invalid? Could the criminal activities of this rogue’s gallery actually be prosecuted, preemptive pardons notwithstanding?

Did the Democrat’s unwillingness to invoke the 25th Amendment years ago provide Trump the ammunition to properly wipe out every single one of these actions by an enfeebled man with late-stage dementia?

We can only dream.

I had had a similar thought a few days ago, and this morning two callers to Chris Plante’s radio show brought up some other thoughts I had on the topic.  Remember roughly a year ago when when Robert Hur, while investigating Biden’s* mishandling of classified documents, concluded that

“We have also considered that, at trial, Mr Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the report said.

“Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of wilfulness.”

Let’s take this a step further. Since there is no shortage of public evidence and private testimonials regarding the mental decay of Joey Sponge Brains Crapped Pants*, why not simply decree that based on Hur’s conclusion that Biden* did not have the mental capacity to understand any act that he signed during his final year as President, thus rendering anything he signed null and void? Sure, we can give President Daddy Please Don’t make Me Shower With You Again* the benefit of the doubt, and he can immediately take a mental fitness test with officials from both parties present. If he doesn’t want to do it, no problem. Since Sundown Joe* cannot disprove this damning evidence that he lacked mental capacity to sign any kind of legal documents, any bill or act or order signed by Biden* in the last year is null and void. Now that the lack of mental capacity has been established, it’s now only a matter of negotiating how far back we go.

Does this set a bad precedent? You bet. Could this cause far bigger problems down the road? Absolutely. But like it or not, our country is in a cold Civil War. We have never had an outgoing President* (or more accurately, former President pulling strings behind the scenes who is angry and bitter about losing the next eight years of rule he was entitled to) who has worked so hard to thwart the peaceful transition of power and to poison a once respected political office that he already spent four years degrading. The Radical Left has declared war on this country, and if they’re no longer observing the norms that worked so well for 250 years, so we Normals have to get creative if we’re going to save our country. Today was a great day, but the work is only beginning.

To close out on a lighter note, I think it was Ace who offered an observation when the Robert Hur report was first released. Channeling his inner Johnny Cochran, Ace observed that, “If his brain is sh*t, then you must acquit!”

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Burdick v. United States1915 United States Supreme Court case
Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79, was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that:

A pardoned person must introduce the pardon into court proceedings, otherwise the pardon is considered a private matter, unknown to and unable to be acted on by the court.………………….
In other words, these really did channel obama, when he ripped off the gov’s speech about, “they are words, just words.”

Last edited 25 days ago by Nan G

The Pardons if upheld have zero weight in State or international courts. If Fauchi accepts this pardon, an admission of guilt, every state AG should file charges
I also heard Military treason cannot be Pardoned Milley may not be out of the woods yet.

This may have been Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s only service to the nation: he identified the worst criminals against the People. Everyone issued a pardon has been openly accused of very specific crimes. This simply confirms that the accusations are, in fact, valid.

It is also argued that a pardon cannot be issued without a specific crime charged. No doubt, there will be much more on this.

However, it is now totally confirmed that this Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden regime was, far and above, the most corrupt regime in US history.

Yet the blind lemming followship STILL cannot face up to the facts. It’s enough, though, to totally validate my suspicions and accusations.

Just so glad fashion has returned to the WH, No more draperies from Great Grandmas sunroom fashioned into a frumpy disaster.

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Last edited 23 days ago by Curt

Did you see Barron go over to shake hands with Biden who was all smiles til Barron bent over and said something to him, seemed to wipe the smirk right off his puss.
Mabe, “Mommy is pissed”.

Looked like she came in to have cheesecake and kick ass and was all out of cheesecake.
Check out Jills coat did she borrow someones coat 5 sizes to large? Good thing there were 1 size fits all stratchy gloves in the pocket.

The 25th Amendment has been proven to be worthless

This article is why I love Flopping Aces!!! Always refreshing perspectives.

This Not the New York Times this is the Real News not the NYT’s Fiction