Grooming Gangs in the UK, Violence in the US: Enabled by Denial from Politicians and Communities

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last week (or just living in the UK) you know about the sudden earthquake of activity surrounding the Asian Grooming Gangs (Rape Rings) that have been operating in Britain for more than 25 years.  Everyone is referring to them as Asian, but that’s a disservice to 47 out of 48 of the countries in Asia because most of these “Asian” rapists are from just one country, Pakistan.

If you’re not familiar with the sordid story, basically for the last 25 years Pakistani men have been grooming and raping young white girls.  And when I say young, I don’t mean a 16-year-old girl who puts on makeup and purposely tries to pass herself off as 18.  No, while that happened, the vast majority of the victims are far younger 11, 13, and sometimes as young as 5 years old.  It’s been recently suggested that the total number of victims over that period is more than 250,000.  And most of those victims were abused and raped by multiple men, sometimes dozens or more.

The fact that this abuse happened is both revolting and despicable and in a more rational world, a punishment meted out by a machine popularized in 18th century France would be in their future.  But of course, we don’t live in a rational world.

There is an element of this story that is possibly even more contemptible than the abuse itself… the government, the media and the police working together to keep the lid on the crimes, distract from who was committing the crimes, manipulating “investigations” and data to obscure the facts and giving unconscionably light sentences to perpetrators.

Here are just a few of the anger-inducing stories that have gone on over the last few years:

And of course, over the entire period of this crime spree, anyone who stood up and spoke out about it was accused of Islamophobia or being a racist.

All of this has been playing out on the backdrop of a rapidly evolving nation where British whites have gone from 96% of the population in 1980 to less than 74% in less than 40 years.  In major cities, the disparity is far greater.  In London, where only 36% of the population are white British, fully 41% of the population are immigrants.  In Birmingham white Brits make up less than 50% while Pakistanis make up 20%.  In Luton, one of the Grooming Gang hotspots and the home of Tommy Robinson, white Brits make up just 32% while Pakistanis make up 18%.

And why does any of this demographic data matter?  Because it’s at the core of this travesty.  The government (both Tories & Labour) and media have been twisting like pretzels trying to sell the country the fiction of successful multicultural integration. That is, and has been for decades, an absolute fiction. One needs merely to observe the staggeringly large pro-Hamas demonstrations that took place across the UK after the terrorist group started a war with Israel to recognize that Britain today is a far cry from the Britain of Maggie Thatcher.

Of course, the reason that the issue is getting any significant traction at all is because the freedom of a (largely) uncensored X has given Brits the ability to access and share information previously not easily done. Combined with the voice of Elon Musk and one of the largest megaphones in the world the issue is just now starting to become a major story in the UK.  Indeed, Musk has called on the King to dissolve Parliament so that Brits can vote on a new government in the wake of the scandal.  I have little confidence that the climate change cultist King will do so, but there is always a sparkle of hope.

The thing about this travesty is that it largely mirrors one that has been happening in the United States, albeit in a different form. In Britain, you have a government and the elites actively seeking to distract the citizens from what’s right in front of them. They’re seeking to pretend there is no correlation between a demographic and the crimes and most of the community from which those criminals come aren’t seeking to hold them accountable but are instead crying racism.

Sound familiar?  Here in the United States, the problem isn’t rape, it’s violence and murder. The criminals aren’t predominantly Pakistani, they’re black and it isn’t Islamophobia that’s being used to deflect responsibility, but rather cries of racism.  And lastly, while in Britain most of the victims aren’t from the same demographic as the criminals, here in America, most are.

In both cases, you’d think that those leading the charge against these crimes would be the far more numerous members of those communities who are not engaging in the crimes, but that’s not what’s happening. While a few voices are calling out from within, the vast majority of the members of the Pakistani Brits and black Americans do just the opposite.  They blame right-wing hate and institutional racism.

That makes no sense.  Most Pakistanis aren’t committing crimes in Britain and most blacks aren’t committing crimes in America. Given the negative consequences these crimes bring to their communities, it would make sense for the “leaders” of those communities to rally the community members to identify and hold accountable the criminals in their midst.  One would think so, but that’s not happening significantly.

While elements of the current firestorm about the rapes going on in Britain suggest hope, and here in America the election of Donald Trump does the same, the reality is, these problems can not be solved externally. Although the politicians and jurists must be held accountable for their abetting of the crimes, it won’t be enough. If Pakistanis in Britain don’t take the lead in identifying and holding accountable the criminals in their midst, their communities will suffer in the long run as an even greater divide develops with the larger population. Similarly, in America, if black leaders don’t abandon the victimization grift and focus their communities on exposing, marginalizing, and defeating the criminal elements within, the long-term consequences will be brutal, from vanishing economic opportunities to increasing food deserts to continued black-on-black blood in the streets.

Whether it’s X’s coverage of the Grooming Gang scandals or Donald Trump’s promise to eviscerate DEI in America, hopefully, 2025 will be the beginning of a long overdue return to something resembling sanity.

