In the UK, causing distress can get you arrested, especially in the social media.
In Britain you can and will be arrested for “misusing” social media by leaving comments about migrants that some Karen finds offensive. They won’t arrest you if you’re part of a grooming gang. Good to know what their priorities are. Two-tiered policing.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 5, 2024
UK authorities begin to arrest citizens for social media posts “containing inaccurate information.”
Full blown dystopian. This is 1984.
— iamyesyouareno (@iamyesyouareno) August 8, 2024
Causing “distress” is a huge crime
The Englishman posted British flag on Facebook and British police moved to arrest him for causing “a serious crime of a threatening nature which caused anxiety to anyone”
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) August 28, 2024
So is causing “anxiety”
UK police arrest a man for sharing a social media post that caused someone “anxiety.” We live in such a clown world.
— Tiffany Fong (@TiffanyFong_) December 22, 2024
You can be arrested for posting what the government considers ‘Insulting or Abusive’
The UK Now Has Police Arresting People For Simply Retweeting Content Which It Deems ‘Insulting or Abusive’
“If you retweet that, then you are republishing that. And then potentially you are committing that offense.”
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) August 7, 2024
Even for posting a flag
UK Man Arrested for Posting a Flag on Social Media
“127 Communications Act – where you post something of great offence or something that causes a person anxiety”
The man posted a Flag.
Did you know we arrest thousands more people every year in Britain for Social Media…
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) April 28, 2024
Or for “malicious communication”
UK TikToker gets arrested in her own home for ‘malicious communications’ against the LGBTQ community.
“You have sent a series of social media posts that are grossly offensive to people of protected characteristics…LGBTQ.”
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) July 21, 2024
Or for posting memes.
You can get 20 months in jail for it
Man Sentenced to 20 Months in Prison for Social Media Post
The UK is the New North Korea
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) August 9, 2024
But let’s make something very clear. Only distressing some people is a crime. Distressing others is not. Here are some examples that aren’t crimes.
⚠️ TERRIFYING: In London, a pack of rabid Muslims, led by Mohammed Hijab and Ali Dawah, hunts for Jewish blood.
They openly threatened Jews with violence, while the police did absolutely nothing.
Let’s be very clear, anti-zionism has morphed into Jew hatred, pure and simple.
— Frum TikTok (@FrumTikTok) June 10, 2024
⚠️ TERRIFYING: In London, a pack of rabid Muslims, led by Mohammed Hijab and Ali Dawah, hunts for Jewish blood.
— Azat (@AzatAlsalim) June 11, 2024
This is not Gaza‼️This is London‼️
Muslims warn the entire Jewish community in Britain that their turn to be beheaded as a human sacrifice for Allah’ sake is coming soon. As you can see in the video the Muslims chanted in Arabic: “Khaybar Khaybar, ya…— Liza Rosen (@LizaRosen0000) August 8, 2024
British police order a Christian preacher to leave because his words disturb Muslims praying to Allah on street in Manchester.
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) November 30, 2024
Plymouth genuine people having a peaceful protest, riot police everywhere.
Birmingham muslims have taken over a roundabout, blocked the road & driving like idiots for around 2 or 3 hrs now, shouting alla ahkbar…not a single police officer. Fckin fed up of the 2 tier policing— (@jomickane) August 5, 2024
Islamic crowd in London shouting Allah Akbar forces British police to flee. No beatings, no dogs and no arrests. Why do British police behave differently towards British patriots?
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) August 1, 2024
Muslims with knives in their hands in Croydon, London are shouting Allah Akhbar.
Where’s the police??— Ashlea Simon (@AshleaSimonBF) August 7, 2024
A masked Muslim mob, shouting ‘allah akbar’ are running through the streets of Bolton City Centre in the UK.
The British are no longer safe in their own country, and the police aren’t protecting them.
Will this be New York City soon?
— ProudArmyBrat (@leslibless) August 4, 2024
Here a Christmas celebration is interrupted
A masked Muslim mob, shouting ‘allah akbar’ are running through the streets of Bolton City Centre in the UK.
The British are no longer safe in their own country, and the police aren’t protecting them.
Will this be New York City soon?
— ProudArmyBrat (@leslibless) August 4, 2024
Then there’s the domination thing
In Germany Muslims show who is boss by praying in the streets.
Despite 3,000 mosques, the streets are better.
— David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) November 28, 2024
Tower Hamlets , London
Muslims blocking the whole pavement for their prayers… even though there are mosques 5 mins walk in each direction.
— WeGotitBack (@NotFarLeftAtAll) May 22, 2024
In Whitehall, near the Cenotaph & Downing Street, Muslims show us who is boss by praying in the street.
This is open defiance to our culture & country.
— David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) January 14, 2024
There are 1750 mosques in the UK. I know people who are distressed by the above.
But not everyone is allowed to pray in public
A native British Christian man was praying in Manchester. Some foreign Muslims got triggered and called the police.
The British man is forced to leave while the Muslims laugh and curse him.
This is the UK in 2024.
— Dr. Maalouf (@realMaalouf) November 30, 2024
Not even silently
Isabel Vaughan-Spruce has been formally charged for the thought crime of praying silently.
I assume @WMPolice this will be extended to all religions?
— David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) December 29, 2022
She explains
‘It has been a shock that something so Orwellian could happen in the 21st century.’
Anti-abortion campaigner, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, breaks her silence after police apologised for arresting her for silently praying outside an abortion clinic.
— GB News (@GBNEWS) August 20, 2024
If you boil it down, one concludes that in the UK social media induced stress via the written word is a greater offense than actual physical distress induced by intimidation and actual physical threats by certain people. The dichotomy is painfully clear. In the meanwhile, be grateful for the Founders and the First Amendment.
And to Elon Musk for saving it all.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Norm MacDonald (1959–2021) joke:
Funny only because it turned out to be true.
Wasn’t that precisely how the New Orleans mosque reacted to one of their congregant’s rampage?
Who ever called Islam the Religion of Peace has Sawdust for Brains
Well stopping them from complaining on SM will fix it all. We were told if Americans point it out we would be prosecuted.
Europe has fallen. They now wont recognize elections, unless the ruling party wins.
If those Bloodthirsty Musilm’s cant act civilized then they must Go Back to where they came
Didn’t the Britis fight a regime that used these kinds of polices in ww2? When do the Brits get some nice black uniforms with lightening bolts?
What does this say about the elites of the UK? Worse what is wrong with the british people who are being treated like dirt by the Muslims who treat the Brits like dirt? Worse the elite treat the Brits like serfs. A civilized people would burn the Muslims and then flay the elites alive and feed them to the pigs.
Like here, they are reluctant to take action against groups that might behead them or blow them up.
Animal cruelty wouldnt solve that cluster. What do you have against the little piggies?
I guess England should have gotten one of them “Constitutions”. The main point to take away from all this is the cautionary point; this is exactly what the left wants in place here and they want to be in control of it. We already see policing implemented the same way, with BLM/ANTIFA thugs doing the left’s business getting a pass when committing acts of extreme violence, but right wing protesters and even parents who want questions about the curriculum forced upon their children are persecuted and arrested. Perhaps the SWAT raid on the minister’s home who stood up and protected his son from an abortion zealot is the most egregious example, in terms of cause and effect.
Yes, given the opportunity (and they came awfully close to having it) the left would turn the US into the same fascist quagmire that the UK is turning into.