How did Every Member of the Bush Administration Turn into a Democrat?

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A while back somebody over at Ace of Spades mentioned that with 2 or 3 exceptions, every member of Dubya’s administration turned into a Democrat. My first thought was “that can’t be right”, and then I got thinking. And it wasn’t pretty. So I decided I’d go through and get the backup behind Ace’s assertion. After going back and editing, this post feels like Apocalypse Now’s Captain Willard and his trip up the river that starts out OK and slowly but surely becomes a nightmare.  I report; you decide:

Press Secretary

Ari Fleisher – Not as bad as most of this list, but he did buy into the false narrative about Trump mishandling classified documents.

Scott McClellan – blasted the Dubya administration in his memoir, which actually works in his favor nowadays.

Tony Snow – Died in 2008, was always a Conservative.

Dana Perino – Condemned Coupmala for not immediately conceding.

So far so good. Don’t worry; it foes downhill quickly.

Attorney General

John Ashcroft – He called Trump a new hope for the US. I have to admit, I like him better now than I did back then,

Alberto Gonzalez – Endorsed Harris. Also supported Trump being cast into The Garland Archipelago with the rest of the January 6th Reichstag Fire victims.

Michael Mukasey – While he called Trump’s threat to prosecute Hillary were Banana Republic level, he stood by Trump during the lawfare against him. I give him kudos for consistency.

Secretary of Defense

Donald Rumsfeld – He might not have become a Democrat, but he was the architect of the new warfare strategy of “Endless war with no intention  of achieving victory.” I think a fairer assessment would be to label Rummy as Uniparty.

Robert Gates ” There aren’t enough Republicans denouncing White Supremacy.” I’ve got a better idea – how about if you go (fornicate) yourself?

Secretary of the Treasury

Henry Paulson – Architect of the $700 Billion bank bailout. Whenever his name would come up whenever I was talking politics with friends I always said I wished Dubya had introduced Paulson in a press conference like this:

Dubya: “This isn’t just ‘some guy.’ He has a name, and his name is Henry Paulson.”

Random Simpleton in the Press Corps: “I understand, sir. In serving this administration, a member has a name. And his name is Henry Paulson.”

The rest of the WHPC’s Simpletons join in, quietly chanting: “His name is  Henry Paulson. His name is Henry Paulson. ”

Sorry for the aside, but it’s been a while since I’ve had the opportunity to drop a good Fight Club reference.

John Snow – He got pushed out to be replaced with Paulson. That puts Snow in the Good Guy side of the ledger.

Secretary of State

Colin Powell –  He endorsed Barry O back in 2008, and after Trump was elected showed some incredible gall: “Powell didn’t mince words when discussing Trump and his actions while in office. He said that Trump was the first president in his lifetime who wasn’t attempting to unite the country.” Only a Democrat can tell such a bald faced lie with a straight face.

Condoleeza Rice – While smart enough to not hitch herself to the disaster that was Coupmala’s campaign, it’s not hard to figure out what she was suggesting when she said that “isolationism has never been the answer to the United States’ security or prosperity.” In all fairness she could have said much worse, but the era of the weak kneed Republican is over.

Vice President

Dick Cheney – He officially endorsed Harris for President. Although I can never prove it, I’m guessing t hat endorsement helped Trump more than Harris. Cheney even formed his own group, “Dicks for Harris”. OK, that last one may be made up. And don’t get me started on his daughter, who Ace once playfully suggested, “Go pheasant hunting with Daddy.”


And of course, there’s Dubya himself.  Who can forget that when Joey Sponge Brains Crapped pants* was dissolving our border it was Dubya who decided to call the GOP “isolationist, protectionist, and to a certain extent nativist.”. Not to mention his unkind words followed by silence towards The January 6th Reichstag Fire political prisoners. I think it might have been Kurt Schlichter who said something to the effect of “These were the people who defended you for eight years of you being called Bushitler. And this is how you thank us?”

Dishonorable Mention

John Bolton – OK, I admit it, I used to actually like this guy. He staved off Algore’s attempted coup back in 2000. I liked how he unapologetically pushed back on the Lefties in defending the Iraq war. Which I supported, along with Afghanistan, until I figured out that our leaders never had any intention of winning either war. And now he went full Blue-Anon warning that Trump wouldn’t accept the results if he lost. Nice knowing ya.

OK, so on further review I’d have to say that not everybody turned, but enough members did. And I am grateful for Trump shoving aside the Bushies – good riddance.

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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“These globalists want to squander all of America’s strength, blood, and treasure, chasing monsters and phantoms overseas, while keeping us distracted from the havoc they’re creating right here at home.” ― Donald Trump


Matt Gaetz doesn’t take the donor money, he’s not funded by Israel, he’s an actual reformer.” ― Jimmy Dore


Awaiting for approval < < < chickenshit douchebags

Well with that attitude you won’t need to wait for approval dumbfuck. You will not be allowed to comment at all.

Turn into?
Don’t anyone remember old Grampy Poppy Bush’s post-Reagan “kinder, gentler” Republican party?

They didnt turn into democrats, a Bush Republican is a different political species all together. Shape shifters, dangerous war pigs. They have no loyalty to party or country, contemptuous creatures of the lowest character.

Kind of my thought. It’s not that they changed; they were always those Republicans whose main concern was that the Democrats would like them and not destroy them, which they always did anyway. Trump and the Trump Republicans are a new breed, the true patriotic American representative that cares more about the country than anything else.

The Bushies gave us the Patriot act. They can shove forgiveness up their CIA sucking posteriors.

Colin Powell: back at the time he endorsed Obama, I could have sworn I read a quote of his where he specifically stated he endorsed Obama because he was black. However, when I needed to find that quote I never could. At the time, I figured I was just wrong, but in light of how things on the internet today, where things negative to the left disappears, I wonder…

Collin”“I think I’m a Republican of a more moderate mold,” he said before adding, “That’s something of a dying breed I’m sorry to say.”
Barry got the Peace Prize for being mullato, after building ISIS I think he should return it.

1988 worst thing Ive ever done. Voted my heart – he swore on a Bible he no longer felt America was racist-; head said – in 1980 he told us Christianity was “a mere superstition. Bible mens nothing!”.
From 1999 on watched 2 Gov Bushs CLOSE. Tex Gov put through many “5Year Plans” ’97 to ’99. To me it was clear Uncle Joe was his idea of a leader NOT MINE!

Voted Ronny 9 times. NEVER VOTED FOR W!