Follow Vince on X at ImperfectUSA

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The idea of “multiculturalism,” flies in the face of assimilation or even integration.
The UK imported a huge population of people who look upon the ethnic Brits as slaves and dhimmis (2nd class people.)
Muslim women are not even given the same rights as men INSIDE Islam.
Infidel females are specifically denoted in the koran and hadith as worthy of sex slavery to use, abuse then throw away.
Tommy Robinson has been in and out of prison for 10 years because he merely expressed these facts.
And, now that Muslims are taking jobs as police and elected officials, it is getting worse.

Musk just expresses an opinion and is accused of controlling the government, both in the UK and US. The left lives in mortal fear of free thought and speech.

Hard to believe things will change in the US. Even before and during the first term of Pres. Trump, Black on Black violence was out of control. In places like Chicago, the body count on an average weekend was hard to read about. Mostly young men killing each other, with the occasional random civilian caught in the crossfire. I have no doubt that Pres. Trump will use his Executive powers to take the fight to the criminals and I support that effort. But, until the Blue cities and states decide to help, and decide to stop “decriminalizing” acts that lead to more bad behavior, the deaths and destruction will continue unabated.

This problem is most pronounced in blue cities and states and they will fight to keep any corrections from being implemented simply because Trump brings them. They simply cannot face the fact that he has been RIGHT about every criticism of their governance and would rather see innocent people die than face the facts.

If I were a Muslim Pakistani scumbag, I’d be laughing and $h!tt!ng on everyone too…………

All of Western Europe has the same varmint issues.
Romania the EU has backed a coup.

Our 1st Amendment Prophibits having Established Religion and forcing Islam upon us is a Violation of the 1st Amendment

Because these crimes aren’t committed by white men, the left simply do not care. They don’t care about sacrificing hundreds of thousands of young girls. Maybe by “successful multicultural integration” they refer to the white, indigenous population being forced to succumb to the incoming immigrants. It’s more of an assimilation than integration, with the immigrants assimilating the native population, not vice versa.

Last edited 1 month ago by Just Plain Bill

The author has adopted the belief that blacks will abandon the racism grift. Why should they? Its worked for them for decades. Trillions have been spent on them. The law has been twisted into pretzels for them. We have seen Obama, Harris and their ilk reach the highest levels of the government based on their skin color. The worst thing about this is when other minorities catch on and adopt this grift, look at AOC, or the newly appointed senator from California, that moronic senator from Hawaii, or any of the Jihaddies in Congress. I won’t discuss their enablers. The UK has slit their throats. Its too late for the Brits. But when Thacher sold out Hong Kong I knew the Brits would sell out anyone anywhere. They confirmed it in Rhodesia and South Africa. Now th3e chickens are coming home to roast.

They fear the rise of the Nationalist those that take pride in the native culture, and the culture is good, brings tourists from all over the planet. The EU and NATO wont allow Romania to have its culture a coup because the citizens chose the wrong candidate. Germany has announced they will do the same. Poland and Hungary wont stand for it, boys trying to put out a memorial flame in Russia saw themselves and their entire family deported. Thats the attitude that needs to be praised, welcome now behave yourself or out you go along with the family that taught you such disrespect.
Demands? the answer is no, we eat pork products, love our dogs and rape is not part of the culture. Women can go out in public children can play safely in the parks. Just as most of us would remove a guest that kicked our dog and groped one of our kids and told us to pay for food and comforts because you have a sob story about what a shit hole your people made where you came from. Break the law we dont care if you have the IQ of a house plant we will ship your ass home where that same crime might get you beheaded or a hand chopped off.
Take the lessons from once Christian nations in the middle east dont let the nose of the camel under the tent or you will lose everything.

”….told us to pay for food and comforts because you have a sob story about what a shit hole your people made where you came from.”

Ironic because so many “Asian,” people (read Pakistani Muslim) go on vacation back where they came from.
Sadly, these demands about how their non-Muslim hosts dress and eat come slowly.
They don’t pounce on the natives all at once.
But dhimmitude (life as a servant to all Muslims) is being instituted all over these countries where Muslims were welcomed as part of a multicultural tapestry.

They never had problems with the pakis in the 70s when they were few.
Per my sister in law an english girl that married my airforce brother. Mom flew over for the wedding.

You are reflecting “Islam’s Rule of Numbers.”
The more Muslims grow in numbers, the more Islamic phenomena intrinsic to the Muslim world—in this case, brazen violence against “infidels”—appear.

Numbers from 2013:

In the U.S., where Muslims are less than 1% of the population, London-style attacks are uncommon. Islamic assertiveness is limited to political activism dedicated to portraying Islam as a “religion of peace,” and sporadic, but clandestine, acts of terror.

In Europe, where Muslims make for much larger minorities, open violence is common. But because they are still a vulnerable minority, Islamic violence is always placed in the context of “grievances,” a word that pacifies Westerners.

With an approximate 10% Muslim population, London’s butchers acted brazenly, yes, but they still invoked grievances. Standing with bloodied hands, the murderer declared: “We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone…. The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying by British soldiers every day.”

Grievances disappear when Muslims become at least 35-40% of a nation and feel capable of waging an all-out jihad, as in Nigeria, where the Muslim-majority north has been terrorizing Christians—bombing hundreds of churches and beheading hundreds of infidels. (Continue Reading.)