The Week in Radical Leftism – Paul Krugman Edition!

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Did you hear the great news that Economic Illiterate Paul Krugman is retiring? Powerline’s John Hinderaker did and took notice. This might look like a lazy, borderline plagiaristic effort on my part, to which I respond, “The program is working.” There are two reasons I’m doing this: 1) I hate the Krugman type Leftists – as stupid as they are arrogant, with minds completely impervious to facts or logic. So I particularly love posts like this that eviscerate blowhards like Krugman, and 2) I’m on a mini vacation. I wanted to drop y’all some content, and even though I’m posting most of it here, be sure to read the original post. Enjoy!

In honor of Krugman’s retirement, here it is (Some links are now probably broken):

In Krugman Goes Around the Bend, I pointed out the absurdity of Krugman’s equating a group of country music fans destroying their own copies of Dixie Chicks CDs to Kristallnacht.

In The Paul Krugman Truth Squad, Paul linked to a post by Donald Luskin that showed that Krugman had dishonestly attacked the Bush tax cuts by comparing a single year’s salary in a newly-created job against the ten-year cost of the tax cuts that created that job.

In Krugman the Barbarian, I critiqued Krugman’s attack on Arnold Schwarzenegger, in which Krugman asserted that California’s taxes are “now probably below average.” Probably? He evidently was too lazy to look up the data–laziness is a frequent issue with Krugman–which showed that Californians then had the 8th-highest tax burden of the 50 states.

In Poor Paul Krugman, I noted that, contrary to Krugman’s characterization of Wesley Clark’s views–Clark was Krugman’s candidate of the moment–Clark had testified under oath that Saddam Hussein “has chemical and biological weapons.”

In Krugman On Civility, I ridiculed Krugman’s claim that the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 caused Osama bin Laden’s escape at Tora Bora in December 2001.

In Krugman Descends Further, I noted that, while Krugman had repeatedly criticized Republicans for being “uncivil,” the U.K. cover of his book The Great Unraveling depicted President Bush as Frankenstein’s monster, and Dick Cheney as Hitler. (Some things never change, do they?)

In Paul Krugman’s Credibility Recession, I showed that Krugman’s claims about current unemployment data were false. This was another case of Krugman making blithe (but fictitious) assertions about the unemployment numbers, assuming that no one would take the trouble to look them up.

In That Was Then, This Is Now, I pointed out that Krugman had written disapprovingly about Enron without disclosing that he was a paid Enron adviser who, when he was cashing Enron’s checks, did nothing about the supposed abuses that were the subject of his column.

In Ducks In A Barrel, we linked to a Donald Luskin column that showed how Krugman had misrepresented economic data to mislead his readers with respect to the Reagan administration’s record on taxes and the economy.

In Paul Krugman, Around the Bend, I called Krugman on his false statements about Florida’s Governor Jeb Bush.

In Krugmania, I pointed out that Krugman’s hysterical claim that President Bush stole the 2004 election in Ohio was based on false statements of fact that were easily demolished–if, that is, one actually does research instead of parroting goofy left-wing blogs, as Krugman so often does.

In Krugmania, Continued, I demonstrated that Krugman lied–once again, uncritically repeating a baseless claim on a left-wing blog–with respect to the Navy’s performance in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

In Deja Vu, I exposed another example of Krugman’s misleading characterization of economic data to draw a conclusion that was the opposite of the truth.

In Krugman Flails Wildly, Misses, I cataloged falsehoods in a Krugman column about Social Security.

In Krugman vs. Krugman, I pointed out that Krugman denounced, in his column, the idea that extending unemployment benefits can prolong unemployment as a “bizarre point of view,” while in fact his own textbook, Macroeconomics, makes precisely that point.

In Krugman Embarrasses Himself, Again, I criticized Krugman for fabricating a quote that he attributed to Newt Gingrich, which led to a red-faced correction in the Times.

In Sun Rises in East; Krugman Makes Fool of Himself, I ridiculed Krugman’s criticism of Republicans for using “eliminationist rhetoric,” i.e.–I’m not kidding!–“Fire Nancy Pelosi,” when Krugman himself wrote, to take just one of many examples: “A message to progressives: By all means, hang Senator Joe Lieberman in effigy.”

In Paul Krugman, Buffoon, I criticized Krugman for blaming Michele Bachmann for Jared Loughner’s murders, based on a false account of what Michele said in an interview with me.

In Paul Krugman, Punch Line, we posted a video of a room full of people bursting out in laughter when they learn that Krugman is the source for a liberal’s crackpot claim.

In Iowahawk vs. Krugman, we linked to Iowahawk’s dissection of yet another attempt by Krugman to lie with statistics, this time on education.

In Liberals: Wrong Again, Do They Care? I ripped Krugman’s baseless claim, which turned out to be entirely false, that Koch Industries stood to benefit from the sale of a handful of small, antiquated power plants in Wisconsin. This was one of countless examples of where Krugman repeated outlandish claims made on far-left web sites as though they were Gospel, without doing any investigation to determine whether they had merit, or, as in this case, were obvious fantasies.

Happy New Year!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted at Flopping Aces
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Krugman is such a running joke. I guess he figured that with his Nobel and working for the NYT, he could just say anything and everything he feels like without being questioned. I’ve never seen anyone that is supposed to be so smart be so 100% wrong 100% of the time. Though retired, I doubt he will shut up. He likes to hear his own voice too much.

But my favorite Krugman event was left out! When he was out stumping for Obamacare (you know, like any objective journalist would be doing) he appeared on a Canadian panel. Assuming, as most leftists do, that everyone does (or should) think just like he does, he asks an audience of Canadians if they like their health care, expecting a resoundingly positive response. Instead, the entire audience declared that hate it. He then admitted that was a “bad move”. This probably goes back to that “laziness” mentioned.

Happy New Year to all the various Bob’s and I hope your Christmas was merry.

I quit I went totally Cold Turkey on the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders over 20 years ago I havn,t watched the Fake News since Sept 12th 2001

So you have literally no idea what these legacy news outlets have said for nearly twenty-five years, but you have big, illiterate opinions about it.

Your hard on for Spurwing is embarrassing groomer.

Dont know this character you speak of but breaking news
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