The Week in Radical Leftism – Happy New Year with The Nation!

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Welcome back to Day 1453 of America Held Hostage by the Obamiden* occupation! And only 10 days until we have a President with bowel control! Let’s go back to our friends at The Nation to see how The Radical Left is holding up:

As an Ex-President, Jimmy Carter Fought for Peace

As in, by acquiescing to tyrants everywhere you get peace. And piles of human skulls.

Why Is the Right Obsessed With Epic Poetry?

Not obsessed, just pushing back on The Radical Left’s efforts to replace the classics with garbage written by talentless slugs who check the appropriate grievance politics check boxes.

Elder Abuse Is No Way to Run a Government

Wow. The balls on these people after spending four years of enabling the worst public display of elder abuse the world has ever seen.

The Supreme Court Prepares to Take Its First Shot at Contraception

I’ve got to admit that I was intrigued by this headline. And of course, the article was about nothing but…. abortion. Abortion = contraception? This is my biggest problem with The Radical Left – if your causes are so righteous and brilliant, how come you have to lie to support them?

These Progressive Will Guide Us Through the Darkness

This one interested me, as I was curious as to who the Radicals see as their future. It was three crazy women:

  1. Gulag Barbie – Yes, please. And make her the face of your party – that will bring out the Normals to vote for you!
  2. Lisa Blount Rochester – I’d never heard of her, but I was a bit surprised at the pic they chose. Go to the link – shouldn’t the most flattering pictures possible be used? All I could think when I saw it was AL Cervick remarking that “The last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it!
  3. Jasmine Crockett – Yes, that Jasmine Crockett.

I’m left with two conclusions: 1) If this is the Democrats’ future, they will be out of power for a very long time. 2) Unless we are able to crush their radical elements, the next time the Dems manage to seize the White House America is over. On that cheery note…

Joe Biden’s Bodyguard of Liars Betrayed American Democracy

This is one of the cases where I’m going to give The Nation some props. This article’s author, Jeet Heer, actually called out Biden’s* dementia back in 2019. Good on him for being more honest than the rest of the dishonest dinosaur media that covered for Sundown Joe*.

How Jimmy Carter Lost Evangelical Christians to the Right

I don’t know, maybe by governing as someone who hates America and working toward its decline?

A Guide to Some of the Key Movers and Shysters in Trump’s Orbit

Props again. This is the kind of post that had me reading The Nation 20 years ago during The Iraq War. Back then, they were finding angles and naming names the even the anti-Bush Dinosaur Media were missing. While the analysis is as juvenile and misguided as one would expect, the article itself introduced me to a few names I have to admit I’d never heard of.

Republican Overreach on Abortion Could Be the Party’s Downfall in November

From April – how did going all in on abortion work out for you?

Biden’s Abortion Ambivalence Is Self-Defeating

Going back to February – Yeah, Biden just wasn’t pro abortion enough for The Radical Left.

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Happy New Year lil bro.
Wondering where she will find an exorcist powerful enough to clear the WH from their decency demons.
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January 20 just a little down the road
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As an Ex-President, Jimmy Carter Fought for Peace

The Camp David Accords was a great thing, but it is probably easier to conduct negotiations when half of your government is not pledging to impeach you for simply being part of the other party.

Why Is the Right Obsessed With Epic Poetry?

Um… I don’t remember any references to sexism or slavery in O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Elder Abuse Is No Way to Run a Government

Hasn’t Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden been living in an assisted living facility for the past 4 years, with the Ministry of Propaganda as his attendants? I guess they also missed the Feinstein episodes where she had aides on camera telling her what to say and how to vote.

The Supreme Court Prepares to Take Its First Shot at Contraception

It shouldn’t be that difficult to separate charges for a health screening from an abortion. The problem is, Planned Parenthood and the left are totally untrustworthy, as their body parts market proved. As long as they try to deem abortion as “health care”, they certainly can’t be trusted. Abortion is “health care” like beheading is brain surgery. Sorry, but taxpayer funds should not go to known thieves. Hopefully, we will soon see all taxpayer funds pulled from Planned Parenthood.

These Progressive Will Guide Us Through the Darkness

By all means, expose us more to AOC, the theatrical diva that staged a crying fit at a parking lot, pretending to care about illegal immigrants. And “Blunt”? Is that a nickname referring to her smoking preferences or a refence to her intellect? Sad to say, Crocket is from Texas and she is nothing like David. She’s an utter embarrassment and I can’t wait for the IQ of her district improves to the point to elect someone without the ghetto-girl dialect… girlfriend.

Joe Biden’s Bodyguard of Liars Betrayed American Democracy

He still misses a vital point. Reagan’s decline had to be investigated and uncovered; he never really demonstrated it publicly. Trump’s decline is, of course, nothing but a leftist wet dream. But Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden… his dementia was on full display for all to see and it was absolutely irrefutable. And it should be remembered that he was stupid long before he was demented. His failures, however, are due to the fact that his agenda was the Obama/Soros agenda. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden had very little to do with the direction. In fact, we could clearly see the results when HE made the calls, such as clinging to being the candidate, endorsing Kamala and his campaign appearances.

How Jimmy Carter Lost Evangelical Christians to the Right

Something Democrats have yet to learn, even today, is that intelligent people will not support failure. That’s not to say that the Ministry of Propaganda hasn’t been a powerful force in getting Obama two terms and then a third as puppet master, despite an endless string of failures, but the media didn’t play that game (to this extent) then and now, their credibility is utterly shot.

A Guide to Some of the Key Movers and Shysters in Trump’s Orbit

I think what bothers me the most about the left is that, as the inflated and bogus claims in this article show, they KNOW right from wrong and they know what their political elitists do and try to do is utterly wrong. But, the ends justifies the means and, as long as it is leftist ends, all the means are palatable. All of his criticisms have a living, breathing life-size version on the left, but I would hazard a guess Lehman has never written a word about them. As to the Yarvin part, the only reason Democrats don’t fire everyone and replace with “their people” is that they are ALREADY “their people”. Basically, anyone that isn’t a leftist mole in Trump’s administration is a far right extremist.

Republican Overreach on Abortion Could Be the Party’s Downfall in November

Yeah, that didn’t age well. Maybe, like myself, more people are growing tired of the constant droning about abortion as a “right” and anything less than abortion on demand up to the moment of birth is slavery. I have had a fairly liberal view on abortion (I’m not a woman, so I leave it to them), but their hyperbolic rants are turning me toward 100% ban.

Biden’s Abortion Ambivalence Is Self-Defeating

I love that.. “reproductive freedom” as if there are any constraints on reproducing. Women can reproduce if they want to… they can NOT reproduce if they want to. They have all the freedom in the world. No, what they demand is “license to kill”, like 007. I’m sorry if falls upon women exclusively to bear the children, but believe me, it is something most of us non-reproducing humans hold in awe. For people that purport to “respect science”, they don’t seem to have a very good idea what it is. You know, you hypocritical leftists, you don’t HAVE to be Catholic. But, you can either be Catholic or support abortion, especially on the level you do.