In the UK, causing distress is a crime for some but not for others if they’re of the protected religion.

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In the UK, causing distress can get you arrested, especially in the social media.

Causing “distress” is a huge crime


You can be arrested for posting what the government considers ‘Insulting or Abusive’

Even for posting a flag

Or for posting memes.

You can get 20 months in jail for it

But let’s make something very clear. Only distressing some people is a crime. Distressing others is not. Here are some examples that aren’t crimes.



Here a Christmas celebration is interrupted

Then there’s the domination thing

There are 1750 mosques in the UK. I know people who are distressed by the above.

But not everyone is allowed to pray in public

Not even silently

She explains


If you boil it down, one concludes that in the UK social media induced stress via the written word is a greater offense than actual physical distress induced by intimidation and actual physical threats by certain people. The dichotomy is painfully clear. In the meanwhile, be grateful for the Founders and the First Amendment.

And to Elon Musk for saving it all.

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Norm MacDonald (1959–2021) joke:

My biggest fear is that ISIS or some terrorist group like that would get ahold of a dirty bomb and explode it over a major city within the United States and kill tens of millions of people, because then the blowback against innocent Muslims would be absolutely terrible.

Funny only because it turned out to be true.

Wasn’t that precisely how the New Orleans mosque reacted to one of their congregant’s rampage?

Who ever called Islam the Religion of Peace has Sawdust for Brains

Well stopping them from complaining on SM will fix it all. We were told if Americans point it out we would be prosecuted.
Europe has fallen. They now wont recognize elections, unless the ruling party wins.

If those Bloodthirsty Musilm’s cant act civilized then they must Go Back to where they came

Didn’t the Britis fight a regime that used these kinds of polices in ww2? When do the Brits get some nice black uniforms with lightening bolts?

What does this say about the elites of the UK? Worse what is wrong with the british people who are being treated like dirt by the Muslims who treat the Brits like dirt? Worse the elite treat the Brits like serfs. A civilized people would burn the Muslims and then flay the elites alive and feed them to the pigs.

Like here, they are reluctant to take action against groups that might behead them or blow them up.

Animal cruelty wouldnt solve that cluster. What do you have against the little piggies?

I guess England should have gotten one of them “Constitutions”. The main point to take away from all this is the cautionary point; this is exactly what the left wants in place here and they want to be in control of it. We already see policing implemented the same way, with BLM/ANTIFA thugs doing the left’s business getting a pass when committing acts of extreme violence, but right wing protesters and even parents who want questions about the curriculum forced upon their children are persecuted and arrested. Perhaps the SWAT raid on the minister’s home who stood up and protected his son from an abortion zealot is the most egregious example, in terms of cause and effect.

Yes, given the opportunity (and they came awfully close to having it) the left would turn the US into the same fascist quagmire that the UK is turning into.